ConvertKit review: Top (and most difficult) features, as per the 31 customers who utilized ConvertKit

Jan 7, 2024

The following ConvertKit review, you'll hear from 31 former ConvertKit customers about ConvertKit's pros and cons and why many made the switch to Email.

ConvertKit is an extremely well-known email marketing tool used by creators. It is known for its builder of graphic automation, templates for form forms to sign up and landing pages, as well as detailed analytics on audience. But do you feel it's the ideal option for you?

Then, in this ConvertKit review, we'll hear the experiences of the former ConvertKit users on the services they enjoyed, the ones they didn't like, as well as motives for switching to Email.

The email marketing tools you use are one of the most important components of your online company. It is how you'll grow your client base, communicate with your customers and promote your digital products. But important doesn't have to be complicated or expensive.

In this post in this article, we discuss these research findings, and also review:

What do customers of ConvertKit like most about their tool to send marketing email campaigns?

The ConvertKit customers who have before used the service ran into challenges regarding their product

One reason for why users decided to change to the use of the marketing via email

We'd likefor you to pick but we've attempted to provide an honest and objective review rather than merely criticizing ConvertKit since we want to help you find the best product for your organization no matter which option you decide to use.


  • The former ConvertKit customers were happy with the free plan, however the limitations on features made it difficult to make use of. 37% of users said that ConvertKit's expensive pricing was their #1 issue in using the service.
  • Some users liked being able to automate complex tasks, while others were disappointed by ConvertKit for being confusing and complicated to configure.
  • ConvertKit offers attractive templates for email and landing page forms. But, the templates are not easy to change. Individuals who wanted more freedom found themselves in a bind.
  • 54% of people said the main reason they made the decision to change from ConvertKit to another was that they wanted to bring the entire business (email websites, product emails, etc.) together. Low cost of living was second most popular reason people switched.

Simple automations that accomplish the task you'd like them to do with a fully-featured plan at no cost with unlimited pages to personalize according to your preferences. Try Email to get started today for no charge .

What are the most important features of ConvertKit?

ConvertKit offers an email service which allows creators to increase their followers, connect with their followers, automate their marketing via email, as well as earn revenue from digital goods.

It's possible to begin by creating embeddable email opt-in forms and separate landing pages to get subscribers to your email. If you're looking to send a broadcast or newsletter, ConvertKit has a point-and-click email maker and a set of templates to utilize as templates, or you can make an individual email starting from scratch.

You can also build automated promotions using the builder for visual automation as well as include tags and segments for your clients based on the what they do (like clicking on a link within an email, or buying a digital product).

Of all functions of ConvertKit These are the features that our survey's respondents loved most

ConvertKit offers a no-cost plan

ConvertKit's no-cost plan lets you receive up to 1,000 users, and allows you to create unlimited broadcasts. It is possible to create many forms or landing pages that you want however, you won't be able automation or integration at the level of.

However, the free program is a great chance to test some of the fundamental features offered by the company, including email builder as well as the landing page creator prior to making the choice to join an annual subscription.

Create visual automations

ConvertKit is well known for its builder of visual automation that allows you to create precise workflows, paths as well as funnels for your customers. A previous user of ConvertKit particularly stated that they enjoyed having "multiple kinds of funnels, triggers, and tags" that they could utilize and that it was feasible to create the number of segments or tags you need to control your subscriber list.

ConvertKit shines for creators who wish to design intricate customer journeys, with numerous exit and access locations or for those that require high-end automations to promote particular products.

Design emails and pages with ready-made templates

Others who were former users expressed their appreciation for the fact that ConvertKit's email editor and landing page creator has already designed templates so they could create emails, opt-in pages and landing pages in a matter of minutes.

There are some restrictions on the things you can do to personalize (particularly for your pages as well as forms that we'll cover in the next section.) But, they appear amazing straight out of the box. All you need to put in the text, images along with links and you'll be on your path.

ConvertKit can also help you design personal email templates that to reuse over and over again.

Tracker and stats data for each subscriber

Another reason why ConvertKit is awarded the top mark is its audience analytics. One user mentioned that they liked being able to access "more detail about every person who is in my group, including where they go to click, what emails they open as well as other details."

Subscriber statistics and score (available through subscription to the Creator Pro plan) so you'll be able to see a wealth of information about your audience. You'll also be able to find out which opt-in form types are most popular and which subscribers are cold and which email messages offer the best delivery and opening rates.

As we mentioned earlier, you can also use ConvertKit to build endless tags and segments to the people you want to target, ensuring that you are delivering the right message to the appropriate audience.

What was it which previous customers didn't like about ConvertKit?

On the flip side, the previous 31 ConvertKit users that we spoke to did not like the costly cost, complicated automations builder, and limitations on landing page design.

The cost of ConvertKit's services is high.

37% of users who have used ConvertKit in the past said their biggest problem for ConvertKit was the cost fee.

There is a free plan that has the basic features that are available to 1,000 subscribers. If you're interested in more functions and features, you'll need a paid Creator or Creator Pro plan.

Both plans have prices that increase as your list size grows. Below are some instances of what you could expect to pay for various ConvertKit plans:

Then, what's the distinction between these two plans?

When you sign up for ConvertKit's no-cost plan (up 1000 customers) the benefits include:

Unlimited landing pages

Unlimited forms

Unlimited television

Tags for the target audience and segmentation

Offer digital subscriptions and products

Community-based support

With Creator, you receive everything you need for nothing such as:

Support via email and live chat

Migration for free from another tool


Integrations from third parties

Another team member

With Creator Pro, you get all of the features offered by the two plans and much more.

Unlimited team members

The mechanism of newsletter referral

Scores of subscribers

Advanced Reporting

It's great having the option of a free plan but it's not a good option for every customer because ConvertKit is a bit restrictive in its key features, such as integrations, automations and customer support only to its paid plan just.

It is necessary to spend the minimum of $15 monthly (for an account in the Creator plan, which has 300 customers) to start experimenting on automated promotions or receive help for your business.

The tool to build visual automation is among ConvertKit's primary selling points, but it's only available when you sign up for a Creator plan. The tool could significantly increase price as you add more items to your wish list.

Automating the funnels of a building and building automations may be a difficult task.

Speaking of the builder for visual automation the vast majority of users felt ConvertKit's automated features too complicated to set up and manage. Many reviewers enjoyed the variety of options available. But, some reviewers cited items like "UI (user interface) was very slow" and "segmentation was so complicated" as top complaints.

Although you can do many intricate campaign and workflows with ConvertKit however, the majority of designers require a platform that is able to send emails and run some basic automations such as welcome emails and sales funnels as well as sales and nurture funnels.

When it becomes complicated it could be an overwhelming job. In addition, everyone hates opening their accounts to see a array of messages that are automated with no idea what they are doing.

The majority of creators do not want their businesses to be substantially more complicated. It's not a reason to pay top dollar for features which you do not actually require. In the event that you're sure you'll need specifically-designed automations to suit the specific business you run, ConvertKit could be more complicated and costly than what you'll need.

The landing pages as well as opt-in forms come with design restrictions

There's no doubt that ConvertKit has attractive landing page templates and opt-in email forms, but it isn't without limitations on the types of templates you can customize. An earlier user stated, "I didn't like the restrictions on opt-in forms I created, and they weren't viewable in the real world."

Presently, ConvertKit doesn't have a option to design websites or forms by hand. You must instead modify the templates that which you've received.

In the event that, for example, you pick a landing-page template with two columns, it is only possible to include elements (like buttons, images and dividers or bulleted lists) within these columns. There's no way to design more sections than the basic style. There are a lot of options should you come up with an idea for a layout that doesn't align with a model.

The landing pages of ConverKit are designed for the purpose of capturing emails, not for selling products or sending people to other websites. The majority of landing pages feature an attractive opt-in box for email within the layout that is default, however you'll need to add an additional CSS for if you wish to remove the sign-up form on your site.

It's impossible to use ConvertKit's landing page templates for anything apart from collecting emails and you may be required to buy an external landing page maker.

What are the primary reasons that people switch to ConvertKit for ?

When asked why that they switched to ConvertKit to ConvertKit The respondents highlighted their lower cost, simple email builder, as well as the convenience of everything being in one place.

Costs are lower for nearly all users

If you're able to count less than 100 or 1,000 subscribers All Email plans are lower than ConvertKit competitors. Here are a few instances of how pricing plays out in the case of ConvertKit as well as according to the size of the list:

Apart from a reduced price, Email plans also have additional features to run your online company.

The editor of emails is easy to work with.

Make a design you love? You can use it as a template to use in your broadcasts or email campaigns for as long as you want.

When you send emails In your email messages, you may include columns, text with callouts, highlighted callsouts media buttons, videos CTAs, files, and video links that customers can download.

can control your entire company from the same place

Most people who were surveyed (54%) stated that the top one reason they switched to ConvertKit to use was because they wanted to manage everything they do within one central location.

ConvertKit is a great option for email marketing, but it's not as robust in terms of eCommerce options as well as it's not an online platform or community-based tools. A majority of the developers we heard from found 's combined approach easier and more cost-effective, since they didn't need to connect (and spend money on) many other software.

It means that you can alter the method of emailing your followers according to whether they've purchased an item or joined waitlists or have expressed interested in a certain topic, without a lot of complicated labels or integrations.

Imagine setting up a waitlist for an online course that you intend to sell.

Utilizing ConvertKit You'll have create an opt-in form or landing page that is specifically created for your waitlist. It is also necessary to label the people who fill out that form. In the days following launch, you can send out emails to people who have this tag, to announce the new feature.

But once the course is live, you probably don't need to be constantly contacting people who have already purchased it. Therefore, you'll be required to integrate ConvertKit in the course platform you use. In the meantime, you'll have to make an account for the people who have purchased the course. You can then apply the tag to stop the recipients from further marketing emails which you will send to waitlist members.

Your email, course, and clients are all in the same place. The only thing you need to do is create the course and then put it into waitlist mode. automatically generates a landing page for the course and anyone who enrolls is added to the waitlist for the course.

It does not require any elaborate configuration behind the scenes or keeping track of the different tags which a dozen of them are, and you'll never be anxious about getting your wires crossed since has all the information about the customers you serve at one spot.

There are a variety of ways in which the one-stop platform could make your things easier for you:

Design welcome emails that are automatically sent out each time new subscribers sign up to your email list.

Automatically send customized email sequences to customers after they've bought the item.

Message only people who have (or haven't) purchased a particular product

Contact people who are in your waitlist. Waitlist features are offered for all plans, even the no-cost plan.

Create lead magnets which will direct people into automated sales automations

Use link clicks to add tags to your subscribers. You can then make automatic emails that are related to subjects that they're most keen on.

If you're looking to unite your web-based business in one place, and free yourself of additional fees and integrations, this might be the best option to your needs as well.

Are you confident that ConvertKit the right option to me?

ConvertKit is a great alternative for individuals who make content as well as entrepreneurs who require an email platform that has a variety of intricate automatizations. ConvertKit is priced at a higher cost than other ones, but it could be worth the cost if you need a visual automated builder. ConvertKit can also be an excellent choice for those who only want landing pages to collect email addresses (not offering items) since that's what ConvertKit's templates are designed for.

It is the best choice for entrepreneurs in the world of web development who would like to simplify their business by having everything in one place. You can create endless email campaigns and emails, use beautiful email templates (or create one of your own) or build a full website, or create one entirely from scratch for whatever purpose you want to utilize them for, and later provide any kind of product that comes to mind.

Because you don't require a lot of plugins or tools, the overall cost of your venture will probably be lower that they might be if you juggled everything by your self.

If you're searching for low-cost, user-friendly, and effective marketing tool which don't seem like a burden, you should give it a go. It's cost-free to begin .

We're excited to see what you create.


Email marketing FAQS

What is ConvertKit exactly?

ConvertKit offers an email-marketing platform which lets you increase the number of emails you send out by using the registration form and landing pages. Additionally, you can build automatic campaigns, make broadcasts and sell digital downloads. There's a limited free plan that allows up to 1000 customers and paid plans begin at just $15 per month.

What are the most effective ConvertKit alternatives?

Our top ConvertKit alternatives is Email! You can also find guides to different email marketing tools similar to ConvertKit in these guidebooks.

What are the advantages of ConvertKit?

ConvertKit is able to make unlimited broadcasts and create endless campaigns. It comes with pre-designed templates for email and a simple email editor as well as a visually-based automation tool. You can also offer digital downloads through the e-commerce feature.

What are the downsides to ConvertKit?

ConvertKit is a great tool for managing your email however, you'll need be a part of other tools in order to create your own website as well as sell items that aren't just downloads. The more tools you have and the greater amount of technology will be required to control along with a larger possibility of having to pay costs. Furthermore, the prices of ConvertKit increase as the number of tools you have grows and as you need additional capabilities.

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