Find out more about classes that are video-based - The CreativeMindClass Blog

Aug 11, 2022

 Your CreativeMindClass Pricing Breakdown of Course

We'd like to be fully open about how you can make money through CreativeMindClass and how we make money.

There's a good chance you've heard about an income stream that is inactive. An approach that's effective even when you do not. Creative Mind Class Creative Mind Class, believe that this is essential for artists who wish to teach online. More about the benefits from passive income can be learn about in this article: href=" /">"Passive income for artists. The first principle of a successful art-related enterprise".

As opposed to other websites for training, we tell that you what you're going to achieve, our information isn't always as precise. want you to succeed and ensure that you are aware of everything before you start to work with us.

Being an artist or creative can be a challenge. We've designed a pay-as-you-earn pricing method. We charge only for the time you are successful. So no setting-up fees, no monthly charges, no hidden fees. In this post we will break down each class's cost with great detail. No more secrets about how much you earn on teaching with video classes.

CreativeMindClass Pricing Fundaments:

  • The first step is free by earning money on a pay-as-you-go basis.
  • No setting-up fees, no monthly charges, no hidden fees.
  • We only charge when you succeed.
  • CreativeMindClass charges 8percent of the revenue share on classes, which includes 12% for classes that have a community feature. 16% of revenue portion for classes using the community option with CreativeMindClass raise sales kit. ( Note: Revenue share is not inclusive of the processing fee that are charged by Stripe or the student invoice costs.)

How much can you make from your USD/EUR 100 online course?

Said, John is an artist as well as a painter of watercolor who hails from the United States and wants to develop a beginners' class in the field. He's chosen CreativeMindClass for the ease of use that it offers him in creating an entirely unique space to teach.

He's decided to start at a low level and has decided to go with the basic option. Following some work-in-progress on the course, and with help by the CreativeMindClass team, John's classes on video are done and he's ready to upload them. The team decided to launch the course for just 100 dollars (incl. VAT).

The course is scheduled to be on the market shortly... We're excited! One of John's Instagram fans, Nina, signs up for the course! Nina lives in Germany which means that later Johnhas to be paying German tax..

CreativeMindClasses's automated pricing system does the math for everyone.

HTML0 The final price breakdown will look like this:

  • VAT in Germany is 19 percent
  • Processing fees for Stripe transactions is 4.4%
  • Fee for student invoicing of digital products 6percent
  • CreativeMindClass The Basic Fee for the Packge = 8 percent
  • John earns -> 64 percent of the course that is that is sold. It's simple and easy.

In a nutshell: John earns $63 for every $100 class that is sold on CreativeMindClass.

   Teach On CreativeMindClass

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