How To Create A Promo Video For Your Online Course

Jul 1, 2024

The strategy you choose for how increase the efficiency of your school will depend on the program you're using for your students and the people that you're trying attract, but regardless of the type of person you're trying to bring to your school, one factor is sure to boost the effectiveness of the program which is being run to inform people regarding the advantages of using video. It's a single of the most effective strategies to connect with people you meet on the internet.

If you're new to the world of video you might think it's difficult however it's not! If you've got the proper technology, and a carefully planned method, you can create videos that reflect the strategy you have in place, and draw the attention of potential customers. Let's take a look at the fundamental principles behind video marketing as well as the advantages that are the reason it is a very effective device.

     What's the point of using video marketing to market?

Video marketing involves using videos to promote your company. That's it! It's extremely simple and strong. It's easy to use and extremely powerful. promotional videos are videos that have been designed to promote an event the item or service, such as an offer, event as in the case of a live lecture. Many promotional videos are small (ours usually around 15 seconds)) they can be utilized to reach precisely the same goal to grab students at their attention through an example.

In reality, it's not the first time companies use video to promote your business. Videos have been used by customers for quite a long period of time. What makes the video industry distinct of interest isn't the recent advancements of technology. This isn't the outcome of a social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat--these are the platforms that social media provide users with the (relatively) distinct means to communicate ideas and keep in touch. Because they're all available as apps for smartphones and tablets, users are able to access the platforms at any time. This means that your class could offer a wonderful way to ensure the continuity of your intended student group.

     What's changed since we were introduced to social media? How can you market the video content you create?

It's also changed how people communicate with one another. Internet has changed the ways you communicate with people in the group which you're trying to connect with. Contrary to radio or television, using social media doesn't mean you can't participate in conversations. Furthermore, the quantity of people that ads through social media have the potential to reach is astonishing. Think about this:

     Are the benefits of using video marketing more than the effort and time that will be required for its creation?

The answer is simple and fast is definite"yes. If you're looking for the exact answer Be certain to identify the people who could be the ideal target group for the videos you make to advertise your business.

  • When you make videos containing high-quality material, you'll be able to evoke emotions from the viewers. Videos can be a fantastic opportunity to show the highlights of your organization that make sense to people watching your video. The viewers might feel they have more knowledge of your company than they do looking up the info on the printed version. This is crucial to increase your company's visibility through the training sessions you run.
  • Videos are easier to digest and effective as effective. As they give viewers an aspect of their world that they can focus on, they allow viewers to convey their message easily and with ease. Method, which mixes audio and pictures to enhance the effectiveness of.
  • Utilizing video-based marketing can increase the likelihood of customers making into consideration purchasing the product or service being promoted and those keen to purchase the product or service will be more likely to register for a class online.

Interacting with the viewers is the principal goal of video marketing. It's crucial to look at the technological aspects of marketing through videos, and then figure out ways to boost the involvement. It's hard to establish connections with clients who do not see the content you've made. There are a variety of ways in which the way that video marketing may aid the marketing efforts of the institution you work with by placing your message before a wider audience:

  • Most people share videos that they like on social media. Videos can help in helping to market your brand. If you're proficient at creating videos, it's easy to create marketing tools that can benefit your clients as customers. They'll be eager to show your videos to their families and friends as well as their professional networks. They're likely to join the classes they take via the web.
  • You don't have to spend a lot of money on equipment or spend a lot editing. Actually, it can be utilized to promote the products or services of your business on the go (it's easy to create videos than blogs!). It is possible to create ads and then publish them within just a few hours (not long) It is possible to create videos to promote your business that are educational compelling, engaging and last for a long time. The result is that people are more likely to share the video.
How to create a promo video for your online course | Julie Ball |

     Can video marketing keep your course relevant?

Alongside the benefits that use video content to promote marketing as we've previously discussed however, there's another reason why the use of video content as a component of your marketing is a great alternative. It's relevance.

With the advancement of technology Companies must stay informed of the latest technology to remain in contact with their intended viewers. Video marketing is among the various steps of an array of technological advancements and tactics for marketing. But, Cisco predicts that video content will make up 70 percent of Internet consumption by 2017. Nielsen reports that around 64 percent of experts in marketing think that video content will become a key element of strategies to market.

Here are some steps I use when creating commercial videos:

Step 1: SET UP

It's essential to create an outline of the things you'd like to complete prior to investing in a video.

  • Pick the purpose you'd like the audience to attain in the film. What are the steps you would like viewers to follow after watching? Note it down! It is important to take your time prior to moving forward
  • What are the details you'd like to include in the video? Include the images or videos you'd like to add.
  • What are the details you would like to make public? Be sure to include any the details of an event or promotion like coupons or even an appeal to take action.


This is why the vast majority of people do not have the required skills or understanding of the technology. There is no need to master technical expertise now! We design all the content that we create for our videos to promote them via phones.

  • Decide the location you'll shoot your video. Utilize the top apps so that you can create a stunning video within five minutes. The top five iPhone video games are Quik, Legend, Stop Motion, Flipagram, Ripl and Boomerang. There are some games that cost nothing, while some are for cost-free. You can download templates that you may download. It means that you don't need to "design" something. If you're not the most proficient in the field of technology, you can try Flipagram initially, since it's just a slideshow.
  • Upload the photos along with your personal details in the software you are confident with. Use only photographs you've taken or that are legally authorized to make use of. Don't use images taken from Google!
  • Want music? Certain software applications come with built-in music beds that can aid in creating a gorgeous audio effect for your film. Note that the bulk of the music available in the iTunes library iTunes library is covered by copyright. It is possible to face a penalty if you make use of music in the video. But, you will not receive permission to include the song in the video. (i.e. there is a chance of an opportunity to be sued. Your music could be restricted, and the music that you upload may be taken off social media websites. Gaaaahhh!) The best option to buy music or sound is A.I. Audio Jungle.
  • After you've completed recording, you'll be able to save it to the camera roll or move it to the application.

When you upload your content to Instagram the video you upload must be approximately 3-60 seconds. Take note that the viewers focus may be less... Make sure that the video isn't too long.

If you want your video to look appealing across every device, you can use the square cut. It means that all users need to update their mobiles to the correct date and time in order to be able to view the video.

Here is a brief example video that I made to advertise my courses. posted on Instagram (about fifteen minutes) (about 15 minutes): BBJXtsfNkmMECZjuc


  • Upload the video on your social media accounts by adding a brief text message along with the URL. The followers will be informed how to proceed. (i.e. that will enhance (i.e. in enhancing the efficacy of)
  • Upload the video to your YouTube account that you have. It could be included in Blog posts or guest content in blog posts written by bloggers, or blog post guest blogs.
  • Incorporate the video into your marketing emails.

HTML0 Can you design ads that advertise your online classes?

Videos for promotion have proved to be effective strategies to increase the number of students enrolled in classes. By using the methods described in this article, it's feasible to make them more quickly than you could ever imagine. Check out the article and watch how much engagement you get on your social networks grow!

If you're concerned about making videos that can be used in online courses you can leave your feedback by submitting a comment to the forum here. The worksheet on video planning will assist you prepare the next video that you wish to produce!

Julie Ball is the Founder of Grow Web Marketing, a marketing firm that aids female entrepreneurs to expand their businesses and enhance their image as well as appearance. If you're curious about learning how you can create professionally-produced videos for your company without the expense of a professional take her online course Easy Video Marketing for Small Businesses.

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