Five Examples of sales funnel designs that will inspire You

Dec 2, 2022

Are you struggling to receive messages from prospective customers so that you can send them additional marketing material? Do you see customers that you'd like to convert leave the cart, but do not have the knowledge to follow-up? Are you finding your mailer hard to control and don't end up getting the client back?

You don't have to fret. There are many creators that don't have any experience in sales. However, these issues can lead to massive losses in sales. The only way to change the course of events? Proper sales funnels.

A sales funnel represents a representation of all the steps your potential customers take during their way to becoming customers. The process begins when they are first introduced to the business until they buy your products or perform any other action they want to take. A well-designed sales funnel can help you convert more prospects to buyers.

Colin Longworth is the Founder of and is an expert at creating unique solutions and sales funnels. He's been an Author for more than five years, and an expert since. In this post on his blog He outlines five highly-converting sales funnels you're in a position to improve the number of revenue for your organization.

Do you want to skip the next section?

What are sales funnels?

The funnel is the pathway which you would like your customers to follow, to reach the desired goal or result.

It could result in a sales, subscriptions, download, or just your efforts to reduce friction. It's important to get your client from point A to destination B as swiftly and efficiently as is possible. The end result is that funnels are a great way to boost your profits and help boost your profits faster.

The battle against the myths about sales funnels

The phrase "sales funnel" can trigger an anxiety and fear among many creators, but it's not necessary to. The following are the top five frequently cited myths Colin believes needs to be addressed before examining the details of funnels.

Myth 1. Funnels can cost money to make as well as operate and maintain.

It's not the case however. Funnels can be put in place for free or for under $50. After they've been implemented Maintenance will require minimal time as they function completely automatically!

 Myth 2. Funnels need complex subscription software to operate properly.

Expensive or complex software doesn't have to be. You can create excellent funnels by using a straightforward software that could be yours for free or for the cost of a modest subscription.

HTML0   Myth 3 In the absence of personalized landing pages, and games my channels will not perform.

There's no requirement to build extremely sophisticated custom landing pages to allow your funnels' functions to be effective. A lot of the most successful email conversions are just a brief paragraph. The best landing pages have only a single button with easy phrases. So long as your content and timeframe of your communications are on the same page, your landing page will perform!

HTML0. Myth 4: I have to engage someone to build my funnels.

If you have access to Facebook or other software you can build your own personal funnels. Colin will provide the specifics in this blog.

Myth 5. Funnels require multiple steps and complicated flow of users in order for operation.

It's not true. The complexity of a flow can lead to greater complexity, and are often very challenging to solve. The flow with less complexity is suitable to meet the vast majority of business demands.

Once we've gotten all the myths out of our way, it's time to start making funnels.

Colin will present five sales funnels that can be used and vital to all companies, but still run on autopilot. Colin will demonstrate how to add the funnels to your site.

The three platforms Colin utilizes in the instance are MailChimp, Typeform, and Zapier. They are all available on the App Store.

Five sales funnel examples

The first step in sending promotional material to potential customers is to collect their contact information. Once they've visited your site you've sparked their interest in your services and offerings. services. The next step is to follow the actions to persuade them to turn into potential clients!

It's likely that you've visited an internet site and noticed an area that reads "Welcome! Register now to receive 15 percent off your first purchase." This is an excellent illustration of a Footer opt-in. This funnel permits potential customers to sign up for your mailing list in a short time and they can be gathered for future marketing communications.

The process is simple and takes approximately 15 to 30 minutes. It is estimated that 1-2 percent of visitors to your website are likely to choose to sign up. If you're able to obtain your email address, you have a great chance that they will be nurtured until the point of purchasing the products you offer.

Watch this video to watch Colin use the funnel step-by-step:  

   2. Contact us, and we'll follow up

Each website should have an Contact Us page to make it easier for visitors to get in touch with the business. If you have websites, clients may contact you with questions regarding the classes you provide or about pricing. If they're not able to get in touch with you with their inquiries most likely that they'll leave and search at other alternatives. Be sure to take advantage of the sale!

Contact Us follow-up funnel can allow you to reach students who make contact. It should take between 15 and 30 minutes. Based on Colin's experience about 25% of people who visit these funnels take the next step, like purchasing the items he sells!

The way this funnel functions is that when a visitor comes to your website, and fills out the Contact Us form, then Zapier will detect this activity and include the person in MailChimp. Within MailChimp you can set up an automation that sends an additional email in response to their questions.

Another benefit to this funnel is that it cuts down on support time along with the manual tasks required to remain in touch with every student. The most effective part of this funnel is FAQ follow-up. Colin advises you to start an FAQ section from the first day you begin developing your website. If you're a novice user. What are you looking to know? What are the questions you believe you'd ask yourself?

Watch Colin use this funnel in the video:

   3. Lead Onboarding/Abandonment

It's fairly common for prospects to sign up, but not finish their purchases. The reason they abandon their cart may be as a result of a distraction, an urgent task which brought them to your website, or concerns about their commitment. What can you do to ensure they will return to purchase the course?

It is possible to create an abandoned/lead onboarding funnel. Users who sign up but didn't purchase an item, are motivated to visit again to complete the checkout procedure.

Similar to the funnel previously, an email will be instantly sent to clients who never completed the purchase. Colin suggests sending them a brief note of what products were not purchased, or offering a slight discount that will instantly increase your profits. This is the most crucial funnel among five described in this article.

The process can last anywhere to 1 and 2 hours. when Colin employed it in his business, he could achieve 50 engagement rates and 13% of the people who took part in the program went on to finish the purchase.

Check out the method Colin utilizes the funnel in this video.

   4. Students on the way to school

The sales funnel isn't over when your customers purchase the products you sell, it is important to keep nurturing and build an ongoing relationship with them for subsequent purchases. The best way to accomplish this is to provide the customer with a simple onboarding process.

A few students could be unfamiliar with the platform, or your classes, and might require support during the process. When the process of onboarding new students is easy, they'll be more likely to come back for additional courses, and to recommend the courses. When they get off to a rough start, students might abandon the course and will be less likely to purchase another.

The Student Onboarding funnel aims to create an onboarding process that is easy and assists students get their feet wet more swiftly. Some common methods to help your students include send a course welcome email as well as sequences of emails that contain important information like how to log in to your site to access the dashboard, and also ask questions on a group discussion.

The process for execution is the same as earlier funnels that took around two hours to build. Colin saw the possibility of a 30% increase on retention rates in the firm he owns.

Colin tends to educate students via groups or drip schedules. One of the best ways to ensure your students are equipped with the necessary tools for success is to send your students a weekly email. Inform them of what they can anticipate for the week ahead and the best way to prepare. Of course, is possible to automate which is precisely the point of this funnel.

Another advantage of this channel is the fact that it reduces the amount of refunds. The majority of refunds come from people who have logged into their accounts however aren't sure of how to start and are overwhelmed. It is easy to help the customers you are helping and cut down on amount of refunds.

HTML0In this video Colin will teach you how to create an HTML0-based student onboarding funnel:

   5. Request for an automated review

The existence of online companies are based on the reviews they receive. The higher the number of positive and highly rated an online course is, the greater chance that future clients will consider that it is credible. Thus, it is important to make it easier for learners to review the course and potentially give the course a reward to acknowledge their effort.

The method by which this funnel works is when someone completes the course that the email with the course assessment form will be sent automatically. After the course review has been completed then follow-up by offering a reward for their actions, such as an amount of credit toward the future purchase. Based on the score given by users, you may be able to tag the users as an advocate for your company.

The purpose behind the tag is to add them to an email list in your service. The customers in this particular category is extremely active, and them is the best audience to market to, receive feedback from and try out your software.

The implementation process can take up to 15-30 hours, and 10% of the customers are able to provide comments, as per Colin's personal experience. This funnel could represent an opportunity not taken advantage of to market. If someone is a graduate of a corporate finance class or course, they may be looking to take your accounting class. If you've taught them the introduction course, they may be interested in the advanced course which will follow. You should offer a comparable class the one your student completed an assessment for.

Get step-by-step directions for creating the funnel that is shown in the video below:

   Use TCommerce to simplify selling and manage payments  

Colin's 5 sales funnels can assist in increasing conversion. For you to make sure that you're set up for success and are able to effectively manage growth, TCommerce can support your needs for payments.

Here are some of the key characteristics of TCommerce:

  • Access robust, fully interconnected advertising tools specially designed for course creators like you.
  • Manage and accept payments from one convenient place through Our integrated credit card processor. Payments.
  • simplifies bookkeeping by allowing simple access to payments orders, transactions and reports on Payouts.

Are you looking for assistance in setting up? Get more info on the Help Centre article.

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