How Asha Downes started her business of natural hair coach which is founded on studies and self-acceptance

Jan 27, 2023

Find out how Asha Downes transformed her natural hair experience into a training and coaching business that is built upon the principles of radical kindness in research, self-love, along with scientific research.

At a very young age, Asha Downes dreamed of having long hair. Hairdressers were her profession. She enjoyed spending time with friends and playing on hairstyles that were different However she was constantly told that it was not possible to cut her hair that was textured with Afros in the length she wanted.

The world was transformed drastically after Asha was nearing the end of her teenage years. When she was browsing YouTube she came across another YouTuber who had the same hair style with naturally long hair. While everyone was saying this would not happen the hair of the creator was well-nourished and healthy. Asha realized that if the creator was capable of doing it, she could do it too.

As of now, Asha runs Naturally High Hair, a company that helps women grow their hair naturally by providing personal coaching and instructive training sessions . She won 's 2022 Fall Creator Fellowship, and we were awestruck by her outstanding, comprehensive approach to caring for clients. Additionally, she's seeking the highest level of Trichology accreditation to expand her knowledge regarding her area of specialization.

That's the way Asha transformed her love of hair into a training and educational business that's changing the look of women's hair, as well as their lives positively.

An entrepreneur driven by passion that has the potential to be an authentic business through the authenticity of its business.

As Asha began her research into healthy hair and methods to care for it, she wasn't the only one. A lot of women across the globe were also sharing their experiences with natural hair. The woman recalls "This was before YouTube was the commercial internet platform we are using today, and YouTube users shared tips recipe, stories, and triumphs."

"It was paradigm-shifting to see the sheer number of Black women, all of them discussing exactly the same issue even though they are in different places. Everyone is experiencing this which has been given a new name"The naturally haireds movement."

At the time that Asha had decided to write about her experiences publicly and tell her story to of the earth, she realized that she had a strong attraction to YouTube since it was the location which a lot of creators from this area were already spending their time. "I wanted to join the party," she explains. "I did not know exactly what I'd do. I wanted to be part of the group. to."

The channel Asha documented everything she went through in her attempt to understand and keep the hair she has always been blessed with. This was an intense undertaking due to the fact that Asha was so focused on sharing her real self. Viewers on her channel were fascinated. And as time passed, her YouTube channel as well as her Instagram profile is growing.

"While I was recording my journey in the early days but I didn't pay attention to the views or watching the people," she says. "It gave me the opportunity to tell my story through my hair. The hairstyle was well-loved by many people, and soon they began to follow."

The reach of Asha's social media accounts was growing as did her writing, she became more structured, and she conceived of ways to provide her followers with new information.

While at the same time, Asha was working full-time and lived in different nations across Europe. She looked into hair-related jobs at large companies, but it was not clear if they were the right fit.

Asha was a filmmaker just to tell her story of personal events. The videos she created using her inviting, simple style were well-received by viewers, and she realized she was able to have an impact. The purpose of monetization was to enable her to put profits back into those who watch it and to improve her skills. Her thought process was that her work of passion would transform from an enjoyable pastime into potential business opportunity if she gave it all her concentration. In the end all was right.

Asha was constantly on the move, visiting the Caribbean in the midst of the pandemic that caused all over the world to close the globe. There was no where to stay, or an abundance of free time. This could be a signal to take action.

"There wasn't any chance which would let me do what I wanted to do with my passion. As I was in jail but I could be myself that I determined to make my own possibilities."

Then Asha began her start her work.

Simple and efficient, it's a powerful launch

Asha initially planned to sell products to treat hair in physical form, however she was consulted by an expert who looked at her vast online presence and suggested she offer personal consultations instead. The suggestion, coupled with the difficulty of finding things during the crisis, made Asha to begin an internet-based journey.

The initial item she introduced was a one-on-one consultation on building a regimen. There was no clear response from clients, which is why she developed a straightforward launch strategy. She designed a Typeform application, then sent the URL to Instagram together with an overview of the type of coaching she gives.

"I shared the things I was doing and then offered people encouragement to take part," she shares. "I received more than 200 requests. They were merely applying to be coaches for me, so they were not required to pay but they did supply me with their email addresses, and we talked about their concerns about hair. Then, I reached out to the applicants with a link to the book."

It's a fantastic opportunity to test your idea without any upfront expenditure. Asha put her idea in an online marketplace that was readily accessibleand then assessed the amount of the interest was received by her intended customers.

Through the use of the apps the applications helped her in comprehending the demands of her readers by expressing their views in their own words, and grew her number of subscribers to her email newsletter. The people who thought that they would be the ideal fit for them would be her first clients since she demonstrated that her idea was viable prior to the time and money dollars for an enormous launch.

Asha began meeting with customers However, she soon realized that the requirements of their clients went beyond than simply recommending hair products or formulating customized hair regimens.

"I have come to realize that my work entails more than just picking items or designs. It's time get our minds right."

"There's an unspoken linkage that runs through self-acceptance as well as allowing your hair to be to be well-groomed as well as long very first time. The hair you possess can be kept before being removed. It is an aging fibre. Hair isn't going to be revived so whatever you do to it your hair remembers and will influence the longevity of your hair."

In light of this, Asha shifted to a more holistic approach that is focused on acceptance of hair as well as self-love .

"One principle of my program for training is that of complete gentleness. If you're comfortable with your hairstyle, you'll need be willing to accept that. You must remain at peace and relaxed to appear in a particular way. It is linked to self-acceptance which is a delicate and radical as well as taking care of your hair in order to help growth."

The ability to listen to her clients is a fantastic way to Asha increase the range of her coaching program and also define the framework of her business overall. As she continued to work with clients, Asha realized that one-off coaching could be beneficial for clients who had established an excellent rapport with their hair. It didn't work for those who wanted to take on more responsibility.

This inspired her to create the entire programme of coaching called Longer Lengths(tm) that provides an ongoing support system over a longer time while helping clients develop healthy hair mindsets and habits.

Today, longer Lengths(tm) is her most popular coaching offer and the primary technique she employs to work with her clients on a one-on-one basis. To accommodate clients at any stage of their hair growth, Asha is also able to provide clients the 90-minute Hair Growth Crash course. .

Asha is selling her online crash course on demand as a product  that allows clients to quickly win at anytime and she also accepts batches of longer Lengths(tm) clients just every couple of times.

An carefully designed combination of programs can be the best choice for designers who offer coaching. Self-serve products are more affordable and expandable. They give customers the chance to talk about your business before making a major purchase. The premium 1:1 service is ideal for customers who want more individual contact. By using both of these options it's possible to reach the larger audience of your group.

In the next installment, we'll look at the strategies of Asha to overcome challenges while creating a business that's at ease with the passion of work as well as client demands.

Tips from Asha to get out of your own blockages

Each company is susceptible to having its own set of challenges, Asha has learned to tackle the issues head-on. What's her plan of attack? Get help from experts to overcome an imposter's disorder And finally, you should be leaning towards the uniqueness you possess.

Helping others will save you time.

"I know that I do not fully comprehend everything."
"I know that I'm not able to answer all your questions... talking to experts can help me get through the clutter and save me hours. So, I place importance on that type of knowledge."

Do you need support for your business but don't know how to do?

Get evidence to tackle this imposter syndrome head on

Get started by keeping an optimistic record. "I keep a list of all the good things that I do," Asha elaborates. "I have a list of everything I have accomplished. After that, I start to train my brain to concentrate on what is good that happen in my life."

For you to create your own record of your work it is necessary to create your own personal computer as well as an area where you will be able to store reviews with 5-star ratings as well as messages from clients. When you're stressed or down you can open the folder, and remember how awesome you are.

The third method is to build an expert in your field. According to Asha, "Another way to battle the perception of being a fraud is to be completely absorbed in what you're offering. I'm not afraid to be completely enthralled by an offering in the sense that people find it strange. I've got a huge database about hair. I read a lot about hair, as well as conducting researching hair."

Investigating your area and coming familiar with it can ease the burden of uncertainty. This can be done by conducting the research yourself, trying out the skills you have, or by investing in higher-education skills like the ones of Asha .

After she spoke with her accountable partner about their role in the situation and they were able to see that the absence of information led to it becoming difficult to film at the present time. The script for the film was not fully developed, and the goal was not clear. After she clarified the goals then re-viewed her film and made adjustments as well as adjustments, the anxiety of Imposter Syndrome dissipated.

After that, Asha asks herself, "How should I approach this project so that even if I'm feeling those feelings or emotions it's not a problem for me? Why did I decide to make this film? And what can I expect viewers to do after watching the movie? Once I'm aware, it's much easy for me to handle the emotional pain I'm experiencing."

The Imposter's Syndrome is an aspect that affects creators as well as creators, but it doesn't have to be a problem. In the words of Asha the author "The most satisfying part of having to face that issue is when you become a one who's not prone to slipping in the fear."

Utilize the characteristics that make you stand out

Make use of the qualities that distinguish you as an creative. The uniqueness of your skills or talents distinguishes you from the rest and will bring in more customers.

"Apply yourself and test this," Asha says. "And continue to apply yourself in diverse fields and demonstrating your uniqueness to the work that you're putting into it. In my case, I can also provide help with German and Spanish."

Asha is also a researcher with a background that gives her content unique research-based style.

"Don't be too focused on details of what others in the business are doing. Discover your own method to stand out and keep improving the aspects that make your business stand out."

If you seek help from having a conversation about imposter's disorder, and sharing your personal skills and traits and you'll be in the process of developing a business that you are happy with .

"Follow your heart's dream. I am very pleased to have developed this program. This program is all about accepting oneself, understanding, empathy, hair science, technological study into the responsible use of cosmetics and diet and hair styling as well as the overall health. I've put everything together into one."

This article was originally posted this site.

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