How do you create an interactive video with Blog

Jun 9, 2022

That's not just good news for technology and video enthusiasts. It's good news for your business, too. Because interactive video isn't just entertaining to watch. It's also proven to be 32% more memorable and 3x more engaging as compared to traditional videos.

"The Studio is a big leap forward. It's highly easy to use."   Ian Dewhirst, Producer, Colada Creative

What is interactive video?

Let's start with the basics: what exactly is interactivity in video? The traditional passive video allows the viewer to pause or stop and play the content. Interactive video is a way to encourage engagement during the viewing experience. It could take the form of branching storylines (like those video games that you played as a child) as well as shoppable product overlays, informative hotspots, and more.

For a long time the idea of interactive videos was the only option available to those willing to invest serious time and lots of development dollars in order to achieve it. It is now easy to turn the video in any way into an interactive experience. One of the most appealing aspects? Our team is responsible for technical issues and technical issues and gives 24/7 support making it easy to take your videos to the next level.

How do you create an interactive video with in 5 steps

If you're looking to get into the water on your own, take a gander at the following steps.

Step 1: Choose the type of video experience you want to create

There are many various applications that allow interactive video, but these are some that are the most popular

Videos for eCommerce Interactive videos make it possible convert any video to an experience that can be purchased. You can add clickable elements in your video content that will take users directly to the product's pages and even include something in the cart when they watch.

Storyline video with branching: This endearingly familiar video format allows viewers to choose from pre-set routes based on their preferences and preferences, leading to a personalized viewing experience specific to their tastes.

training and eLearning videos: Because interactive video allows you to easily add checkspoints as well as layered elements into any video, it's also loved by teachers and HR experts alike. Checkpoints can be embedded to make sure that viewers are engaged and remembering the content, plus include supplemental material that viewers can watch on their own time.

Step 2: Choose which interactive elements you'd like to incorporate

Once you've decided on the experience for viewers, it offers a comprehensive suite of features that can be used to create a video that is truly interactive. Here are some of the features you can use to build your interactive experience:

Hotspots:A Hotspot may be a button or element that can be clicked on in the video, which could lead to other actions (think: add-to-cart, learn more and so on.) after being selected by the viewers.

Timers:A time trigger lets the designer start elements in the video at a certain moment without any action from the viewer, such as jumping to multiple points throughout the video, opening overlays, and much more.

Overlays Overlays are exact representation of what it is it is a component that could be placed on top of your video , providing insights, images, calls-to-action, other videos as well as a lot more.

BranchingBranching allows the audience to "choose their own journey" as they watch through key frames in the video and skipping segments, or looping for an interactive experience.

Introducing interactive video

from shoppable video to immersive training for teamsInteractive video lets viewers control their viewing experience while increasing engagement, sales, and insight into the user.              Learn more

Step 3: Make or obtain the video's content

There's some good news. There is no need to design content specifically to be interactive in order for it to be effective as one. You are able to revitalize or reuse material by dropping interactive elements into any type of video. However, when you're making new content, there are certain things to think about.

Storyboard, taleboard, the storyboardEspecially in the case of an elaborate interactive film (like an evolving storyline) We recommend spending some time in the pre-production stage to understand the number of storylines you'll be pursuing.

When planning, remember that too many options could be too many of an advantage. "The most simple, clearest and simplest experience is the one that will have the highest engagement" says Jack. "Opt for two options on the last branch." Making it easy will help your viewers navigate through your information and make your production day much easier.

Hold your takes for longer than you normally would for any video featuring overlays or hotspots it's good to hold your shots a bit longer than what you normally. This will allow for viewers to be able to read the text displayed on the screen, or perform an action you'd like them to take.

Be aware of the framing: Depending on the appearance of your hotspots or overlays You may want to take into consideration where the content of your video is within the frame. If an overlay that is large is planned to unfurl on the left side of the screen, you should frame your subject to the right , making your post-production a breeze. "This will help you ensure that the overlays aren't in conflict with people or the objects that are in your frame" Adds Jack.

"The benefit of using interactive media is the variety of the things you can accomplish including shoppable videos, overlays to analytics."   Jack Brodie, Managing Director at Colada Creative

Step 4: Determine your distribution strategy

Congratulations, you've got an interactivity video! What is the best place for it to be displayed? Interactive video content must be uploaded to a website or webpage to function at the fullest capacity. It's a must to leverage marketing channels like email and social media to bring viewers to an immersive experience.

We recommend creating GIFs or short looping video assets in order to show off the interactive abilities of your video. "Show the viewers the video's interactive capabilities from the very start," notes Jack. "Not everyone is aware that you can click on the video. That's why we want to demonstrate on promotional photos."

Step 5: Re-evaluate your performance

You've dreamed up a video and then added the interactive elements, then unleashed it to the world. But... how do people engaging with it?  The analytics and reporting capabilities of'go beyond standard video metrics to reveal super granular data. You can track where and when your viewers clicked on various hotspots and overlays, as well as your metrics for shopping and so on. Improved insights mean better understanding and better video for you and your viewers.

    Begin with an interactive video