How To Create An Online Course Website Step-By-Step Tutorial

Nov 29, 2022


Learn this step-by-step tutorial to discover the procedure of designing a site for an online class in CreativeMindClass which is a tool for free utilized by some of the most renowned creators.

 - Start creating your website

website for an online course guide example

 How to build the website of your online course in 6 easy steps

Persuade your audience to buy by using visuals and text.

A well-organized, informative web site can sell your course for you. It all comes down to answering this simple inquiry: What makes anyone choose your course over another? Make the promises clear to your customers to let them know what to anticipate. A course's website that converts well is usually simple, original, and inspiring. It includes attention-grabbing copy and visuals representing the main advantages, and a simple message to take action.

In this article we will show you the right way to create a stunning site with CreativeMindClass. The software lets you continuously present the benefits of your class using texts, pictures, promo videos. You can also build a site that is convincing to your audience.

  This guide will help you follow these steps.  

  1.         Get the visitors' interest
  2.         Add inspiring visuals
  3.         Introduce your course
  4.         Highlight benefits
  5.         Give a taste of your class
  6.         Make it available to your audience

 1. Attract the attention of your visitor

When you are creating your site, you must get your message across quickly before your potential customer moves on. First thing that they will read is your headline. It clearly outlines the benefits of your program and explains what a visitor will get.

Make sure it's short, sharp, and clear. The most effective way to ensure that the headline is short is to include a second headline. It could end at the conclusion of the headline or an additional phrase that reinforces the headline's main point.

Online course website guide Step 1: Grab the visitor's attention

 What is it? in CreativeMindClass

  1. Click Edit button on Welcome section.
  2. Write Headline.
  3. Type Sub-HEADLINE.

 2. Add inspiring visuals

Make sure that your readers are aware of the offer through the hero picture (or background video) placed on the top part of your course's website. What does this hero image tell us about the value of your online course? Place your potential customer within a scene you've designed to help your audience. Your images should be big clear, sharp, and of high-quality.

Online course website guide Step 2: Add inspiring visuals

 What is it? within CreativeMindClass

  1. Click Edit button on the Welcome section.
  2. Click HERO Image, BACKGROUND VIDEO or ANIMATIONto upload your own images.

 3. Start your class

Give some basic information about the online course you are offering. What does it do? How long is it? How many classes do you offer? Are you able to give bonus materials? What is the course's project? What is the purpose of the class? It helps users who browse your site quickly to understand the product they're purchasing.

Online course website guide Step 3: Introduce your course

 What is it? within CreativeMindClass

  1. Click the Edit button on the Overview section.
  2. Type Header.
  3. Write PARAGRAPH.

 4. Highlight benefits

Clearly stated benefits persuade most people. Provide additional details about the benefits of the learning process and their worth. What skills will students learn? What are the benefits of the course for the students? What is the transformation they undergo? What are the most painful problems you can solve?

One of the easiest ways to emphasize benefits is to write a short and clear header. Add a second subheader to support the main statement. In your paragraphs, write about the key learning outcomes, and describe shortly the value you're providing.

Another way to highlight the positive aspects of your program is to use an eye-catching photograph.

Online course website guide Step 4: Highlight benefits

 How to do it in CreativeMindClass

  1. Click the Edit button on the Benefits section.
  2. Type HEADER.
  3. Type the SUB-HEADER.
  4. Write PARAGRAPH.
  5. Click SECTION IMAGEand upload your image.

PRO TIP: Focus on three main advantages. The copy should be short and simple to keep your reader's interest. Circle back to remove anything which is difficult to follow.

 5. Give a taste of your meal

Anyone who's thinking of purchasing your online course wants to get a sneak glimpse of the content. The best way to present the information about the course is all about with a cool promo trailer. For a promo trailer, it is possible to create a lively video with a duration of between 30-60 seconds.

Online course website guide Step 5: Give a taste of your course

 How to do it in CreativeMindClass

  1. Simply click My Classesin the main menu, to launch it.
  2. When in class, click on the class page tab to open it.
  3. Click VIDEO TRAINERto upload your promotional video.

 6. Share it with your audience

Congratulations! Once you've prepared the course's website Your online course design has been completed. It's an exciting time after all your effort.

Another type of work begins! The time is now to share the news with your followers. Insert the link on your website, social media, blog or email address, and begin your promotional campaign.

Pro Tip: Prior to you share the course with your audience, make sure that the class's activities and lessons is published.

Online course website guide Step 6: Share it with your audience

 How to do it within CreativeMindClass

  1. Click Settingsin main menu menu to open it.
  2. Copy CreativeMindClass page URL.
  3. You can share your course with the audience.

 And you're done!

Once your site is complete, you have a beautiful tool to advertise your course. If you're starting a new online course right today, you can use the no-cost template provided below to design a new website, or check out our full instruction to creating an online course.

  Design your own website to promote your online class. Today.

Get started for FREE by using CreativeMindClass's simple-to-use template.

video lessons for online course guide example

  - Start your course website

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