
Sep 1, 2022
A great membership onboarding experience

Our Customer Happiness and Success, we are frequently asked about how to promote new members. But, rarely are we asked by clients asking us for the best way to welcome newly acquired members. It sets an important precedent for engaging and welcoming people who join your organization and makes a good impression. There are four key areas we have identified to help new members feel comfortable and comfortable immediately.

The majority of poor onboarding experiences I've seen for clients stems from the absence of instructions or information regarding what the customer should do first upon the initial sign-up.

I tell my clients to believe that people that are brand new don't know anything about how to navigate the program they've bought. We deal with this with a variety of methods.

Designing a memorable redirect page that can provide clear next steps or instructs the new member to look in your inbox every day for a welcome email which will address every question a new member could need to know. (This sounds trivial, but most customers do not spend the time for this.)

Informing members whenever new content is made available in addition to reminders on how they can access that content.

From my personal experience, the majority of cases where individuals stop auto-renewing at the moment they join are due to insufficient onboarding or the lack of guidance.

2. The preview of the future content and the benefits

Another strategy that's effective is to send previews of member contents and other perks prior to the time they're made available. The members will have something new to look forward to and monitor.

You can do this through sending out emails that are targeted at new members who have signed up within a recent timeframe (that the user can set).

3. Social engagement

I've advised an of my customers to give praise to newly-joined members via social media. It has had a positive effect because new members get noticed and potential members see the positive social proof of the positive aspect. It's a win-win.

Another way of achieving this is by asking for new members to answer the welcome email by providing the Instagram handles or Facebook URL so that they can receive an acknowledgment. A few of our clients make use of a social proof tool named FOMO that is integrated into Stripe and creates pop-ups on their websites.

4. Help new members build equity

Asking new members what type(s) of material they'd like to see immediately will make them feel as if they are an interest in other members. If members are encouraged to provide this type of feedback, and later take the time to respond by giving feedback to the question will help boost confidence instantly. All of this could be accomplished via email by inviting members to reply to the welcome message.


All that being said that any action a customer takes to establish a relationship with their customers will always be an important aspect for retention, and can open the way to expanding potential revenue. It makes it more likely that a member will accept the idea of an upsell , which will bring even more value when it comes time to.

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