Electronic notifications CreativeMindClass

Mar 27, 2024


     E-mail messages    

Creators of courses as well as students receive automated emails from CreativeMindClass. notifications about sign-ups and purchases.

SKIPP Ahead to

1. Notifications for email subscribers to the Learner

1. Welcome email

2. Email confirmation after purchase

2. Notifications to the course creator via email

     Notifications via email for learners    

Learners will get the following emails:

  1. Email to welcome: If a new student enrolls in your class
  2. Confirmation email after placing an order: When a student takes the payment to pay to attend your class

     Welcome email    

CreativeMindClass will send your new student an email welcoming them with an option to verify their email address.

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     Confirmation email will be sent out following the purchase    

CreativeMindClass will send your learner an email that confirms the purchase, including information regarding the purchase as well as an access link to your class.

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2. Email notifications for course creators

The email will include the following information:

  • The new sign-up occurs the moment a student signs up to your class

A new purchase when a learner buys the course

     More resources to aid you in your learning CreativeMindClass    

After you've mastered the basics You can build upon them. The CreativeMindClass team will follow suit too. There's a myriad of guides to help you get going so that anyone can discover what they would want to.


Are you interested in seeing the online courses platform example built using CreativeMindClass?


Want some more tips for making the most of CreativeMindClass to its fullest?


The article was originally posted on CreativeMindClass

This post was first seen on here