Five UI changes to improve the trust of digital download sale pages

Mar 13, 2024

Your sales page for digital downloads will require users to have faith in your company. Let them fall easily and for you both with these five proven strategies.

Do you have the trust form?

I'm not a big lover of these.

And so do your customers.

As your interactions with the company are on the internet, things get even more difficult. Someone you're trying to get slip and fall without intention has blindfolds on, not having considered the ground in front of their face or being aware of the speed with which they'll get in danger of being caught.

The customer will need to trust the following facts:

Digital downloads are well priced.

The product you purchased delivers the value it promises.

Your sensitive information is secure with you.

What qualities makes a business or website reliable?

Think about a company on the internet that you trust.

What led you to believe in them? Do you have specific aspect which was able to influence your or did it come from a combination of events and features which led you to cooperate with them?

It might not be about them or anything else. Perhaps it was someone else who told you they were trustworthy and that seemed to be enough for you.

88% of those who have surveyed believe that word of mouth builds confidence. You won't be on your own.

Now change directions and think about a firm you will not have confidence in.

You can probably narrow down to precisely reasons why you shouldn't conduct deal with that firm. Perhaps they're using inconsistent content chock full of typos More on it later, or perhaps their website doesn't look professional.

No matter the cause it's the same thing: they have to lose trust of the customers, particularly if their digital download comes at a high price.

The bottom line is that more than three-quarters of adults say that trust is a major factor when they make major purchases.

Then what's going on? Why is it that it's so easy to determine why a company isn't trustworthy for us, then providing a reason why they're so nebulous?

It turns out that humans are a trustworthy species . Furthermore, we're natural irrational creatures which, for the moment, make decisions of our hearts, not from our heads, in spite of our desire to be as like Spock as is possible.

All of this disappears should we be stripped of our human interactions via technology. Humans can't be trusted by anyone- or anyone else -- as long as moral decisions are made in the context of an analysis of cost-benefit  and the way that robots and (unfortunately) the way some businesses operate.

If they aren't familiar with your business or even the person you are on a personal level but they probably don't know as the customers have to make choices with their heads and review of the various factors that affect the trust of customers before they decide if they'll be willing to make the leap to conduct business with you.

It is possible to be granular. Find out motives why people do not want to engage in business with entrepreneurs (aka micro-business).

But this is where it is interesting. It turns out trust can be as much an emotional response, just as it is a mental one. it is the key in gaining or losing trust. is dependent on a hormone called oxytocin .

We are more likely to trust someone or something and trust them, the greater Oxytocin levels go (and on the other side), which means the more trust that people place on your website's sales pages, the higher their oxytocin as well as the greater their likelihood to convert as potential customers.

In a research study, participants offered cash to those who weren't their close acquaintances, those with greater levels of oxytocin offered more cash to strangers than those without elevated Oxytocin.

Simply put In simple terms They had less fear of strangers. The subsequent research carried out by these same researchers found that the stress level was a factor in the inhibition of Oxytocin hormone, which increased suspicion.

It's an extremely difficult method to determine a trustworthy web site. It's one that's appealing to the emotional, head-over-heart part of human beings, connects with the person who is using it , and reduces the stress on users.

Please, Don't be a jerk :

Alternately, follow this.

#1. Utilize social proof to build a foundation of trust

Did you remember the way we naturally believe? It's particularly true in the human race.

This is the reason testimonials are extremely beneficial to sales. A person's trust in an company is one thing but the task of convincing them to believe a client is a lot simpler.

Online reviews can be as extensive as acquaintances shared their personal experiences.

A request for feedback on an exhibition is worthy of effort.

Social proof Social proof- i.e. the validation of other users -- gives your company credibility.

Social proof is a different reason what drives us to stand in line for one hour at a restaurant that is packed in comparison to just 10 minutes to get the most delicious bistro person has been able to enjoy having the pleasure of. Humans follow the crowd.

In addition, highlighting your customers' words by including the logos of magazines you've been featured in and businesses you've collaborated with gives an indication that you're reliable. Just adding logos to your site can improve's conversion rate by 400 percent .

It is possible to see this method in action in action David Delahunty's Five Ideas a Day membership page...

... and on his sale-for-free digital downloads.

This is that's what Klientboost realized after adding more information on a customer's landing (i.e. sales) page. The site saw an rise in conversion of 19.8 percentage .

Do you worry that it could result in a page for sales which is too long? The truth is that concision can be a disadvantage in terms of pages that are long.

#2. Your sales page should be of the size it is required to be

If you've read about horrifying statistics like the average bounce rate for websites offering data or other pages of information, you may consider making everything available as the simplest form possibleHowever this isn't the right choice.

There's no set rule on the length of the sales page; rather, it's contextual dependent on your product' type, cost and the target market.

If your product needs clarification or if your brand is unknown to the audience, you require additional pages of marketing in order to impress the customers. .

Be sure that the pages you have contain more content and are larger optimise you "above the fold" (before that users scroll) page's content.

Although research has revealed that users tend to scroll in a vertical orientation more than they used to but the region above the fold remains the most effective place to catch the attention of people and entice them to stay.

Take into consideration the statistics, it's only 0.05 minutes for customers to form an impression of your site and determine if they'll remain on your sales page or return to your search page, and the importance of optimizing your over-the-fold page is far too important to be ignored.

Redesigning Moz's sales page to be six times its original length let Conversion Rate Experts get the space they required to convey the brand's story and to generate sales.

52 Sales increase Actually.

"What we've gathered from clients' consultations all over the world is that the most important thing isn't how you're able to make your site's page, but more about the degree to which it is interesting it is" is the motto of the highly acclaimed SEO agency that focuses on the conversion.

Therefore, if your service needs explanation, your company is not well-known and your target audience uncertain is it not a good idea to set up a lengthy sale page to sell your digital downloads. However, it is vital to build trust with them.

The website of marketing for developers is brief and simple. This is a basic product and does not require lots of information.

His site offers tiny marketing wins , on contrary, will require more info. The information contained in the book doesn't seem to be clear from the name or by the documents, therefore he takes the space to describe the details.


It takes more than 30 seconds. So, if you're successful in overcoming doubts and doubts and provide your customers with additional information, create your sales page as lengthy as it has to be in order to achieve this.

And, make sure the content you write is written in an accent that your readers are able to understand.

#3. Make your copy in accordance with your customer's terms

I'm aware that folks like me (marketers) often appear as if they're broken records after some time.

"Make your copy more action-oriented!"

"Always make sure you have the opportunity to take action!"

The most crucial aspects to keep in mind in copywriting is to make sure it's clear, consistent, and accurate.

If they have to take the dictionary out to grasp the meaning of your speech then they'll just stop. If they need to look up in order to find your mistakes then they'll forget about the same thing.

To get the most effective case outcomes Write in the customer's voice similar to HubSpot.

You can also take your copy from customer feedback and put the actual words of customers in your website to explain ideas and products. This is exactly what you can do in a redesign of your site increased conversions by nearly 100% with HubSpot .

What, then, is the reason to be asking what is the relationship between everything and trust?

This is due to our inherent tendency to trust one other thing.

We put our trust in things similar to us much more than what's different from us and, therefore, whenever a company reflects our words it's easier to identify with and trust than a business that uses broad words that do not resonate with the intentions of a client.

And, when you have to ensure the accuracy of your information throughout the process, it is directly connected to your credibility. Typographic mistakes can be among the most damaging attacks that are hurled at your credibility company (and they're bad for the readability of your content, either).

Although it is interesting to note that the most significant influence on your credibility comes less related to the content and is more influenced by the method in which the content is shown.

#4. Include a touch of humanity to the image

Are you interested in making your web page for sales instantaneously more reliable?

Upload your image to.

It's that simple. The addition of human images, particularly ones that have facial features improves trust and improves the first impression a person gets of the business and improves the conversion rate.

The video should definitely be short. Engagement starts dropping the moment a user clicks play, and is at its peak when the video lasts under a minute .

It is important to introduce your company and products on the sales page. A human face builds trust and builds your business' bottom sales. This is as easy as that.

#5. You must earn their trust through SSL encryption

We've talked of ways to establish trust. However, we haven't discussed the most crucial action you can make:

deserves the respect of its customers.

When a customer gives you your financial details, they're giving the security of your website in danger. If your website's security has been compromised, the client's security could be at risk as well.

It's a fact that Google acknowledges and, as of the most recent updates to Chrome, they make sure the users of its services are conscious as well.

Web sites that do not have SSL encryption can no longer be seen in the eyes of Google user. If a visitor navigates your website and there's no encryption on the site, Google will inform them in every single page.


This is a hilarious illustration of Pew Research Center: Pew Research Center :

It doesn't matter where the website is. Chrome will warn you about giving out personal data wherever you move.

If you look at the huge market share of Chrome in the eyes of users, the fact it doesn't possess an SSL certificate means the majority of users will not be welcomed with that message.

This isn't even getting into the detrimental impact the absence of an SSL or a certificate that is expired has on users.

Do you remember you were a victim of the Equifax breach? Yes, a portion of it was due to being unable to renew a certification .

Also, a breach of data can only occur once in order for you to remove nearly half of your clients for the remainder of their lives regardless of the region of the globe your clients reside around the world.

If you're using a different hosting platform, you can generally purchase an SSL certificate along with the hosting provider. You can additionally purchase it separately ( necessary if you're making use of WordPress for hosting your files).

Trusting one step at a time one time

Establishing trust with your customers and potential customers isn't that unlike building trust with your personal relationships. This requires patience, hard effort, and commitment.

It is the most important thing you can learn about building trust for the pages of your sales:

Humans are naturally trusting with others -- however, this doesn't happen when you're online. In the end, they're communicating with technology, not with other humans.

The best sales page doesn't make people buy from your company. They alleviate stress, establish a connection to the buyer and draw attention to the emotional part of the customer.

If you're looking to boost your digital downloads, your sales page needs to meet the same objectives as well as humanize your business.

The best way to achieve that is to, obviously, incorporate humans in the mix, to offer the social proof needed for your product. Brand logos and customer testimonials can be crucial to a successful sales page.

If your offering isn't easy to understand or the business you manage has a bad reputation, you may need more than a brief introduction to highlight the importance. Design your sales pages to the length it requires to overcome doubts and fears.

Utilize your client's voice while making the content for your sales webpage. They'll feel more confident in their abilities, be more aware and, most importantly, convert more.

Check the content, as well. It's among the primary factors in creating a brand that is trustworthy.

It is even better to include a photo or video with you in the lead persona to your page. The image of a person that has faces could increase the credibility for brands that are not well-known.

Do not just concentrate on earning customers' trust -- it's just as vital to build this trust by securing your personal information by using vital encryption.

In the end, when it comes to it, the people want to believe in you. Make sure they believe in you by taking advantage from this article. It will aid you in making your online downloads and your customers -thrive.

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