Here's What You'll Need from an App for Conferences in 2024 (+ 8 Options) |

Aug 30, 2024

This year, several people from the Mighty Team went to Craft and Commerce ConvertKit's annual event in Boise, Idaho. The highlight was experiencing as the conference app!

The event apps market is expanding, with more than 72% of conference organizers saying that apps were crucial in the successful run at a recently held conference. And G2's research found that 65percent of event organizers are planning to utilize a conference application for things like check-ins, AI and QR codes as well as virtual reality experience.

In this article this article, we'll draw on both our research and experience to explore what makes a great conference app. We'll cover:


  • What are the characteristics of a fantastic conference application.        
  • What is the best way to select the best mobile conference application.        
  • 10 of the top conferences apps available.        


What is a conference app?

The conference app provides an experience that simulates the live event or a hybrid. First versions of conference apps were basically calendars for conferences that were mobile. Since the development of technology, conference apps have been able to incorporate more features that serve the members - things like tickets, management of members, and more dynamic calendars.

However, a contemporary conference application goes way beyond just a convenient calendar. Tech can improve the quality of conferences. Engaging. More profitable.

Conference apps can be a software program that


  • Aids guests to find and connect with life-changing people.        
  • Allows participants to make contents and contribute to the experience.        
  • handles payment, registration, as well as tickets.        
  • You can deliver the conference using your own branded app.    

    We learned by attending a conference with our app

Boise, Idaho was baking in the heat of summer. As the conference going, we were able to feel the energy. The conference featured great presenters such as Ali Abdaal and Cody Sanchez as well as a talk on starting a million-dollar community with our own CEO, Gina Bianchini.

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Some of the magic came through a stellar lineup of speakers, a stunning venue, and-of course-300incredible creators that came together to create the event. You know. This is exactly what every conference needs.

In the background there was a different thing going on:


  • Chat on the conference app was blowing up in "strategic selfies" (speaker John Meese suggested we take the pictures")        
  • The attendees were organising the event, adding posts and running their own awesome meetings for activities like white-water rafting, running, and the hike to the canyon at sunrise (for those who could handle the 5:00 am wake up).        
  • Creators shared what they had been working on, or soliciting help, and the mobile conference application was bursting to the top with comments!        
  • While walking around the Boise, you'll see new friends grabbing lunch in some of Boise's great dining establishments (and yes, this probably included potatoes in some form).        

    And the app made this possible!

The conference application wasn't just for scheduling and ticketing. It was an exciting virtual conference which took place alongside the real one. It was clear that the app was loaded with conference information that were extremely useful!

However, it was participants who helped make the conference application come alive with stories, pictures asking for help and suggestions for anything from business concepts to gluten-free eateries in Boise.

Here's what made it work very well. Here's what you should be looking for when using a conference application.

What are the signs to look out for in conference apps


  • The schedule of conferences (obviously) However, there are also RSVPs as well as session participation within the app.    
  • Fantastic communication tool for messaging and emailing attendees , and handling support or questions.      
  • Instruments to connect participants with others: like profile pages, social links Chat and messaging. The true magic of a conference app comes when attendees are able to meet each other-virtual connections that spill onto the real world.    
  • Features for unleashing attendee creativity. Participants can develop content, post photos, build short- or long-form content, share videos, or ask questions. When the engagement happens through the app-without being involved, it will increase the impact of your event. The momentum will keep running until the next conference.    
  • Payment, ticketing and Registration. If your application is able to support the backend of your event, make sure that you have the ability to take payments, track member lists, and then connect the members following.      
  • It's easy to build hosting, hosting, and maintaining --it doesn't require a whole team to create an app for conference on the ground and looking great.      

One of our favorite things that we have found to work with the app

Natalie Paramenter

When we consider the factors that made our mobile conference application work Here's our favorite part of the app:


  • The attendees organically shared their notes during sessions on the dedicated discussion feeds.        
  • Live icebreakers which led to users on the app meeting people offline (ie. "Find people who are similar to you in height and then take a picture of them ).    
  • Local Boiseans (is that right?) hosting meet-ups in conjunction with some of the best restaurants in their area as well as excursions. (The karaoke was a highlight. )      
  • The chat that runs prior to, during and following the conference keeps on giving. For example, Natalie Parmenter (the creator of Primary Focus), gave this shoutout in the video above, after fellow members helped in making her debut a hit!    
  • ConvertKit opened studio and recording spaces for people to drop into and make videos. (If you happen to be in Boise and want to make a reservation, you can set an appointment to visit and make use of them free! )    

CK Studios

The best mobile conference app options

1. Mighty Pro

    The best conference engagement application

Mighty Pro builds conference apps deployed on G2's top-rated community management system. Mighty is a platform that hosts more than $1 million of communities, more than any other and this includes amazing conference communities.

Mighty Pro has been building brand-name apps since the year 2017. The app portfolio includes more than 400 branded apps designed for brands and creators such as Tony Robbins, TED, Mel Robbins, Marie Forleo, Jim Kwik, and Matthew Hussey.

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This is what you can do do with Mighty Pro.

Interactive scheduling

Mighty allows you to build an interactive conference schedule for your attendees to engage with. You can build landing pages for individual sessions and members are able to RSVP and communicate or chat during the conference. Participants can check out who attends the event and connect.

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And of course you are able to make livestreams that stream directly to the audience or post videos from the session to relevant Spaces.

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Participation of Members As Unique as No Other

Mighty is the top community management software for community management on G2 for a long time, and it's not just due to "features."

You go to a conference for a chance to connect with others, right? And Mighty is equipped with the technology to help make that possible! Everyone who attends is asked to write a biography. They could make use of AI to make one in case they're stuck.

The software produces interactive lists of member profiles that are sorted according to hobbies, interests or even geographical. Profiles of member fly-outs help you find interesting people while the AI engine will even inform that you share something in common and start a conversation.

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Community following the conference

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Mighty offers more content alternatives than the conference basics, though. This is why it's the ideal platform to keep community going beyond the conference.

You can custom build Spaces with eight different functions: activity feeds chat, members, tables of contents (for a course) and events. You can also create pages, one event, or a hashtag. Below are a few ways that Mighty Hosts are currently using these features after a conference:


  •         Regional meet-ups hosted by the supermembers.            
  •         Re-cutting conference material into a course online or other learning experience.            
  •         Continue to share articles on subjects that members of your organization are interested in.            
  •         Announcing themes, tickets, places as well as other details. in preparation for the next event and creating buzz.          
  • The livestreaming or virtual event between live conference sessions.    

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Mighty is really good in keeping the energy and conversation going beyond the conference-if that's your thing.

The conference is running

As far as running the event, Mighty can handle payments for 135 currencies. It can handle different levels and bundles, as well the ability to determine who has access use which parts of the application.

And Mighty has data that you can't get in any other place. These are the insights you'll need to learn the things that worked and wasn't, as well as to identify where members spent the most time and attention, and to analyze the conference's revenue.

Mighty Insights Web

Conference apps with a brand name

If you would like to have your conference app in the App Store as well as the Google Play Store under your name This is the best way to proceed.

Here are a few Highlights from Mighty Pro:


  • Support for branding, splash screens, notification branding and app best practices        
  • App submissions        
  • Integrates with ConvertKit's professional plans (up to 10,000 customers).        
  • Support from community strategists who will help you make your conference a success with respect to attendance as well as revenue as well as how to build a conference community that runs the conference.        

With the latest insights from 400+ companies with 6- and 7-figure revenues We'll teach you not just how to achieve your goals but to exceed your expectations.

    It is possible to find out more about Mighty Pro on this page.

Or, if you're still not ready to launch a branded conference app yet You can start by downloading it for free.

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2. Accelerated events

    A conference management app with a brand name. application


Accelevents' conference app offers tools for registering and check-in for the event, logging into the conference program and creating an individual agenda. It has smart features, such as live streaming, as well as a virtual exhibit booth, the app can handle live or hybrid conferences.

Accelevents also has features for managing members, such as bios and profiles to aid attendees to connect and discover one another. On an event day, you can do check-ins, print badges, and even conduct polls and challenges in the application.

The only downside is the fact that Accelevents users have encountered issues in managing break rooms. It's great to manage conferences. It's just not as powerful in connecting attendees to each other.

Accelevents offers


  • Branded apps for managing your registrations for conferences as well as badge printing and the schedule.        
  • Some in-app networking and connection features like livestreaming and QR scans, virtual sponsorship tables and polls        

3. Swapcard

    Fantastic application for managing conferences

Swapcard -

Swapcard is an innovative idea to create a conference application packed with great features. Similar to Accelevents, Swapcard is good at managing a conference schedule. Participants can print badges and scan QR codes and build a custom agenda using their RSVPs.

It is a great platform for sponsors to promote their content too, as it creates places for sponsorship content Chats, meetings, and chats management.

But Swapcard's best features are to help you network. With attendee profiles and networking-friendly UX to search for and message potential contacts or leads (plus the ability to integrate with social media profiles), Swapcard is great to introduce people.

Swapcard features


  • conference app (with option to brand it) for managing registrations and badges as well as access to control        
  • A discussion feed, event guide, personalized suggestions, session ratings, and livestreaming        
  • Networking tools: AI matchmaking, profiles as well as messaging        

4. Stova


Stova (formerly Aventri & Meetingplay) is an event scheduling and management system that can work well for conferences. It is crucial to note that Stove does not offer branded applications (you could host your event on the Stova app).

Stova was created for online events and offers some intriguing features for a conference. Its most notable features include break-out rooms, livestreaming, and chat. In addition, it has the ability to schedule 1:1 meetings it is a useful instrument.

Stova also offers some features that are good for planning and preparing for an event, such as the ability to send out emails and budgeting for conferences.

Stova features


  • Excellent virtual-first conference software including livestreaming, breakouts and networking rooms, and an online lobby        
  • Planning conferences along with marketing for events tools: emails and budgeting      

5. Bevy

Bevy screenshot

Bevy began as an app to manage online and in-person events but it recently shifted into community events. This is great to manage a conference by providing registration, check-in, ticketing, and list management. You can host an online conference as well, using chats, virtual meetups, webinars, and recordings, and it has an option for discussion. Bevy has a drag and drop page creator to create web pages for events and landing pages.

Bevy offers great features on virtual platforms However, the community functions are pretty basic. Essentially, Bevy hosts forums that offer chat and message capabilities. But these are really quite simple. They're not designed for the connections that a real community platform gives users.

Bevy features


  • Combines events and community in concert with event management, and production of virtual events        
  • Live engagement features like chat and messaging, forums as well as webinars, meetings, and chat rooms.        
  • Drag-and-drop tool for creating conference pages        

6. CVent


CVent is a different conference application developed to facilitate virtual events as well as the management of events. Like others on this list, CVent can build conference websites, sell tickets and host events. The toolkit for event management is integrated for live events (things such as venue and hotel choices) as well as a webinar-like function for virtual events. In fact, it's probably the best for planning events.

However, CVent has no community or chat features It's not designed to connect attendees to each other.

CVent is a feature of


  • App for running an event. It includes promotional, planning, and "day-of" control options.        

7. ON24

ON 24

ON24 is a basic online conference system that can work as a virtual conference app. There are polls and chat features as well as a webinar, and they've recently added additional features, such as breakout sessions, video chats and more.

With registration as well as a form builder and some ability to customize conference rooms with different the colors, fonts and hero images, it's a good basic application for a virtual conference.

ON24 offers features


  • Webinar is a platform for webinars that has engagement capabilities built-in        

8. VFairs


VFairs is a virtual and live event application that focuses on conference management features. It includes registration form, badge printing, QR check-in, venue maps and agenda creation, it's a good participant-focused software to assist attendees in navigating an event.

VFairs offers branded mobile conference apps and also onsite assistance for live conference. It can be integrated with your CRM, too. VFairs offers important event statistics to help you know what's happening for your conference.

VFairs features


  • registration and ticket printing, badge printing and other day-of management tools.        
  • Platform for virtual event hosting that features networking, gamification as well as other features for presentations.        


We're aware of how wonderful conferences can be aiding attendees to learn, develop and form connections that which they'll cherish for years to come. A conference is a great opportunity to boost your image as well, increasing your visibility and improving your profit margins.

And a great conference application makes these things happen!

If you want to know more about getting your own conference that is branded and community app, check the site Mighty Pro .