Eight Things This Composer Led when he composed his composition class for the first time

Dec 31, 2023

Hans Indigo Spencer has always been a musician with a love of music since the time he was in high school. He composed music as a pianist and played on saxophone and also wanted to be an accomplished musician.

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After that, he obtained his undergraduate composition degree. Then, he completed an advanced study in jazz performance. Then, he founded the group Boston. "Along my career I've composed music for large group, performed as choreographer as well as in documentaries and television" He shares his experiences with .

As he worked on various different projects, Spencer was intrigued by teaching music at elementary schools. When he completed his master's program, he learned about what is known as the Kodaly method of teaching, an instructional method that was created by the Hungarian composer Zoltan Kodaly. This method of teaching was the base of his instruction to students in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Presently, he is a teacher of ear-training to music students at The University of Southern Maine.

In the aftermath of the covid attack on the highway, all of his classes at the university were moved online. This provided a fantastic opportunity for him to master Final Cut Pro so that it could create and edit instructional material. Inspired by his new skills, he decided to create a side hustle---specifically so that he could create a course that would make learning to play by ear as organic and enjoyable for grown ups as it was in the classroom with his elementary school students.

The Accelerator course is a one-year live course created to assist creators in designing and promoting their online courses step-by- stage and in a way that is confident. confidence.The results were that he developed this Course for Holistic Ear Training to help busy People. It was designed to aid people in playing piano "with unpredictability that lets the imagination run wild" according to his.

Although his project has been operational for less than 4 months, and his enroll rates have been inconsistent, he's learned a ton throughout the process. Much of this can be helpful to others novices in creating their own strategies to ensure that online courses are successful. "It's been a long time and effort, as well as a complex process" Spencer reveals. "Along the way I'm studying marketing, I'm doing things that I've not done previously. This is only the beginning of stepping off the runway. ."

These are the key steps that he used to create the first course online.

He has carefully created a course

When deciding on the right online learning platform, he was able to spend the entire day researching. "Then, once I got on the website, I was there," He states.

It was announced in August 2023. "It's but not yet fully developed," he shares. "I'm creating it in conjunction with the handful of people that are using the program ."

The total number of chapters is 10 chapters. Each chapter has around 20 minutes of content--with chapters of different lengths and longer. "It is taught in a slow manner, so that the learners can begin with a slow pace and work over a long period of time," he adds. "This course is about developing awareness and perception of the ear's playing over time, as well as connecting to your music of interest in. This naturally requires a certain duration ."

"The course is provided in an arrangement that guarantees that it's audio-only video-only material," adds Spencer. "The idea is that you can download the audio, as well as everything including the video, with only audio. In this way, you can listen while walking the dog or drive, or work out. ."

He started a school within a community

For Spencer the community provides students is just as important to their development as his class. "It's where the interaction between me as well as my students becomes real," he explains.

In this class, students select a tune they love. Then, they are taught to spot and recognize the "spine" which is present in the tune by decoding each key. "You should be able to hear the notes' sound before you can identify the melody," He says. "That's where the community comes in the picture. When you are in the class, You tell me which track you would like to work on. Then, we get to join forces. As a part of my local community I support students with finding solutions ."

This course has been crafted toward a certain, particular target audience

The title of his book is "Holistic Ear Training for Busy People -- this course is targeted at specific audiences. "Busy people" are often apprehensive that they're unable to master some new skill, or find themselves interested in music, but are overwhelmed by numerous things to attend to," he explains.

"In the Accelerator program, we talked about the fit of a product to market as well as the importance of titling products to ensure that they're perceived as what they are for," continues Spencer. "That seems to be an important marketing strategy. ."

Concerning demographics of the population, Spencer conducted some research to find out who those "busy people" are as well as the way they respond to his content. To do so Spencer posted content on advertisements and posts on social media. "Presently, it seems that people who are engaging on my blog posts are people who are more than sixty-years old," the author explains. "I could not have thought of such a thing, yet they're one who's been given a bite ."

In other posts he's made and he's said it's not a mix of both men and women.

HTML0 He was totally satisfied with the education the students were receiving from him.

While his students are becoming slower, Spencer is confident in his teaching method and the efficacy of the information he teaches. "I believe in what I'm teaching, which is the reason why other teachers with similar programs don't possess the credibility and authority to implement it the way that I do," Spencer says. "I'm highly confident as a result of my education, and I possess the unique blend of skills in curriculum design and the knowledge create music over the course of a lengthy time ."

"I don't want to place the shingle in a place where I was not sure about the circumstances," adds Spencer. "You must know how you can speak about it and then make sure you give it a depth ."

Furthermore having faith in the program that He is teaching could assist him in selling the program. "I am not able to make money selling soda or pottery however I can promote this class because my bone structure is present in my body." He asserts with confidence.

In order to increase the number of students attending, he plans on relaunching his Facebook ad campaign using video clips that was created by him over the course of summer. "So to date I've seen only tiny snippets of the advertisement, which makes me feel happy," he says.

The instructor priced his class in an understandable method

He decided to sell this course for $98 USD. When choosing the price the instructor assessed his program against similar programs. He then decided that he'd rather go with the least expensive option over the other options so that people could get to enroll in the program and try regularly.

He uses Payments, so that--like Communities--everything is under one roof. "I have already used Mailchimp, Zapier, Meta and my own website. It's not a good concept to create a new payment system," he states.

The company's goal is to be profitable enough to be able to afford the business. It is his goal to get at minimum 100 active users in the coming two quarters. In the next quarter, he'd prefer to develop an advanced course that has more advanced content, to enable students to be able to take the next class. "In Level 2 I'd like to discuss the efforts I've done to improve my own hearing," Spencer says. Spencer. "It might be a kind of master-level class. ."

He enlisted help

Spencer's most challenging learning curve is navigating his brain regarding marketing. "They do not teach how to market in the music schools," he laughs. "Learning to relax with marketing took me a lot of years. ."

Social media has been written by the writer as "maddening" as well as "time-consuming" sometimes. It is a blessing having two assistants who work as part of an agreement for a brief period. He has one assistant who helps him manage the social media accounts The second assistant aids with funnel design at the highest level. "I have found these folks via Upwork, and I have been enthralled working with them."

In reality, the only thing which he'd prefer to have done differently would be to have hired earlier. "Part of what I've learned as a composer and musician is to finish every task by myself" he reveals. "I think that if I could assist from the beginning, it would be beneficial ."

"In my experiences, I've witnessed numerous tiny fragments of information joining together when creating content for social media, learning ways to reuse content, understanding how to link the contents to curriculum material, and learning how to handle each interface from MailChimp and , Meta and Google," he says. "You need to complete the exact same thing every time until you are familiar and do not require as many hours in the beginning, or hire someone else to help you.

The author is the sole writer of his content himself, like newsletters, content for courses and the course content, as well as advertising for them and course material.

Students are informed via email of the most recent methods or lessons that comprise the class. Students who sign up using his lead magnet will be added to a separate email list. They are then sent the series of five emails which direct to free classes to encourage students to join the paid course.

He is planning to use Instagram, Facebook ads, together with Google search phrases to market his classes.

He designed online free classes to attract leads.

In response to questions concerning his experience with clients he acknowledges that it's not yet finished. He has more the work to refine it.

He is currently operating two Facebook advertisements, both of which consist of instructional videos that he has made. The purpose behind these ads is to take free lessons. Also, the advertiser has a feature that allows students to take a few classes for free. "My idea is that those who visit the advertisements will experience a learning opportunity that is directly connected to my work" He elaborates.

Spencer provides these free courses that are offered across the whole course, meaning that when people are inside the course, they can go through each item without cost. He then uses Zapier installed which can forward the data to Mailchimp to take them on the five-email series that's controlled. The messages direct the or potential customer to take a look at different features throughout the course.

He was playing around with HTML0.

The main part of Spencer's initial online course design was his willingness to experiment with new ideas.

"Everything is an opportunity to test something completely new" He continues. "If you don't get the most views from your Instagram video, it's not because the content is inadequate. Video posts can have 11,000 views, and some can have up to 25. What do I need to do to try to test? There is a way to look into the approach to marketing, and find out what I'm not getting an grasp of ."

But, Spencer hasn't had instant successes overnight (which most first-time course creators don't see right away! This is a lengthy game, and it's important to remember that) He's dedicated to his job and excited about the information which he intends to transmit. "If you're driven by the desire to impart your knowledge I'm convinced that there's an audience that will be grateful," he concludes.

Do you want to transform your experience into revenue? A new audience and online course are waiting for you. Join now for a complimentary trial to test your ideas.

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