Get the most from this great offer! Danica Larsen is awarded her Q3 2023 Springie Award

Dec 31, 2023

We're delighted to announce that Danica Larsen will be this year's winner of our quarterly Springie Award! Danica is a seasoned Customer Success Manager who has always proved the validity of our essential values"Make changes, be a Leader, and learn to understand and work with urgency - through the dedication she displays to her work and unwavering dedication to her colleagues.

Danica's contribution to business can be seen in her many successes. She always goes over and above to help colleagues and always willing to offer assistance and share her expertise. Danica is a student and has built friendships with colleagues that have created a harmonious and positive workplace. In the face of challenges, Danica has a drive to respond quickly, while being accountable and figuring out ways to ensure that this project runs smoothly. Danica is involved in. Our Vice President of People & Culture, Louise Cherry Barber was allowed to join the table (virtually) for a chat with Danica about her prize and experiences at work .

Danica's dedication to her work and commitment to the company's rules have enabled her to be an indispensable contribution to the team. Danica's optimism as well as her capacity to assist when faced with challenges and address problems is essential to the team's lives as well as the overall efficiency of .

We're incredibly happy the privilege of having Danica on our team. We sincerely thank her for this deserved acknowledgement. Danica's dedication to quality and the manner in which she displays the ideals which make us who we are may be a source encouragement to everyone.

Keep an eye out for a shorter edition of this interview. Danica:

Louise Cherry Barber: Danica I'm happy to announce that you've been chosen to be a Springie Award Winner for our third quarter in 2023! What does it mean to you to receive an award like the Springie Award here at ?

Danica LarsenIt is truly a pleasure to be at ease and warm when I learned that I tried to include my personal qualities and my gorgeous personalityat work. It was also wonderful knowing that people were aware of the effort and it was praised and acknowledged, not just not only for the achievement of some number that's how I was perceived by my boss in the various work environments I've been to as well as for my personality and the accomplishments I've achieved over and above an amount. It was incredible to receive recognition from me as a person. It was very emotional.

Louise Cherry Barber: It's amazing and definitely should be acknowledged. One thing I'm eager to do is get to know more about the aspects that made a difference the moment you came across the program. Particularly, your contribution to the project you completed by using the benchmarking tool was highly praised by quite a few users. Can you provide some information about the project?

Danica LarsenYes it's not secret that I've put on lots of effort, as I'm thrilled to see it acknowledged. I'm sure I was shocked to find out that benchmarking was among the initiatives which was mentioned as we're just on the cusp of a breakthrough, know; there's plenty of work to be accomplished. It's exciting to see that everybody is thrilled with this program. Since it's likely to bring several advantages. I really hope it'll offer many benefits for us, not just as a company, but to our sellers, clients, as well. And we'll help to provide an insight into the ways we can grow into the future. The way we're seeing it helping us in making it an instant hit. This was one of the most exciting aspects to see in the early stages of the Beta stages. It was truly remarkable as this means that the rest of the world is also experiencing positive effects as well.

Louise Cherry Barber: Recently, we updated the values of our business to make a difference and learn to be conscious and responsive. I'm curious about your thoughts on the new, fresh values.

Danica Larsen What they are is following the correct path by being cognizant of what"right" signifies. It means that you should know how to research your subject and take an immediate decision before making the decision. This is a reality that I'm able to confirm that every morning... As I look around at my colleagues, the people in the Support Team and the Support Team are a great indicator that they share the same views with our clients, along with every day interactions working with clients. They're leading the way, and on the forefront of understanding and speed as this is the only method to achieve these outcomes. In the business world, nobody can continue cooperating with us.

Louise Cherry Barber:What can you say to people who feel like you ? Do you think that anyone is willing to adhere to these principles? What are your suggestions that can help bring those principles into your daily day-to-day life?

Danica Larsen I have the sole right to talk from my point of view. I always speak in my own perspective. However, the primary thing to accomplish is to keep an eye on every aspect you're able to. If you're involved in various business accounts, sellers and accounts and sellers are aware of all those people who you work with as well as understanding their requirements and the reason for understanding what we need to do and how we need to perform ourselves. That's called "seeking knowledge" that accomplish it with no to the details. A tip I would recommend is to be attentive to the people who are around you.

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