How do you make money selling Ebooks through your website -

Jun 30, 2022

Last updated: June 20 20, 2022

It's no surprise that ebooks are becoming more well-known than papers.

They're less costly for purchase, and are easy to take around since you can download them to your phone. This helps in their appeal to people who love to read. The authors love eBooks because they can skip publishing companies and publishers and also make more.

This is the reason why most eBook sales come from self-published authors. In this guide, we'll guide you on how to participate in the market and also how you can sell your books via your web site.

What we'll be discussing:

  • There are many benefits to selling ebooks direct from your own site
  • Define in detail the steps to start a store for your site and begin selling
  • What is the best way to determine the cost, safeguard and promote your eBooks so that you can earn the highest amount of money.

So, without further delay we'll get going...

Benefits of Selling eBooks on Your Website

The most important reason is:

  • The appearance is more professional. It is a fact that there are millions of writers who publish their writing online. You can stand out with your unique site. an impressive website.
  • This can increase the visibility of your business. No matter if you know about the fact or not every person has a personal brand. An online presence which tells the story of your business and offers facts can be a boon to the image of your business.
  • Your profit is greater If everything goes right, you have the opportunity to earn a decent amount of money by selling your work on your website.
  • It allows for more flexibility It allows you to sell eBooks on your site permits you to define the rules, control the branding and be as flexible as you want.
  • You can pay your customers immediately The majority of online marketplaces employ systems that hold your payments, which you are able to circumvent through selling on your own site.

Do you want to sell eBooks on Your Website, or sell the eBooks on Amazon?

Here are five fantastic advantages of having your own site. What are the advantages of selling eBooks through Amazon? It's likely that they have a wider reach than you'll have on your own?

Yes, it is. But it doesn't mean that you cannot take both.

Amazon will be taking part of your revenue to let you market your goods through its well-known marketplace. It's not an awful deal However, it doesn't include an exclusivity clause.

This is why we'd advise not to put all of your eggs in one basket.

How Do You Price Your eBooks?

Let's move on to the fascinating aspect price for your eBooks. The reason we talked about Amazon in the recent past is the fact that selling on the marketplace can affect your margin of profit in addition to the expense.

Marketplaces can take anywhere from 30-70 percent of the retail cost.

Amazon has been gracious enough to provide an application which will assist you in pricing your book: KDP Pricing Support. For a concise report it is recommended to place your eBook's prices between $2.99 and $9.99 for maximum revenue.

How can you make eBooks available for sale on Your Website

The time has come to talk about the most effective way to sell eBooks through your personal website. Although the entire process may be overwhelming, all you have to do is master these four steps. Then, you'll be in a position to write and market your very first book in just a few seconds.

1. Sign Up Your Account

2. Download Your Book and Other Digital files

You will be taken to a different page there you'll find several fields.

When you see"Upload" in the "Upload the Product File" button, you have to click it. Pick your preferred book - or books if written several in the same time then add your book into the database. There's a massive limit of 5GB which is more than enough for uploading any ebook.

Most popular formats include PDF, EPUB and MOBI. These two formats are specially designed for use on mobile devices, and you should read about some of advantages and disadvantages of these formats before deciding.

You're allowed to share them in all three formats so you're able to give your readers the option of choosing.

3. Connect your payment method

Once your eBooks are uploaded to your store, you're now able to decide your method of payment. You have the option of making use of two popular payments options. We'll look at ways to promote eBooks with PayPal as well as Stripe.

Head back to the dashboard and do these things:

  • Select "Account"
  • Click "Settings"
  • Click to "Payment Details"

4. Embed Into Your Website

You can go to go to the "Products" section of .com. Find your book, select"Share/Embed," then click on"Share/Embed" and then click on the "Share/Embed" option. Once the modal appears you can click the "Embed Button" tab. The font can be changed as well as the color and text on the buttons.

There are also two choices:

  • Direct Purchase Button The button takes your buyer straight to the payment page.
  • Click to Add To Cart Button: Add your book to the buyer's cart

With embedded buttons, you'll make purchasing simpler for clients.

Take a look for yourself in Cherie Tu, the creator of Thriving On Plants. Through embedding buttons, she has created an ideal landing page for the eBook she had written. She placed the button after an attention-grabbing copy, that explains the book's content is about and entices users to click through to purchase.

Want to find a better instance? Take a look at this sleek and easy integration made by James Colgan. It connects James Colgan's sales page to his website without losing any branding.

If you'd like it to be even less oblique, simply an URL will do.

Go to the blog that is about writing, created by Ali Ventures. Scroll down , and after that, click "Buy Get Started Writing" as well as "Buy all six of the seminars" to view the way in which the linking works. Similar to this, Dr. Axel Rauschmayer has included the link to his website on the green boxes of the home page.

Bonus Tip

For extra points, you can create a custom "Thank You" page. In order to do that, return to "Advanced Options" and locate "Checkout Option." Make sure to include a link redirecting them back to... It's accomplished!

How to Protect Your eBooks from Download Limits

How do you accomplish this in just five easy steps:

  1. Check your account
  2. Click to "Settings"
  3. Go to "Advanced Settings"
  4. Locate"Download Limit. "Download Limit" option.
  5. Set the new limit for downloads.

How can you promote your eBooks to Boost Sales

As we close we must stress the importance to market your ebook. It is essential to do this for eBooks that you offer on your own site and not utilize marketplaces.

Here are some ideas for how to promote your ebook on the internet:

  • Write a blog about the themes in your books.
  • Create a pre-launch site with landing pages that collect emails.
  • Develop an email marketing campaign to maintain your mailing list.
  • You can pay for advertisements to promote your book on Facebook or other social networks.
  • Collect as many reviews about your book to provide more social proof.

Final Reflections

Once you've learned how to make money selling eBooks through your website, all there's left to do is put it into practice. It will take a while before you master each trick. But once you get the basics down then you'll be ready to go.

In case you want to know the basics of the basics, read on to learn:

  • Profit from eBooks by selling them through your own websites and marketplaces.
  • The price you charge for your books will be dependent on the place where you intend to be selling them so that you can earn the highest profit.
  • Utilize the platform to make the selling process to both your clients

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