Five Examples of Sales Funnels that will inspire you

Dec 2, 2022

Are you struggling to gather contact information from prospective customers in order to supply them with more marketing information? Do you see potential customers abandoning your shopping cart however, you don't know which way to contact them? Are you finding your email list to be difficult to handle, however, you're not receiving customer phone calls?

This isn't just for you. These aren't uncommon for people who have no previous experience of sales. These challenges could lead to massive sales loss. How can you get right? Proper sales funnels.

The sales funnel is a representation of the entire process your clients experience all the way through their experience in their journey as a client, starting at the moment they discover about your organization until the point they buy the product or take any other action they want to take. The sales funnels that work can help convert more leads to customers.

Colin Longworth is the Founder of and an expert on the creation of customized solutions as well as sales funnels. He has written over the last five years and is an authority since the year. This blog post by the author discusses 5 high-converting sales funnels that you're capable of using to boost the amount of money you make.

Do you want to break the line?

What exactly are selling funnels?

A funnel could be defined as the process you want your customers to follow to attain a particular goal or outcome.

The result could be an order, subscription, download or simply that you're decreasing the friction. It is your goal to take your client from point A towards where they would like to go as quickly as can be done, and using the least amount of friction is possible. In the end, day, funnels will aid in increasing the profit of your company and will also assist to grow your business quickly.

The battle against funnel marketing falsehoods

The term "sales funnel" is a source of anxiety and fear for many designers, however this doesn't need to be. There are five common misconceptions that Colin thinks should be addressed before getting into the complexities of funnels.

Myth 1. Funnels can be expensive to design, operate, and maintain.

This isn't the case however. The funnels are able to be installed for free or at a cost of less than $50. Once the funnels are put set up, maintaining them will require only a few minutes, since they function in a way which is automated!

Myth 2. Funnels need specialized subscription software in order to function properly.

The expense of a costly and complicated program is not required. You can create stunning funnels using a straightforward software application accessible to download at no cost or through a cost-effective month-long subscription.

Myth 3. If I don't have landing pages or hacking my funnels they won't work.

You don't need extremely sophisticated landing pages in order for your funnels to be effective. A lot of the most successful conversion emails have only one sentence. Many of his most effective landing pages have just only a couple of buttons and lines of paragraphs. So long as the information and the timing of your message is relevant and correct the landing page going to work!

Myth #4: I have to employ somebody to set up my channel.

If you're connected to Facebook or any other program, it is possible to design your own personal funnels. Colin will provide the exact steps in this blog post.

HTML0 HTML0 Myth 5. Funnels need to be multi-step and contain a complex flow of users in order to work.

But, that's not the case. Complex flow can result in greater complexity, and can make it difficult to tackle. A simple flow is an ideal fit for the majority of needs for business.

Once we've had the myths eliminated, we can begin building funnels.

Colin will present five sales funnels that could be utilized and are essential to every company, yet are not automated. Colin will demonstrate how to integrate the funnels into your website.

The apps which Colin employs in his examples comprise MailChimp, Typeform, and Zapier. These platforms are available in the App Store.

Five funnels that can be used for sales

The first step of sending information to prospective customers is collecting the information of their contact. When they've visited your site, they have displayed an interest in the product, and it's your duty to convert them into potential customers!

If you've browsed the internet , you'll have come across the page which says "Welcome! Join today and get 15 percent off your first purchase." This is a great example of the Footer opt-in. This funnel allows potential customers to sign up for your mailing list in a short time and also helps you gather the details of the customers you have to contact them for subsequent email communications.

The process is simple and could take between 15 and 30 minutes. On average, around 1-2% of your visitors sign up to this. When you've got their contact you stand a great opportunity to nurture your prospects to the point that they buy your product.

Take a look at this video and watch Colin follow-up on this funnel step-by-step:

   2. Contact us and follow-up

Each website should include a Contact Us page to make it simple for clients to reach the company. Your site's customers might be unsure about your prices or course offerings. If they're not able to reach them or their questions haven't been answered then they'll look for a new alternative. Be sure to not miss out on the money!

An Contact Us Follow-Up funnel allows you to automatically stay connected with your students when they have established contact. It will take between 15 and 30 hours, and according to Colin's study, 25 percent of the people who use these funnels decide to take further actions, like purchasing his product!

The method by which the funnel operates is when the user goes to your site and fills out the Contact Us contact form. Zapier can detect this action and include the user in MailChimp. With MailChimp you can set up an automated process which follows-up with an email that addresses the questions of the customer.

Another benefit to the funnel is the reduction in the time spent on support, in addition to the manual effort needed to stay in contact with every pupil. The most powerful part of the funnel FAQ follow-up. Colin suggests that you start your FAQs at the beginning of each day as you are beginning to build your website. If you're a beginner. What do you have to learn? Which are your concerns?

   See Colin use this funnel in the video following:  

   3. Lead Onboarding/Abandonment

It's commonplace for customers to sign-up but never to make a purchase. The reason they abandon their carts could be due to distracting factors such as the urgency of their work distracting them from the site, or just concerns about the purchase. What steps can you take in order to make them return and purchase your program?

The most effective solution is to design the onboarding process so that it allows the possibility of cancellation, or even to guide. People who sign but did not take the class should return to check out.

Like the funnel preceded it, an email will be automatically sent to those who haven't made the purchase. Colin suggests sending a quick note of what items were left in the cart and offering discounts to increase the sales. It is the most effective funnel out of five that we will discuss in this blog post.

The process of implementation takes approximately 1 to two hours . When Colin employed it in the running of his own company, it was able to achieve an engagement rate of 50 and 13% of people who have engaged are likely to make the purchase.

See how Colin uses this funnel for in the video that follows:

   4. Students on the way to school

The sales funnel doesn't stop once your customers have purchased your products and services, so it's important to maintain and maintain a strong connection with them in order to guarantee your next purchase. A way to achieve this is by providing the opportunity to onboard your customers in a simple manner.

Certain students may not be familiar with the platform, nor with your courses or may need assistance through the entire process. If the onboarding process is easy, they'll be able to purchase additional classes, and also let their friends know about the course. If they get off to a rough beginning and then they'll be tempted to drop the course, and then be reluctant to invest in more.

The student onboarding funnel was designed to create an experience simple for your students to assist them in gaining access to the course faster. Some common ways to assist your students would be to design a welcoming message that's specific to the course you are offering or to send a series of emails that contain important information like how to login to your site, how to use your dashboard. Also, invite them to participate in discussions.

The method of installation is similar to the prior funnels, which require one to two hours for the process of construction. Colin was able to see an improvement of around 30% in retention rates for students in the company which he owns.

Colin is known for his ability to teach students in cohorts and drip plans. One of the easiest methods to make sure that students are equipped with the tools they need for success is sending periodic emails. Explain to them what to expect from the next week, and also how they should prepare for it. The entire process is obviously feasible to automatize and that is what this funnel was designed to accomplish.

Another advantage of funnels is that they can lower the volume of refunds. A majority of refunds come from customers who are signed in to the system, but do not recognize the best place to begin or where to begin, then find themselves in a state of overwhelm. It is easy to help those customers that you're helping in reducing the number of refunds.

HTML0 The video Colin will show you how to build an HTML-based student onboarding funnel:

   5. Request for automated review

Companies online are governed on the basis of the scores they're getting. The higher and more favorable evaluated an educational program is, the greater the chance that potential users believe it is reliable. Thus, it is essential to motivate learners to publish their feedback and encourage them to do so.

When an individual completes the course, the email with the course review, it is automatically sent. After the course has been reviewed and the course is reviewed, the next step is to reward them with a small amount for their decision, for instance, credit toward your next purchase. Additionally, based on the score given by the users, you can identify reviewers as advocates for your business.

The purpose of this tag is to put them on a list within your email platform. These particular customers is extremely active, making them an excellent customer base to target or get feedback from or even to test your software using.

It takes anywhere between 15-30 to 30 minutes. A quarter of the population is likely to post a comment, according to Colin's perspective. It's also an opportunity which isn't used to sell. When someone has attended the finance course and is eager to enroll in the accounting course. A different scenario is when you've given them your intro course. They might be seeking to join your intermediate course after. Make sure you include a similar course that is similar to one which the student posted reviews for.

Step-by step instructions on how to build this funnel using this step-by-step instruction video

Make use of TCommerce to speed up the process of selling and manage the payment process.

Colin's sales funnels with five funnels will help you achieve higher conversion. For you to make sure that you're prepared to succeed and effectively manage growth, TCommerce can support your requirements for payment.

Here are some of the most important characteristics of TCommerce:

  • Access powerful, fully integrated Marketing tools specially designed to assist course designers such as you.
  • Manage and pay for your payment transactions from the same central area through the integrated processor for payments. Payments.
  • simplifies your bookkeeping and make it easy to access the Payouts order, transaction, and Payouts report.

Are you in need of assistance setting up your setup? Learn more about what you can do to assist to set up your system by reading our Help Centre article.

This post was posted on this site.

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