How to Create an Content Calendar in Google Sheets - WordPress Membership plugin for Members Sites

Jul 22, 2023

How Do You Create A Content Calendar with Google Sheets

The proper planning of your schedule will keep your site's content in good order. You don't have to shell out for a costly software program to handle your website. Make the ideal content calendar with a software that you've probably used before: Google Sheets. Find out the process.

How to create a content calendar in Google Sheets

The exciting world of content marketing where deadlines come closer than the speed of a cheetah running taking a drink of energy.

Imagine being in this high-octane setting with no guide, no feeling of direction, or any idea of what you are trying to achieve. Sounds daunting, doesn't it?

It's the exact feeling when you manage and manage content with no content schedule.

Content calendars are photo-based timeline which outlines the content you'll post and the place it'll be displayed, and the exact timeframe for its publication.

It's much more than the most sophisticated planner. It's at the core of your content plan to ensure that your goals for marketing stay in line and that your target viewers are active.

Gripped audience eating popcorn

We'll provide our most popular tips and how to create a content schedule using Google Sheets, that'll keep the entire team on task and on time!

Benefits of making use of Content Calendar are numerous. Content Calendar

There are a variety of reasons to be organized and having a schedule in place:

The process of your team can be streamlined

The content calendar provides all important information needed by your team of creatives and additional outside contributors.

It describes:

  • What needs to be done,
  • Deadlines,
  • Other important details (such as the use of keywords and references)
  • as well as the individual accountable for each job.

This transparency can dramatically reduce confusion, delays in the last minute and miscommunications.

With everyone crystal clear on the roles they play, everyone is focused on doing their best job. That's the perfect formula for efficiency!

Strategically Organised Content

By having a schedule for content, you're not throwing content at the wall and hoping for the best. Every piece of content serves a purpose and contributes to the overall strategy for content.

It makes sure that your content has a purpose that is consistent with the themes you have chosen, and is in line your brand's messaging. Additionally, you will be able to assure that every content type and topic gets its equal amount of coverage and ensure that nothing remains undiscovered.

Schedule Content Before Timing

Give yourself the gift of time with a content calendar

You're up late, the deadline is approaching, you're trying to compose the blog article or create the perfect headline for your social media blog article. If you're experiencing this then you'll need an outline for your blog post!

By having a schedule of content, such anxiety-inducing situations are avoided.

You can plan your content in weeks or months in advance, giving you plenty of time to collect data, conduct research, and develop more entertaining, interactive material.

Additionally, it allows the coordination of content with critical dates or hours relevant to your company or industry.

Diversify Content

A calendar of content provides you with a snapshot of the content environment.

It is easy to determine if your content is mixed with different kinds of content such as blogs, social media updates and podcasts or even videos. Colors are an excellent method to test the quality of your content visually.

Content Calendar Example

Your information is always fresh and exciting, meaning your audience doesn't become bored with similar content.

Those are just a few advantages of making the effort to plan your content ahead.

The creation of a successful Schedule for Content Schedule

Let's go through a step-by-step guideline that will help you to improve your strategy to success.

Step 1: Determine the objectives for your Content Marketing

There is no reason to make content to just make it look good. If you want to increase the impact of your content, then you must identify your goals as well as the direction you're taking.

Identify "Why" and "Who"


What's the reason to create your content?

Arrow hitting target blue yellow leadership aiming achievement goal target


When you've established your objectives, it's time to connect with the key player in the game of content and your intended audience.

They are the people that you wish to connect with through your content. If you are more aware of the demands, preferences, as well as difficulties, the better chance you have capable of creating content that connects with.

Use This Information Everytime You Create Content

The goals you have for your content marketing and your target audience that you wish to reach should be top of mind each whenever you create or compose the next piece of information.

These factors will determine what kind of content to create as well as the topics you'll be covering along with the media channels that you'll choose to use for publishing your content.

Step 2: Planning Your Content Strategy

Now that we've nailed down the fundamentals, keeping your goals and your audience in mind we can get into making the content plan.

This is the moment where your creativity and strategy meet, and when your content calendar takes shape. Sip a glass of your favorite beverage, slip on your creative hat, and go working!

Finding Ideas to Create Content

Start to think of concepts for your the content. When we talk about content, we're referring to all kinds of content.

  • Blog posts,
  • Posts on social media,
  • Newsletters,
  • Podcasts,
  • Webinars,
  • Videos,
  • Infographics
  • Quotes
  • Customer reviews
  • Demos

Be bold! Take a look at every kind of media your customers use, and the reasons they're driven to buy.

Consider, for example it's your online educational website designed for professionals seeking to improve their career and hope to provide them with fresh abilities and skills regardless of their busy schedules.

Your content schedule could include brief tutorials, simple to follow tutorials, or inspiring success stories to be shared through the various platforms that career-focused professionals will likely interact on, including LinkedIn and Twitter.

TIP I: Use ChatGPT to generate Content Ideas

Everybody is trying to find ways to make use of ChatGPT in order to improve their effectiveness. ChatGPT is a fantastic approach to do this.
    The potential of ChatGPT allows you to brainstorm thoughts. It's an AI system of language. It's skilled at providing diverse and innovative ideas that might never be considered.

Begin by defining your content's objectives as well as the intended users (as you did in the first step) and then interact with ChatGPT as if it were a dialogue.

Here's how you can create the perfect prompt

1. Define your business and the market

"We're an entrepreneur-run company specializing in natural skincare products that target those who are health conscious and aged between 20-35.

2. Define your purpose

We've launched a brand new line of cruelty-free and vegan skincare products. Our goal is to increase the sales on our website by letting people know about the amazing positive effects of our skincare products.

3. ChatGPT ChatGPT which content suggestions you'd like to see the company come up with?

Are you able to help us to develop convincing content ideas or methods to highlight the benefits of our products and convince our intended audience to make a purchase?."

Here's the result GPT-4 produced with this question:

It is then possible to request to provide you with blogs titles and outline ideas, or even suggest topics for quizzes that are interactive.

Interaction is the key - the more precise you are in your request, the more focused and helpful the answers.

Tip II: Search for words that relate to the subject of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Keywords are what really matter in SEO in the case of web-based content. Including powerful keywords is an important element to make sure that your website's content doesn't get hidden in the sea of content online and appearing in the results pages for the potential users.

The report also offers a fascinating study of how customers are searching for similar items to yours on the internet. By using your research into keywords it is possible to develop content that meets the needs of your customers or fulfills the needs of their customers.

SEMrush as well as Google Keyword Planner Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush are great instruments to discover these valuable hidden gems. Embed these keywords into the text on your site in order to improve your SEO and push your site higher on the list of rankings for search engines.

SEMrush homepage 2023

3. Create a the master Content Calendar in Google Sheets

Once you've got an picture of the type of content you'll offer, you'll need to figure out the best date and time to distribute the content.

There may be a live video planned for your website, or an electronic newsletter that's waiting for be sent out, a brand new presentation of your product, or a social gathering all scheduled for the same time in the same month.

Also, consider your blog's regular posts as well as the posts you make on social media every day.

The time frame for your posts is entirely dependent on you. However, remember that consistent posting is crucial in order for all of your channels to succeed.

A master calendar is essential. The goal of having a master calendar is to provide a bird's eye view of your strategy for the content you publish and also to create an outline of when you will publish each piece of content.

This is how you achieve it:

Within your Google Drive account, click New towards the left-hand corner of your screen. shift your mouse over the arrow that is to the left of an icon, then select from a template

Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Yearly Calendar. This will produce an annual calendar that will be used for the year in which you are currently.

Select from the Customize Your Calendartab for a selection of styles. When you're done, can delete that tab in order to free up space for useful information.

Once you have done that, simply click on the tab which corresponds to the month you would like to switch.

Input the kind of content you want to deliver during the time, then color the content to make it clear what kind of content you have planned for the day. It will help ensure that you've got the appropriate mixture of content.

Content Calendar in Google Sheets

Individual Content Calendars

When your month-long overarching plan has been established, it's now time to think about the specifics.

Who's the author? How much lead time do you have to edit and design the text? Who's responsible for social media, and what will they post? We've got plans to handle these tasks too!

This is how you can make a calendar for your blog using Google Sheets:

  • Select on the (+) icon at the right-hand corner of your Google Sheet to add the tab.
  • Click the tab to move it up to the correct month.
  • Make Blog Schedule Sections Blog Calendar Sections with columns to
  • Publication Date
  • Blog Post Topic/Title
  • Writer
  • Deadline (give yourself plenty of time to revise and format your blog post in prior to the date of publication)
  • Keywords
  • More details
  • Based on the style your blog is designed You can add additional columns such as "Blog Category" (long-form, short-form informationgraphic, short-form, etc. ).
  • Copy and paste the data from your master calendar.
  • Assign the task to another writer, by right-clicking the cell, and then pressing Comment.
  • @tag an individual on the team or input the whole email address of the person responsible for assigning them.
  • Make sure everyone contributing to the project has access the calendar.
blog content calendar and social media calendar

Let's take a examine the calendar of social media events.

You may either make a new tab or, to create a more central blog, simply enter the info below your blog schedule.

In all schedules for social media You should add:

  • Social Media Platform
  • Post Time
  • Day
  • Content

To create a comprehensive plan, it is possible to include relevant hashtags, links, images or photos as well as the actual content of your post.

As with your blog's scheduling, it is possible to choose an author to the blog, as well as include an indication of the queue count that is already set by your software for managing social media (like Buffer or Hootsuite).

To conclude

It will help you plan the strategy for your content and ensuring that your goals for marketing align and align A schedule of your content could be your reliable companion in the ever-changing market of content for marketing.

Utilizing Google Sheets as your platform creating a content schedule is just as simple as it is effective.

From master calendars to precise calendars for social media and blogs There are many tools you need to streamline your process to diversify your content and stay at the top of your game.

What's the point? Get started to leverage the power of a carefully designed content calendar right now and watch your efforts to promote the content you create grow.

Keep in mind that the success of content marketing does not depend on who is loudest or most raucous, but who plans the best. If you've got a fresh content calendar, you're on the right track. Now, let's get planning!

     Do you make use of the calendar of contents? Are you thinking of ideas that you want to share with the members community? Please share them with us in the comments below.

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