How to create the perfect recap video

Jun 3, 2023

Before you even take a moment to think about it, the day of planning is done. It is estimated that companies have three to six months in order to organize and plan an event that is small in scale. The creation of videos that record events is the best option to make sure that blog entries will be seen by people around the world long after the event has ended.

Recaps of event videos can be an effective method to increase the exposure of your company and encouraging attendees to come back the next event, and get in touch with a larger number of prospective clients.

This blog will provide top practices, best tips and suggestions to create videos that can assist people in recalling those memorable times as well as encourage them to sign up for your next gathering.

In this article

  1.     What is an event recap video?
  2.     What's the purpose behind why that we produce or distribute deep video recaps and reruns?
  3.     How can you make and distribute video summaries of events
  4.     Event recap video best practices
  5.     The closing

What do you mean by an event-recap video?

Event recap videos are usually about one-to three minutes in length. The purpose of these videos is to provide viewers with an notion of what the experience was like during the event.

The edited video is then connected to branding images and music for a lasting memory of the day. This illustrates an illustration of an event which was held with as well as with The Vendry situated at Los Angeles.

Why is it important to make and distributing the videos of event recaps?

The videos that summarize activities help marketing professionals understand the essence of the occasion. People who attended the event are able to review it, even those not in a position to attend could become motivated to register for the next event.

Videos of event recaps are a great way to reduce the cost of production for your event. They can also ensure that your event remains engaging or informative following the curtain call.

Make sure you maximise your return on investment and produce content that will last forever.

Following months of preparation, you're likely to find you don't want for your event to go under the radar when your celebration is over. Videos that recap the event will increase exposure of your event, and help keep it on the minds of everyone.

Furthermore, they could be reused in order to convert the event's content into permanent video content, gaining more value for the initial expense. Make use of event recaps videos for sites, social media posts announcements, or newsletters to be used in the upcoming marketing campaigns.

Make your event, as well to increase sales

When you post videos from the event, you can reach a wider number of people who might have been unable to attend your event. The people who could not attend or who were not conscious of your event could enjoy the highlights of the event in order to understand its importance and might be enticed to go to your next event.

Engagement increases can result in sales like the registration of events and subscriptions, or sales.

Latha Youngren is the CMO of the Event Management Software Tripleseat Latha Youngren CMO at the the event management software Tripleseat the review video of their annual conference. EventCamp aids them in their various digital marketing campaigns and in promoting their ethical business standards.

"Beyond beyond" the content of the recap It is also utilized to serve other functions. We utilize it to advertise the upcoming EventCamp through mailers, blogs, social media sites, posts, and even in commercial video. It's a fantastic method to show our commitment to customer care and the corporate values when applying for the chance to attend the event."

You should be able to prove the achievements of the event

Recap videos are a visually illustrative of the event's success. By displaying the testimonials of attendees as well as positive reviews and a positive general impression and the event's organizers are competent in establishing legitimacy that the events have. If you've never attended any event, they give you the opportunity to view what they've missed but aren't able to view.

What are the most efficient ways of creating and distributing videos of the important events?

The ability to create a compelling video of an event is essential when you are preparing. Find out the message you wish to share and your message that you want to share before starting the process of making. Create a distribution plan in order to ensure it's within the reach of most appropriate people.

Keep a log of your event before your event ends.

Before the actual event, you should make sure that you have the proper strategy that allows you to record important events to add into your document.

Latha of Tripleseat believes that the primary factor for creating an effective video recap of an event is a large program. Before the annual meeting of the company, the team has a plan of what content they'll produce to create their post-conference video materials.

"At Tripleseat, the planning begins well before the time when EventCamp begins. We select the types of pictures we'd like to incorporate into the film and the most enticing locations for the festival and also some of the most loved guest speakers and guests" She says.

"We employ a local, experienced videographer. We brief them with regards to what they will capture as well as the mood of the background music as well as the amount of work required and the duration of each frame."

Determine who you would want to see and the most important messages you want to communicate

A video that is intended to review previous events might appear different than one that was created to entice people to go to the next one. Before a videographer starts recording, they must determine what is the goal of the film is and also who the intended audience the film is targeted.

Is it the highlight reel, or social proof? Perhaps a teaser for the coming year or other concept? After you've identified the message that you want your audience to hear through the video summary, it's easy to create your story.

Nebojsa Savicic Co-founder and co-creator of the video automation software is the creator of the video automation software. The video of the event's recap makes people feel as if that they are part of the event.

"You have to create some ideas. Consider what you want viewers to learn from the film. Would they like to learn what the most memorable moments of the day along with the principal speaker, or even the story behind it which takes place in the background? If you have a specific purpose in mind, then you can begin to map your content."

For those who have participated at the event previously you can highlight the main lessons learnt along with highlights of the questions and solutions. A teaser clip that will invite attendees to join for future events could contain more video reviews as well as videos that show what was fun at the event.

For instance, Snap uses their event videos to create excitement prior to their forthcoming feature launch.

The format must be based on specifications for the channel

The method you choose to use your film is dependent on the distribution channel you choose. So, it is crucial to consider whether you want to use landscape or horizontal, which work the best efficiently with the distribution platform you pick.

Design a distribution strategy

The creation of a plan for distribution can help you to draw more attention to the film. Before hitting publish and publish you should create an outline of the websites that you will be using to promote the summary of the video. Importantly, you should ensure that you publish your video on channels that viewers are likely to be.

Nowadays, 60% of marketers make use of social media in order to boost registrations for events. If you are a part of an crowd that is spending time in your location, then it is time to publish your video review.

Latha Youngren provides an explanation of the method used to Tripleseat distribute the film on various locations to boost its exposure.

"We send our recap videos to our participants through emails and then publish it on a number of social media platforms. We also ask employees to share the information with their network. It is also possible to incorporate it into a blog post about the event which recaps the entire experience as well as on our EventCamp website," she says. "We include participants and speakers in the video, to let them that we've made it public and also show it off to their networks."

"We improved the contents using keywords such as'marketing conference summary 'industry research', and  networking performance. Then, we transformed the audio to English, and then created an SEO-friendly landing page on our site, as well as adding the video as a compelling blog article" she says.

"Our video was a viral hit, creating waves in the market and attracting hundreds of viewers. The video boosted the exposure of our company's name, and established us as a market leader. It also generated potential customers." Maria Harutyunyan, co-founder & Director of SEO at Loopex Digital

This is the best moment to make the best choice.

The information you include in the summary portion of your video will depend on what you're trying to accomplish. If you'd like the opportunity to connect with those who've not attended the event to remind them of important lessons learned and the things to remember, it's best to make your video summary available in the days that follow the event in order to make sure they're aware of what you've shared.

If you're looking to boost the number of people who sign up to attend your event in the next three months, then you can upload the video at any interval prior to the date of the event.

Event recap video best practices

Are you prepared to create an online video of the event you are planning to document? Make sure you follow these three top guidelines before you get going.

  1. Succinct and sweet

The recap video for the event gives an overview of the things that happened, however it's not a comprehensive account of the events which took place.

Pay attention to the amount of time people are viewing and also their concentration. The last time we did this, Nexus created a recap video that lasted just 2 minutes. The video also included the opinions of Industry leaders who were at the.

If you've got footage that isn't being used to create content, it can be reused for posts on social media or promo videos to lower costs for production.

  1. Social proof should be integrated into the design.

The social proofing of your company can help to build trust with your customers. When potential customers are able to read positive reviews from guests who have recently attended your event, they might be more likely to register for your next event.

The company-focused online community"Change Your Biz integrates social proof into the video by soliciting speakers and guests to write about their favorite memories of their trip.

  1. Showcase big names

If you've had the pleasure of hosting an expert, brand or or any other prominent individuals they should be mentioned in the content. It could be an example of social currency which could encourage other readers to subscribe to your next issue.

Also, there is the added benefit that by incorporating these people or brands within the video, they will be able to send your video's content to fans that could in promoting the video.

To give an example of a festival that is creative, SXSW includes prominent film and TV actors like Robert Downey Jr, Elizabeth Olsen and Eva Longoria in their daily report of the festival.

Recaps of events: Questions 1. What is the length of the video of recaps for the event?

A brief description of the events the discussion is expected to range from one to 3 minutes. The goal is to make a more similar to the highlight reel but as an entire feature film. 2. What are the benefits of replays on video?

Video recaps of important event provide many benefits, such as:

  • Increase the visibility of your event
  • Enhance the impact of your celebration
  • Encourage the potential participants to sign up
  • Create trust among your viewers

The last

Videos of recaps of events can make those who weren't able to attend the event feel like they're part of the occasion. They could also inspire people to go next time. This is also a chance to make the content of your event better for the attendees beyond the point at which your event ends.

Highlight reels and video reviews of guests, and even recaps of the event, can help in marketing your event to a larger population. Take a look at these suggestions and guidelines for methods to showcase your event's highlights. Create social proof and boost the number of attendees who register.

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