Cyber Weekend Benchmarking Information: 2023 SaaS and Software December Report on Holiday Spend

Nov 5, 2023

The Q4 numbers of sales usually surpass other times of the year because of the holidays at the end of the year and their associated shopping cycles But is this trend likely to extend to the sales of software and SaaS sales? Does it help B2B business sales as well or is it more an B2C gain?

It is a retailer that serves as a record-keeper to more than 3500 companies who utilize our platform every day to market digital products around the world. We've examined aggregate sales information to show you the significance of Q4 for the software you sell, SaaS or other online items businesses.

Although the latest trends in holiday shopping may have started with Black Friday deals and spread into Cyber Monday The entire weekend is now referred to as Cyber Weekend -- and sales during the fourth quarter tend to be strong, as shoppers are getting ready for their many Christmas celebrations. Are you making the most of the many revenue-generating opportunities available during the fourth quarter of your software firm?

Below, we'll cover:

About Our Data

What is the source from which Data? Information? Where Did It Come From?

The company works with more than 3500 businesses to help sell digital goods across more than 200 nations and territories around the world We've narrowed our data used in this study in order to make the report applicable to software and SaaS companies.

The information below is particular to the location where sales took place in the first place, and not to where the companies are located.

In order to get global data for the entire market, we chose eight countries -- including the United States, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, India, Brazil, Australia, and China for a a broad view of worldwide sales.

When you're using the information are coming from

The following data is collected from the years 2018 through 2022 providing the most up-to-date insights, while showing trends that appear to be identical across five years, and not allowing any outliers that could skew the data unnecessarily.

We also use the index for seasonality in order to reveal the amount of sales in each month or quarter with respect to the year's mean for the week or month.

We began by looking through U.S. software and SaaS sales figures from 2018 to 2022 in order gain insight into trends in sales on a monthly or quarterly basis during the past five years.

After calculating an average over the course of a month, we then compared that month's sales to this average to calculate the percent. In the example above, if February has an average of 90%, that indicates that it's 10 percent less than the average monthly. If the sales report for November has a 111%, that means it's sales are 1 percent higher than average for every month.

5YR Average US SAAS and Software Revenues by Month

The best sales happen during November, with 11% higher than average, however each month of Q4 show the highest growth across the entire year. October is especially high the sales are 4percent higher than prior month, and in December being 8% higher.

Graph showing US software and SaaS sales by month throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. November, December, and October are the highest, in that order.

5YR average US SaaS, as well as software sales per quarter

If you take a look at the quarterly average sales, Q4 sales are higher by 8 percent and are that high that three of the quarters falls just below the median.

Graph showing US software and SaaS sales by quarter throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. Q4 is the highest at 108%

Beyond Beyond to U.S., we combined data with the same criteria for across the U.S., Canada, Germany, Great Britain, India, Brazil, Australia and China. This helps us get an understanding of way late-year software sales could be different across the globe.

The bump actually increases in size.

5YR Global average SaaS and Software sales by month

The global sales rose to a yearly high of 16% in November as compared with the average month-to-month. Like the U.S. data above, November and December complete the highest quarter of the year with respective four and seven percent increases.

Graph showing global software and SaaS sales by month throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. November, December, and October are the highest, in that order.

5YR Global average SaaS and Software sales per Quarter

If viewed from a quarterly standpoint, Q4's figure is 9.9 percent more than the quarter-to-quarter average, and yet, that high enough to bring the remaining three quarters lower than that median.

Graph showing global software and SaaS sales by quarter throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. Q4 is the highest at 109%.

The global Q4 quarter-end results only 1% more than those in the U.S. for the same month, and in November, as a stand-alone month recorded a growth by 16% when compared with those in the U.S.'s 11% jump in the same month -- suggesting that November specifically represents a massive sales opportunity around the globe.

5YR Average SaaS as well as Software sales per Month for each country

Additional information about the way each month is broken down into countries We analyzed the information for eight countries which we have included into our overall review. Here's what monthly software sales changes look like using five years of data from countries like the United States (US), Canada (CA), Germany (DE), Great Britain (GB), India (IN), Brazil (BR), Australia (AU), and China (CN).

Graph showing software and SaaS sales of 8 countries by month throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. All countries see a bump in November, with China and Germany being the largest.

The colossal gains made in nations like China and Germany in November suggest a huge potential for SaaS and software businesses to generate profits during the fourth quarter, particularly when you're looking to reach these markets as part of an overall expansion strategy.

Additionally, while U.S. data suggest a smaller increase of just 11% during November, it's important to remember the fact that North America accounts for a substantial large portion of world's software and SaaS revenues. The study shows 40% of 2022's worldwide software revenues can be attributed in North America, and another study estimates a part of approximately 57.5 percentage of 2020 world SaaS market which is attributable to NA. So, an increase of 11% in the month of November North America in the U.S. could mean a lot more money if you look at that it is a small piece of a much larger pie.

B2C vs. B2B

Most companies that sell software internationally offer simultaneously B2C as well as B2B markets. But, regardless of whether your SaaS firm is focused on one or the other, it's vital to understand how sales patterns differ across the two market. The information gathered can assist you to determine how best to focus marketing and sales efforts on these markets, especially when one market provides a greater chance.

The results of the study show similar trends across the whole year. The fourth quarter was the most profitable for both segments.

Graph showing B2C versus B2B global software and SaaS sales by quarter throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. Q4 is highest for both B2B and B2C, higher for B2C.

B2C sales experienced an average bump that was 11 percent higher than the median of the previous quarter. This is likely to be not surprising considering how this period is well-known for its promotion of consumption -"consumer "consumer" was the term used.

However, don't forget about the B2B market in Q4. Despite the fact that B2B sales appear slightly more steady throughout the year comparison to B2C revenues, a 5 percent growth in Q4 is significant within the segment which is often prone to spending and is still able to benefit from sales at the end of the year, regardless of whether a consumer buys for themselves or for their business. Corporate credit cards are still used by a lot of customers, especially those seeking to buy software and may be looking for a good deal in particular the event that tight budgets of departments are a factor in the purchase decision.

Additionally, certain B2B clients might be trying at using funds from budgets prior to the close of the year so that their budget is not cut for the coming year. These customers could be pressing their teams or departments to be equipped using the right equipment before the start of the new year. These kinds of business-related incidents may be contributing to the rise of B2B sales throughout Q4 despite numerous interruptions to work during the holidays.

Cyber Week Strategies for SaaS and Software Companies

Wondering about the best ways to take advantage of the Q4 increase? Whatever your goal, whether B2C or B2B customers, here are the best ways to increase sales of software and SaaS revenues by the close of on the calendar year.

Offer Partners Custom Coupon Promo Codes

Furthermore, you'll be able to track how that sale promotion could perform when it is in comparison to other coupon codes.

     Can't find any partners to give the Coupons to? Find Some!

If you're still not making use of promotional offers this holiday season may provide new opportunities. Look for other SaaS or software firms that have offerings that complement yours. (For instance, if such a thing happens, for example, you design a database application search for firms that create the front-end tools.)

In addition to personalized coupon codes, you can also provide the possibility of trading Cyber Weekend promotions to each of their audiences through the use of emails web banners, site banners and social media posts and other methods that will help every company boost end-of-year sales.

Email Your Own Prospects

If you decide not to engage in partnership-related promotionsin the case that this is an extensive project, you'll need extra time in order to plan it sending emails to your current prospects is an incredibly fast and simple method to carry out.

Buyers who are interested in buying your product can't profit by deals that they do not know about Don't just use a banner on your site to grab the attention of potential purchasers upon visiting your site. Inspire the visitors to your website by sending them proactive mailers regarding upcoming sales or ongoing ones to get their attention where they are.

Contact Your Customers Currently an Email

As prospective buyers, customers cannot be enticed to buy in the event that they're not aware of the sales during the holidays, and neither.

Here's a few of the profitable opportunities to pursue in the current users you have

  • Add-ons for upselling. Examine user information for those who use your products the most often or the ones with the most common use, since they may have the highest chance of wanting more capabilities and also accessibility.
  • Enhance subscriptions by providing additional features. Similar to downloads, if it is possible to identify the top customers of your product, you could target those who are most likely purchase greater quantities of the product.
  • convert freemium customers into paid subscribers by offering an attractive sale. If you consider freemium to be a major element of your business, a successful Christmas sale can serve as a lever to draw in clients who are enthralled by their accessibility to, but who know that they really could use a lot more of them.
  • upsells from individual subscriptions to team subscriptions or between team and enterprise subscriptions. It might not be straightforward to determine which power users are also evangelists for the products of your firm, but if they have contextual user information (such for example, the kind that can be collected from your salesforce internal) the fourth quarter is the perfect opportunity to contact businesses with certain customers, and also the opportunity to get much more.
  • Cross-sell to completely new items. If your company model includes several standalone products there is a great possibility to market the base of one product with promotions to buy another or reverse. If you're in a position to provide additional products, the greater your segmentation you're capable of doing and the greater opportunities you have.
  • Switch users between the monthly and annual subscriptions. It is the English expression "A bird in the hand is two in the bush" is often applicable to businesses in that the revenue you can earn for your business at this moment could be superior to slightly more revenue doled out in a gradual manner through the following. Profit from buyers in a buying mindset towards the close of Q4: tempt clients with appealing deals to save money in the future when they switch their monthly subscription to a annual one.

 Leverage Social Media

Social media can be an ideal platform to commemorate holidays, and sharing festive posts by your company can be effective well.

A lot of social media platforms offer advertising options that target users by geographies or by interests. Make use of the possibility to display regional holiday advertisements in the regions of interest or show ads for users who might have expressed their preferences for the season of the holidays on the platform.

Conversely, organic posts on social media -- that can be accessible to all who follow your account regardless of location can also be a good option for increasing sales, without restricting views to a tiny segment of the population. Be aware that if you have followers or an audience which is large, then the holiday related content you publish must reflect that as well.

 Provide More Exciting discounts in The Target Geos

If you have higher profitability in one particular area, or just want to move into another market, offering more competitive discount in specific regions could help you further profit through Cyber Weekend sales increases.

For implementation, you can use GeoIP-based features on your website to advertise specific discounts for regions.

Make use of the Store Builder Library to simplify the use of these coupons at checkout. It can increase conversion rates.

 Localize Christmas Promotions

While Cyber Weekend has become popular throughout the world, there are local holiday seasons that can be more lucrative for the region or country you're trying reach. These holidays, such as Boxing Day can rival more U.S.-centric specials (such such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday) for nations such as those in the UK, Australia, and Canada.

Make sure you tailor your Christmas season promotions by geography so you don't lose out on great opportunities in significant regions.

What Do I Need to Do?

Global Payments- Localized Currency, languages, payment methods

It is well-known that making your product accessible to more customers isn't enough. The product must be simple for consumers to decide whether to buy.

Global Tax Management We don't have to think about taxes.

Consumer Support Management Contact Us!

Another major task is the management of the customer support. Customers may contact us to seek assistance in resolving issues related to purchases and checkouts tax, as well as billing, subscriptions, downloads, and other.          OARvRLjglRnQsJFGVItS

Katie Stephan Katie Stephan is the senior Content Strategist at . Alongside her years of experience in the field She has also earned an MFA in nonfiction creative writing and is a member of the local community by giving college-level writing classes.

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