Bring humanity to your advertising through a personalised video

Nov 25, 2022

If you think that video fuels increasing sales and marketing personalization is the next step and turbo-charged rocket fuel.

Get the information from 87% of those that report positive outcomes by using video advertising including increases in traffic, leads as well as brand awareness. In terms of individualization, 81% also say customized videos have grown their revenue.

Actually, they are one-third more chance to be able to recall the content of an email when it is packaged as an email with video than an email with text.

If you're looking into using personalization on video content to improve your earnings and boost your profit and increase your profits, we'll guide you on reaching your goals with this guide. The article will additionally discuss the advantages of using customized videos and methods to handoff the creation of videos that generate an ROI.

The best 4 benefits of personalization on video

Human-centered marketing

Sending personalized videos is an effective strategy to stand from the crowd of marketing and sales.

Have a look in the context of. Would a video with a thumbnail showing a smiling face, waving hello and smiling catch your eye more than a dull text message that suggests that the sender mass sent it to everyone on their list of outreach recipients? If you're paying attention to the message in the video isn't it?

The personalization feature of video not only attracts the attention of viewers, but also allows you to show your character to earn confidence from potential clients.

70% of sales reps

Time savings for all

Prepping for meetings, designing attractive presentation slides and making time to schedule presentations of your products require an an incredible amount of effort.

Once you've mastered the art of how to do video prospecting it's easy to create personalized videos that make you more efficient as well as your viewers the time.

Internally, recorded videos are super helpful for fighting the case of this-meeting-could-have-been-an-email minus the boring part of having to write and read long emails.

Externally personal videos can be great to use for (and humans) providing new ideas for in making better decision-making decisions regarding prospecting as well as informing new customers and potential users of the product.

It supports your ABM strategy

Account-based advertising is about targeting specific businesses using a custom-designed content strategy to assist them in growing and further into the funnel of sales.

What's the key to executing your ABM approach is Content that is personalized and addresses the specific questions your customers are likely to ask.

Thankfully, customized videos are the best content structure to support these crucial types of accounts.

Personalization can leave an impression in the sea of written material, and can help you get an audience's attention without spending a lot or time.

Additionally, as personalized videos have a range of uses, it is possible to use it throughout the sales and marketing funnel. For instance, you can make use of personalized video for distributing introduction messages or respond to customer service questions, and build your relationships with folks at targeted accounts.

Facilitates work

Lastly, customized video helps to overcome confusion and miscommunications that poorly or hastily written briefs breed.

Even when we try to stay at a constant connection We fail to recognize that each person has their own method for working and sharing data.

Additionally, you can create your video's screen transcript for an audio recording on paper of the video's content. This makes the entire dialogue searchable by pressing CTRL-F to search, and also easy to reference later.

9 helpful tips to aid you in making a unique video

Are you confident that it is time to begin creating videos specifically for you to assist with pitching, prospecting as well as teaming with others as well as assigning work tasks etc? Get started creating. Let's be real and say that making a video on your own is simple.

Our tips, as well as the application for video personalization to get you started -- let's kick off with the following tips:

1. Create an informal script to keep you on course

It's not required to create detailed plans however. Simply create a bullet listing of your goals on a notepad and then you're all set. Refer to this list while you record your video, so your message is focused at the end and you're not missing anything.

2. It should be concise and easy to remember.

Videos that are too long or rambling are not effective and are difficult to follow. A short, straightforward videos are better at keeping viewers' attention. It's true that more than 60% of the people remain watching videos during sale until the end of time if they're less than 60 minutes.

Scripting your videos reminds you to use basic language, and to remain true to the message you are trying to convey. This, in turn, will ensure that your videos are shorter.

The three other helpful suggestions to apply today are:

  • Talk to the camera in the same way as you would talk to an individual! Just because you're creating videos for prospecting doesn't mean that you have to employ extravagant words in order to appear professional.
  • Be authentic. Your authentic self! Team members and prospects appreciate showing your true self in video. They won't be interested in an edited video, so it's fine if your perfect video isn't without an error or two. Remember, it's all human in the final analysis.

3. Don't settle for the first shot.

If this is your first attempt with video prospecting, we suggest that you put in some upfront work by recording the video at least a few times before completing the first time.

The reason is simple. Every time you record a version, you'll learn new things such as:

  • Your delivery style
  • Optimizing the lighting and sound

There is also the possibility of coming up with methods to show your individuality and make connections more effectively with the viewer.

4. Make sure to include your facial features.

The reason: showing yourself is the best way to connect with your targeted viewers. It's the first step in creating a customized prospecting videos and a proven method to earn your targeted accounts and trust.

When it comes to marketing, showing your face is useful for more than just building trust -- it helps increase brand awareness. The video explaining the concept for SparkToro that he shares via social media, for example, help with brand recognition , in addition to informative content, and connects to the viewers.

5. Infuse some pepper in your character

Do your best and speak naturally are the main guidelines on this site. There are several ways to showcase your personal style also. Examples:

  • Create your personal "uniquely-you" film recording space. In addition, keep the background free of clutter. Include items that give you a feel. Consider adding books if you're someone who reads (they're an excellent conversation starter too!) along with antique works of artwork if you're a lover of these. The wall decor can show the things you love.
  • Include a defining accessory to your wardrobe. This could be something as simple as a particular-colored scarf, to wearing a T-shirt that features the company's logo, or caps for your videos.

The suggestions above do don't just highlight your personal brand, but also to build your brand's image too.

6. Discover information about customers you could be interested in so that you are able to make your own outreach video

Personalization is not limited to the name of a person. It goes far beyond that. If you want to leave a an impact and achieve positive results through video marketing You must personalize your video content in the right method.

How can you improve your personalization and take it to the next step?

Analyzing the needs of your prospective customer. This will help you make a video that speaks to the particular problem of the prospective customer by offering them a solution they require to desire. This also guarantees positive responses.

7. Include a short review of the event or a summary of what you're planning to cover.

Based on who your video was made for, and the length of and you plan to make it including a slide which outlines what you'll be talking about or have talked about in the past can help.

For internal videos We'd recommend including slides that highlight what you'll cover during the video. Include it in your discussion of what you'll be sharing within the video.

When you upload videos to other websites for sales or other presentations ensure that you include an overview slide or recap explaining how the tool can aid users. Place it prior to the call-to-action (CTA).

8. Take it to the next level with interaction

The video could be created with hotspots or overlays and time triggers and branches to allow viewers to participate with the video.

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9. The viewer should be given a second action (aka the CTA)

Also, it is important to direct your viewer towards the next step they can take after viewing the personalized video.

For marketing emails that are targeted to customers, this might be asking them to reply to the email in exchange to a demo of your product. When marketing emails are sent, the CTA may be a small-scale conversion like subscribing to the newsletter, or inviting readers to test the free version of the tool.

For internal team videos, make your request clear. In other words, you can tell viewers to read the instructions and then get back to you with any issues that they might need to address.

Make your very own personal videos today

To recap, personalized videos:

  • It is easy to make
  • Make things faster and assist in the work of remote workers that are at asynchronous
  • They are a great option to stand out in a crowd

The most appealing part? You can create them by yourself using Record.

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