Five Sales Funnel Examples that Inspire You

Dec 2, 2022

Are you having trouble obtaining contacts from prospective customers so you can send them additional marketing material? Do you notice customers that who you'd like to turn into their carts to buy items and don't have the experience to follow-up? Are you frustrated by your email inbox impossible to handle and you never end up getting responses from your clients?

This isn't just you. aren't uncommon problems for artists, many of whom aren't experts in sales. These challenges could cause huge loss in sales. What is essential to turn the tide around is Proper sales funnels.

The sales funnel is the representation of every step that potential buyers take throughout their journey. It starts from when they first become aware of your business until they decide to purchase your goods or take another desired action. Sales funnels that are effective are able to turn more leads into buyers.

Colin Longworth is the Founder of and a specialist in the creation of custom solutions and sales funnels. He's been creating since 2005 and is a specialist from the year 2019. In this blog the author discusses five high-converting sales funnels that you can make use of to boost profits for your company.

Are you planning to skip the next step?

What are the details of funnels to sell?

An funnel describes the path you want your customers to take to achieve your desired outcome or goal.

This could result in a purchase, subscription download, or simply be that you're reducing the friction. It's important to get the user from point A to point B as quickly and efficiently as is possible. Overall, funnels help in increasing your profits to aid in expanding your business faster.

The battle against the misconceptions regarding sales funnels

The phrase "sales funnel" can trigger fear and stress for many creatives, however this doesn't need to be. There are five myths that Colin believes must be dispelled before examining the specifics of funnels.

Myth 1: Funnels are expensive to design to run, maintain and control.

This isn't the case at all. Funnels can be implemented at no cost or under $50. Once they've been put in place and kept up to date, they will be quick since they work with a manner that's completely automatic!

Myth #2. Funnels require specialized software for subscriptions for proper operation.

The expense of costly or complex software isn't necessary. You can create great funnels with very easy-to-use software that is available to you either for free or with a low-cost monthly subscription.

Myth #3. If I don't have landing pages or games, my funnels aren't going to work.

There's no need to design extremely sophisticated custom landing pages to allow your funnels to work. Many of Colin's most effective conversion emails are just a short paragraph. Some of his best landing pages are just one buttonand couple of paragraphs. If your message and the timing of your communication are on the same page, the landing page will work!

Myth 4: I have to hire someone to implement my channels.

If you have access to Facebook or another program that allows you create your own funnels. Colin will show you exactly how on this blog.

HTML1  Myth 5, Funnels must be multi-step and require a complicated user flow to function.

This is not the case. Complex flow can result in more complexity and can be difficult to resolve. The shorter flow will work well for the majority of business requirements.

After we've gotten rid of the myths surrounding and are out of the way let's get started on creating funnels.

Colin will present five sales funnels which are applicable and crucial to every business, however, they're not automated. Colin will demonstrate ways to incorporate them into your site.

The platforms that Colin employs in his examples are MailChimp, Typeform, and Zapier. Each of them is available in the App Store.

5 sales funnel examples

The first step in sending marketing materials to prospective customers is gathering the contact details of potential customers. If they've visited your website and expressed their interest in your service and it is your responsibility to make them your client!

Perhaps you've visited an online site and noticed the section which reads "Welcome! Join now and receive 15 percent off your first purchase." This is a great example of the Footer opt-in. This funnel allows potential clients to sign up for your email list very quickly and also allows you to gather your information to keep in touch with them later on.

The process is easy it takes anywhere between 15 and 30 minutes. In the average, about 1 to 2 percent of visitors will sign up to this. If you can get their email you have a good chance you can help them get to the stage where they will purchase your items.

Check out this video Colin using the funnel step-by-step:  

   2. Contact us and we will follow up

Each website should have a Contact Us page to make it easy for visitors to reach the business. If you own a site customers can come to you with questions regarding your offerings or prices. If they are unable to contact your site and the questions they ask are left unanswered, it is likely that they'll go away to find a different option. Do not lose the revenue!

Contact Us Follow-up funnel Contact Us follow-up funnel will enable you to automatically stay the contact with your students following they contact you. The procedure will take 15-30 minutes. Based on Colin's experience that 25% of the people using the funnels have gone on to take additional actions, such as purchasing his product!

The way this funnel functions is that when users go to your website, when they submit the Contact Us form, Zapier can detect that user's action and connect them to MailChimp. In MailChimp it is possible to configure an automation which will then send an follow-up message to answer their queries.

An additional benefit to this funnel is that it reduces the amount of support times and the tedious task of manually keeping in contact with every student. A major and efficient aspects of this funnel FAQ follow-up. Colin suggests that you start with a FAQ page from day one when you start creating your site. As a potential beginner user. What are you required to learn? Which are your concerns?

Watch Colin using this funnel in his video:

   3. Abandonment /lead onboarding

It's normal for people to sign up but never finish their transaction. It may be the result of an interruption, or an urgent task which has led them to your site, or worries about the commitment. How can you make sure that they will return to purchase your program?

It's possible to design an onboarding system for customers who have abandoned or lead. People who sign up but didn't purchase something, are encouraged to revisit and finish the checkout procedure.

Similar to the previous funnel model, an email is immediately sent out to customers who haven't completed the purchase. Colin suggests sending an easy note about items that were not in the shopping cart, or offering a special discount for a quick increase in sales. This funnel is arguably one of the most successful funnels out of the 5 mentioned in the article.

The implementation process takes approximately one to two hours. When Colin used it for his own company, it was able to achieve 50% engagement and a 13% of those who have engaged complete the purchase.

Learn the way Colin utilizes the funnel in the video:

   4. Student is aboard

The sales funnel does not stop after your clients purchase your item, but you have to keep nurturing and establish a solid bond with them so that they can be sure of the purchase of future products. The best way to accomplish this is to provide an effortless onboarding experience.

The students might not know about the platform, or even in your classes they may need some assistance on the journey. When the onboarding process is easy, they'll be more likely to come back and purchase other courses and inform others about them. If they're not satisfied with the first time they've been on the program, students may leave the program and are less likely to take another course.

The Student Onboarding funnel is designed to make the onboarding process that is simple and helps your students get immersed in their new surroundings faster. Some common methods to help your students would include sending a welcome email, and sequences of email that contain important information like how to sign into your website, navigate to the dashboard and ask questions in a discussion.

The procedure of implementation is identical to previous funnels and will take around two hours to construct. Colin experienced as much as 30% more improvement in student retention for his company.

Colin is known for his ability to teach students via classes or drip schedules. One of the easiest method to ensure your students are provided with the tools they need for success is to send your students a weekly email. Make sure they know what to expect in the week ahead and the things they should take to prepare. This is, naturally, possible to do in a way that is automatic. That is the exact reason for this funnel.

A further benefit of the funnel is that it can reduce the amount of refunds. A majority of refunds originate from customers who've logged in but don't what to do and are overwhelmed. It is easy to help the customers and reduce the amount of refunds you receive.

HTML0In the video, Colin will demonstrate how to create an HTML0-based student onboarding funnel:

   5. Request for an automated review

Online businesses live and die by the ratings they are receiving. The higher the rating and more positive the course has greater the chance that potential customers consider it trustworthy. So, it's important to promote the students to write the course with an assessment and possibly give them a reward for their efforts.

When a person completes a course, the email that includes an assessment form of the course will be instantly sent. After the course evaluation is completed, you may follow up with giving a prize in exchange for their action, such as the chance to earn a credit towards the next purchase. Furthermore, depending on the scores provided by your customers, you may get them to sign up to be an ambassador for the company.

The goal for this label is to add the recipients to a mailing list in the email system you use. This particular group of customers are extremely active and it is the perfect audience to market to, get feedback from and test programs with.

The process of implementation can last between 15 and 30 minutes. Ten percent of the customers will write a review based upon Colin's own experience. This funnel could provide a potential opportunity not taken advantage of for marketing. If someone has taken an enterprise finance course and is looking to take your accounting class. Another scenario could be that you've taught them your intro course and would like to enroll in the more advanced class that follows. It is important to provide the same course like the one your student completed an assessment for.

Find step-by-step instructions on how to build the funnel that is shown in this instructional video:

   Use TCommerce to make the selling process easier and to manage payment  

Five sales funnels Colin suggests will lead to higher conversion. In order to ensure you're up to be successful and effectively manage the expansion, TCommerce can support your requirements for payment.

Here are some essential characteristics of TCommerce:

  • Access powerful, fully integrated sales tools designed specifically for teachers like you.
  • Accept and manage payments all from the same place using our payment processor integrated, Payments.
  • Make bookkeeping easier by providing easy access to your payments orders, transactions, and payouts report.

Are you looking for more help with the installation? Learn more on the Help Centre article.

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