Congruity is the key to growth. Learn how to become better in this. |

Nov 22, 2022

Consistency is essential to building the reach of your business as a creator. This is why and how you can become more reliable today.

The creation of an audience for your business and your business -- is a lot easier thought of than accomplished.

Over 1000 creatives were asked to provide their top tips to increase the number of followers. Although you might think that fancy software or complicated marketing funnels to be essential to success, entrepreneurs from different fields and levels of experience overwhelmingly said that the key to success was making quality content. Specifically, the content they produced was targeted to their target audience.

This is why it's crucial to be consistent for the success of your online venture as well as four methods you can use to produce consistent, top-quality work in the future.

Consistency can help you decide the extent to which you're passionate about something to do it long-term

Beginning your own creative venture is a big deal. It is likely that you will be committing hundreds of hours to your work, which is why it must be something that you love doing each day. Continuously creating puts your concept to the test.

RadReads newsletter email capture
"I've been consistently emailing every day since I made it a priority over everything else. It's significant. Today, I utilize [my weekly email] as a creative outlet... That's how I strive to be a part of my practice and work on my art."

By making email a non-negotiable, Veronica has given herself time to pursue her passion and express her creative side.

We have a suggestion?

The habit of showing up consistently builds trust

The pace of the internet is fast and creating a lasting impression on potential clients can be a challenge. Sharing your expertise regularly will show your customers that you're reliable and helps people get to know you better. 46percent of buyers in the USA are willing to buy more because they believe in the product, and spending time with them will help build trust with them.

"Every each day I turn up. I display my face all the time so my fans know who I am. I speak to them and they get a glimpse of the experience taking one of my courses."

Through her constant posting of valuable information, she has grown her business Instagram account to over 8000 followers. Then, her initial course launched brought in five figures.

Showing up consistently on Instagram

A row from Em's Instagram Reels

"I noticed that the more I shared and the more I shared, my circle expanded, and I discovered wonderful people willing to partner with me, work with me, teach me, and be friends with me."

Building trust over time with an audience you want to reach will give you an idea of the items you might want to sell. Harp instructor Anne Crosby Gaudet observed:

"My customers feel like they know me because I've produced regular weekly content for a number of years. My business means composing harp music as well as creating performance videos that improve learning. My customers have come to trust me because over time they have observed that my work is imaginative, thoughtful, and useful. The decision to introduce harp lessons programs was a natural progression because my customers already had a good understanding of, and appreciation for my work as a composer as well as a teacher."

By establishing a positive reputation with her performances and compositions, Anne was met with enthusiastic response when she decided to provide online harp courses and lessons.

Regularly delivering high-value content also has helped Rachel Lynes from The Sing Space increase her following 50-fold in just a few months.

"I hosted a weekly free 30-minute singing session for eight months on our Facebook group. People thought I was crazy, but I grew our followers from 300-5,000 within 12 weeks , and transformed our free singing lessons into the first-ever Vocal Gym(tm), an on-demand streaming platform for singing that relies on subscription."

When Rachel changed from free services to her award-winning vocal coaching service, she had a massive audience who already knew the value of her services.

The bottom line Sharing your passion creates trust and stronger relationships between yourself and your followers.

Consistency is algorithm-friendly

In this case, Instagram content is ranked by a variety of factors, including how well-known a post is (likes as well as comments) and how often viewers have interacted with your content and how long it has been since your content was posted and the activity you have done in the app. In the same way, YouTube ranks videos based on which videos have the highest amount of engagement a search term and the importance of the video's title, description, and the content.

If you regularly post content on the channels you choose, your audience can get to know more about you as well as your activities. The addition of new content gives viewers new ways to connect with you as well as your existing followers more reasons to keep coming back. Plus, you'll have an abundance of material to share with your followers. post comments on and share, which could lead to greater engagement and increase the reach of your site.

"The first thirty days when we started and we noticed a lot of engagement," they explain. "People thought, 'Wow!' amazing, you're posting every day. I'd like to know how far you get. Then we got the YouTube algorithm working in our favor since we had been posting many times, which helped us move in the proper direction."

"We became an integral part of their routine every day. The kids could get up, have their coffee, and watch Tiny Shiny Home."

They now release short videos every day and long-form documentary-style pieces every few months. Their YouTube channel has grown to more than 99K users , and one video has surpassed three million views.

Lissa Prudencio from Wealth for Women of Color noticed a similar trend when she went all in on TikTok. "I committed to posting three to five times a day on TikTok for a month and then it turned into two or three months. This is when I noticed a jump in growth."

Social platforms do not reward or punish them solely for your posting schedule, the things they are likely to consider can be improved by consistency.

If you're not seeing your desired growth Try increasing your posting frequency. For Longneckers, sharing weekly videos allowed them to improve their craft and gain an initial following, but daily posting increased their reach up a notch. Even if it's just for a short time regularly posting on an increased frequency could get the algorithm rolling in your direction.

Four ways to become more consistent in your company

Are you looking for ways to become more reliable in your creativity company? Here are some suggestions that can help you deliver consistently, time and time again, even during times when your schedule is busy.

Batching of content

batching is the process of working with similar tasks and don't need to move between tasks every so often. Numerous creators -- I'm also raising my hand on this one -- think that performing the same kind of task for a chunk of time minimizes distractions and improves concentration.

Like, for example, research a new YouTube video, writing a script, filming, and creating thumbnails require different abilities, and switching between these tasks could hinder the efficiency . By using a batching method it is possible to take a couple of hours searching for ideas to make videos for a variety of upcoming project. Then, you'd spend creating the scripts to make those videos and on.

Em Connors makes use of content batching to prevent overwhelm. She makes use of Canva to design several weeks of Instagram posts in advance, so that she's not tasked with coming up with concepts in the moment. Batching content also helps Em ensure that her brand maintains a consistent appearance and style.

If you want to try your hand at batching content, start by making small steps. Set aside at least an hour to:

Create social media posts

Outline future blog posts

Research YouTube videos

It is possible to get lots done by sticking to the same job in a brief time.

The repurposing of content

Content repurposing means reusing work you've previously published on other platforms or channels.

Imagine you've written a hefty blog article. Here are some ways you can reuse an post:

Create Instagram or Facebook posts for each of your key points.

Use the post as a script for a podcast episode or youtube video.

Utilize a part of the piece in an email newsletter.

Create shorts, reels, and TikTok videos that are based on the main ideas.

ideas for content repurposing

Making use of what you already are able to ensure that you're delivering an identical message across all of your channels and will save you time because there's no need to start from scratch.

Veronica Green uses blog posts to make videos and emails, which means she won't need to reinvent the wheel every time she engages her audience. One YouTube video can be transformed into images, quotes social media carousels and short clips to create several weeks of material without additional labor.

If you want to try it yourself begin with a more substantial portion of the material. Blog posts, long email newsletters, and YouTube videos are well. Pull out your favorite clips and quotes for use as a start base for tweets to come, reels, carousels, and captions.


Dara Sierra of Be Seen Consulting says, "[I wish I knew] how important it is to plan your content ahead of time. Posting daily can be overwhelming, and you may not be able to post on the scheduled timing. The use of a calendar has helped me in a variety of ways!"

Scheduling tools permit you to break up your posts into several days so your content will run consistently, no matter what's happening out in real life.

Realistic expectations

For a consistent output it is essential to set achievable parameters. This means setting the publication frequency you will live with and choosing the medium that you like.

The case for Khe Hy as well as Veronica Green, sending an email newsletter every week was perfect for foraging connection with the audience. In the case of Longneckers as well as Em Connors posting each day proved to be the most effective method.

The schedule you choose to use may differ depending on the channel you're using, too. Therapist for occupational therapy Maria Lindbergh affirms, "I've picked avenues that bring me happiness: writing two newsletters and blog entries per month, publishing once a day on Instagram as well as posting once every week to YouTube."

There's no fixed-in-stone guidelines regarding how frequently you publish, however it's recommended to pick a frequency which is compatible with your lifestyle and allows you to commit to your schedule for the duration of.

Choosing the appropriate channel or platform is crucial.

You don't have to limit yourself to just digital platforms neither do you have to be a slave to digital platforms.

Paper flower artist Kritchaya Twitchsri-Granati shares, "I made a commitment to  show up to one networking event a week for a year and see where it takes me. It was a surprise to me that I made connections with entrepreneurs and shared ideas, as well as some of them became acquaintances and clients. I am now in a better place to make new acquaintances to introduce myself and discuss my company and has led me to open many possibilities I'd had no idea existed."

The pressure to join the platform that you aren't enjoying is a consistency breaker. Instead, lean into what feels natural and fun for you.

You can try it yourself

Consistency can help you decide if you are passionate enough about something to commit your life entirely. It will increase the engagement of your audience and build trust with your fans by demonstrating your reliability on their online lives.

To ensure consistency, try batching and repurposing the work you already have. Plan content ahead so that you do not have to fret when events come up. Decide on a sensible posting frequency, and choose an option that will keep you motivated.

Let's see a quick experiment you can do to see the effects of consistent behavior for yourself.

Choose a channel that you would prefer to develop and set a posting goal and a certain time period. Example:

I'll post on Instagram each day for the next thirty days.

I will send emails to my list each Monday for a period of two months.

I'll publish a brand new YouTube video each Tuesday and Thursday for five weeks.

Keep track of the numbers you have and engagement stats before beginning, and recheck them at the end. What happened? You might be amazed at what you learned.