How to Expand Your Personal Online Training Business |

Aug 4, 2023

If you're looking to expand your personal fitness business We live in a period of unlimited opportunities. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics expecting a massive growth in personal trainers (19 20% from 2021 to 2031), and the global trainer market expected to grow to $65,5 billion by 2033, this is a field with plenty opportunities.

And making your company online can create an entirely new realm of opportunities and potential.

If you're looking to expand your business online through personal training In this article, we'll show you the steps to take. This article will discuss how you can do it and introduce you to the best way to deliver private training on the internet.

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    The post...

    What is a business for online personal training?

    Why your online personal training business must expand

      Stage 1: Need to launch

      Second Stage: You need steady revenues

      3. We need systems

      Stage 4: Need to scale

    Growing an online business for personal training (8 methods)

      1. Niche down

      2. Make flywheels and not funnels.

      3. Start a community

      4. Choose an all-in-one

      5. Develop scalable and scalable products

      6. Give More

      7. You can try a few ads

      8. Focus on the right social

    How do you get clients to become an online personal instructor

    Are you ready to expand?

What exactly is an online personal training business?

A business offering online personal training is a business in which a instructor uses a digital platform or software to offer digital products or services. Personal training online is conducted virtually and is possible with synchronous or Asynchronous methods. A lot of online personal trainers develop into products like fitness apps or even branded digital items.

How to build a fitness app

Here are a few of the most common characteristics of excellent online companies for personal training:


  •         Community    
  • Discussion forums        
  • Webinars        
  • Video content        
  • Written content and posts        
  • Live events        
  • Coaching 1:1        
  •         Coach group    
  • Live courses        
  • Pre-recorded course        
  • Programs        
  • Digital downloads (e.g. Training plans)      

There have been online personal training businesses from nothing to six, seven and sometimes even eight figures.

 - Graphics - Event Series -Body Soul Collective

What is the reason your online personal training company must grow

Businesses that offer online personal training can reach a lot of diverse points in which they're stuck, and require to expand.

Below are the more common issues that trainers are stuck and the things they require for moving to the next level.

Which of these best fits your business?

Stage 1: Need to Launch

If so, you need to start your personal online training company up and running. There are a lot of ideas and some interest for some early clients, but you have to develop an enticing value proposition and learn how to acquire clients.

    Solution: You need to define the product or service you offer and then find the perfect buyer.

 - Graphics - Build a Fitness App

2. Must have steady revenue

You've got some customers but struggle to keep everything in balance. You've found a way to market and provide the product, but the business you're running isn't as strong for it to remain stable.

    Solutions Focus on the people you can serve best and then figure out how you can find more of those clients.

Phase 3 You need systems

You're able to sustain your business's income, however you're trying to keep all the balls up in the in the air. You're exhausted and facing exhaustion, as well as feeling that the loss of money because your services and technology are too complicated.

You need systems to allow you to step back and be a business owner-after all, you did not set off with the intention of just having an additional full-time occupation.

    Solution: Simplify your life, streamlining, and simplify your business and tech.

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Step 4: Must scale

Your business is doing well and you've got some enthusiastic customers, but you have to take your company to the next level by learning to help more people. You're building better tech or utilizing a team of experts to scale.

    Solution: Utilize new technologies or team members to help individuals at large. Get away from 1:1 and create more services.

Pro Testimonial Slider Kula - DeviceDemo

Growing an online business for personal training (8 methods)

1. Niche down

Hard to believe, but trying to help all of the people you can could be your downfall. A lot of personal trainers working on the internet need to choose an area of focus.

If you're able to pinpoint a clear ideal client and you know how to meet their needs, you're in a position to start a business that is profitable.

One of the most impressive examples of this on Mighty is Martinus Evans' Slow AF Running Club. It is a place for "back of the pack runners," instructing them on how to begin running for first time. With this the ideal participant was instrumental in helping Martinus the community make the sum of $140,000 within his first year, and that's not even including features on Men's Health and the New York Times.

The process of finding the ideal customer will show them that you're an ideal person to aid them. Below are some strategies to locate an ideal client.


  • Search your story. Most of the time, you're in a position to assist the person whom you once. If you're aware of who this person has become... talk to them.      
  • Conduct a survey with potential clients to find what they are searching for, and what price they're willing to spend.        
  • Develop a specific test offer (e.g. an event or webinar) to determine whether there's interest.      


2. Create flywheels, not funnels.

The popular wisdom of marketing would have you believe that your job is to build the funnel. The way to do this is pretty simple. You start with a ton of potential buyers, and then go through an easy-to-follow process until you have a successful selling opportunity for the small proportion of those who're interested.

Funnels are a necessity.

We are also experiencing a different type of business pop up that is super profitable... with no funnel.

It's called a flywheel.

When you create the content you want to share, get your ideal customers into the conversation, assist them learn and grow, and then effortlessly make sales to them, then you've got a flywheel.

We observe it in private training firms that operate in a community all the time. Customers join in order to gain benefits from a membership. But once they're in your network, they meet new acquaintances, share material, pose questions as well as actively look for products that are new.

A community flywheel is such a game changer that McKinsey looked into it in the past and declared it to be the enterprise of the future.

It's also the ideal template for a personal online training company.

It's like this:
Produce content that adds value and engaging customers in dialogue (either via social media, or in an online community).


  1. Inspire conversation and participation as clients connect to you and with each other.        
  2. Create a high-value item or service which will meet the needs of your target customers. It's not hard to figure out their needs, because you've been in conversation with them.        
  3. Make it available to people in your community. Don't be concerned, even the ones who don't decide to buy, they remain in your network and continue to benefit from you until they're ready, unlike the funnel, where they'll just disappear.      
  4. Grow, learn and adjust. Continue to serve and listen for more opportunities.      

A flywheel can assist you when you can scale easily, and it brings your marketing, product, as well as customer service experiences into the same space.

grow personal training business

3. Start a community

We've sort of hinted at the idea, but creating an online community of your own is among the most effective ways to build the flywheel. You get your members and clients under your own brand, in your ecosystem that consume content created by you (and developing their individual ).

Communities are a great way to build an online business of personal training... It is possible to combine content, courses communities, commerce, and community together. All you have to do is aid clients in reaching to the next stage.

Create your own name for free! Take a look at our community name generator to pinpoint your field of interest and stimulate your creativity.

Check out our Community Name Generator

Our AI engine is available to assist you in creating the perfect community name. It will feel like magic. You just need to share a few lines about who your community is intended for, and then we'll go working.            Input maxlength="60" name="idealMember" placeholder="Who do you wish to connect?" type="text" value=""/>


Examples: coaching clients, meditation novices, vegan chefs, dog lovers, aspiring entrepreneurs, etc.

Ask for Ideas

The names that Mighty Co-Host(tm) are examples only and can be utilized by other companies or under third-party rights. For more information, check our Terms.

4. Select an all-in-one

We repeatedly see and it prevents your personal training company from expanding.

If you're using HTML0 to run a calendar app as well as a video platform program software for courses, email software, and a payment processor as separate systems, you're waking up to the life of a nightmare.

The best way to fix it is by using one of the most effective app for personal trainers  that is an all-in-one application that covers all you require.

If you're working across multiple platforms, people will get confused and drop off-we call this the leakage of community .

Bring everyone to the same spot using an all-in-one coach system with all of the native functions that you require, which can simplify your life and aid in your growth.

Hear cristy "Code Red" Nickel discuss how moving her fitness business onto her own app changed everything:

5. Build scalable offers

A one-on-1 personal training online business could be extremely rewarding, however at some point you're going end up running out of time in a day.

In order to grow your digital business, you'll need to find ways to increase the size of your offerings. Most likely, this will refer to one of two things offering more customers all at once, or using digital products.

If, for instance, you created a program for training and made it available as a package with live instruction, you could serve more clients with less work. If you are able to offer groups of coaching, you can offer multiple clients at a time or even offer the program at a cheaper price.

Combining bundles with digital goods to make scale frees up more time while providing more value.

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6. Offer More

There is a temptation to think business growth means the acquisition of new customers. Yet, it's true that one of the best ways to grow your business is the clients you already have.

Many trainers and coaches do not realize the opportunities that exist in their flywheel. Pay attention to your customers' current needs, connect with your community, and you'll find many opportunities for revenues.

Perhaps it's a specific program or high-end item. It could be a gathering. Whatever it is, find ways to provide more value to your existing clients.

image - elearning platform

7. You can try a couple of ads

Sometimes spending on ads to gain customers may make sense. Naturally, you'll need to determine where this will fit within your overall customer acquisition.

The idea could be to get potential clients into your community flywheel. Or, you could opt for a funnel that is traditional that guides customers toward a purchase.

The two most popular approaches to advertising include Google cost-per click (CPC) or ads on social media.


  • Through Google CPC, you bid on a keyword that you are willing to be willing to pay. When someone types that query into Google and then clicks your link, you pay an amount. However, this could be worth it if the product generates more revenue than what it takes to earn clicks.      
  • When it comes to social media marketing the message is smaller and less specific. It's about building audience with interests that match your company's interests and then serve them appropriate adverts.      

8. Make sure you are focusing on the correct social

Because we're on the subject of social media, let's talk about how to focus on the best social media.

Contrary to common belief You don't have to join every social media channel actively for your personal online training business.

Concentrating on a few platforms and gaining experience using the right ones can bring more value than trying without success to make use of the entire suite. Find out where your potential clients are AND mix it with the type of content you love to produce.


For example:


  • Teaching busy execs how to fit personal training into their day? Do you try LinkedIn.      
  • Are you doing short videos that demonstrate exercises? Consider TikTok as well as YouTube (Shorts ).    
  • Full workout video classes? Consider YouTube or Facebook Video      
  • Inspirational pictures and quotes? Probably Instagram.      

If you concentrate on the platforms that which your customers spend their time on AND that host the content you love to write, you boost the chances of success.

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How do you get clients as an online personal instructor

Here are our top ways to attract clients as personal trainers on the web:

Expand your network: An incredible community is able to serve the flywheel's technology.

Give value to social: Numerous successful training businesses start from personal trainers who provide value via social media. Often, they do this with video.

Develop an lead magnet Offering the best of your products for free to help people get into your community is an effective method to attract new customers.

Create an email list If you already have subscribers who've signed up receive your emails, that's half the battle. Consider offering these people something of value.

Think about ads If executed properly, paid advertising can be an effective way to get people into the flywheel.

Join marketplaces and messages boards There are sites where users are searching for virtual personal trainers.

Request references: If you do great work, your existing raving clients can be the best way to get referrals to new clients.

Host an occasion: Live events can be a cool opportunity to stand out in front of the crowd who are interested in your brand, and impress potential customers.

Ready to grow?

No matter what your level, if you're looking to take your business in personal training up to a higher level I hope this article can help. If you're in search of an online platform that can help you establish and develop a successful online personal training business Join us to build your business your business with Mighty!

mixes content, courses, community, and commerce. It gives you a ton of features that can be adapted to the training industry: secure Spaces, live streaming, live & pre-recorded courses online, Virtual events, Chat & messaging, profile pages for members as well as many more. It comes with a beautiful app, but you can develop your own customized training software when you're ready.

In fact, Mighty is the only platform that lets you create and manage your own flywheel, selling access and bundles of 135 currencies. Start for with a free trial for 14 days!

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