Brand stylists' job assists entrepreneurs to create stunning names for their brands.

Sep 30, 2022

The route that lead to the creation The Brand Stylist by Fiona Humberstone The Brand Stylist was not an easy path. The path to success she pursued in her career was full of unexpected twists and turnsand yet it's the accumulation of experiences that makes her a skilled professional in her field.

Fiona has the ability to track her interest in design to her early years as a young student unemployed who was from London, UK. After having to follow an academic program for the majority of her life, Fiona describes design as the one thing that captured her attention. When she first became obsessed with design and design never came to understanding the work she was performing when she was climbing the ladder of the company printing business.


"What was the most important factor in helping me discover my love for design was my boss believed anybody could create. It was a time that I was extremely interested- I wanted to learn all there was to learn about this field. I read books and attending classes, I was simply enthralled," she says.

In the following five years in the company, Fiona started building her abilities in the field of design, through collecting everything she could from various print customers. Fiona was elevated to the post of senior manager at first at the age of 24, she was unintentionally pregnant with her first child.

"There it was simply no means that I could be separated from my daughter. But, this meant my job was monotonous and didn't provide me with satisfaction. Therefore, I decided to start my own company. The first step was to establish a print business, but I found selling prints really boring. My favorite part was hearing personal tales of business owners who had succeeded in the process of establishing their own image. That's what I chose to work on. ."

"I did not do the best job in any way. I charged approximately PS100 for every identity. With every logo I created I aimed to surpass expectation by producing the highest quality design and not at the expense my customers had to pay for. Over time I got better and more effective ."

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Her distinctive feature

When she launched her first venture, Fiona was immediately able to spot her own shortcomings on the market based on her personal experience.

"At the time, pretty nearly all design companies were managed by males. The websites of these agencies were dark black and had a large square font. My site was distinctive and unique that I promoted by way of my blog. At the end of the day I started receiving inquiries from all around the world."

"In the years 2010 and 2011, this was practically unheard of in the realm of design. clients went to the local designer to sit on their feet and say the designer precisely what they were looking for. That's not the way I could assist. ."

The year 2012 was the time that Fiona took the choice to quit her previous company after she had her second child. The following year, The Brand Stylist was founded.

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Since its initial days, Fiona has been dedicated to helping clients create remarkable branding names. Fiona offers online workshops or classes, personal consultations, as well as an array of tools that are free to encourage, inspire and assist in the creation of brand identities that serve as the foundation of business.

Fiona's aim was always to push her branding expertise to the next level -- she is committed to informing her customers on the ways branding functions to assist them in making better, more efficient and lasting choices for their business.

"The Brand Stylist came as an outcome of meeting with entrepreneurs who kept telling me that they hated my brand's image. I'd love to talk with you prior to meeting. There are many instances where were not the fault of the designer. It was likely due to them choosing the wrong design. Then I made the decision that if I could help people understand how to create a brand then everyone's going to be satisfied," she explains.

Her previous experience within the business provided her with the expertise she required to build an audience that is organic. The experiences she gained have made her famous before her arrival, which established the basis of The Brand Stylist's success, alongside her many audience building methods.

"In efforts to increase my audience, I was a participant in numerous events and seminars and also wrote the first of my books that will help you style Your Brand. There was a number of downloads for free from my websites which made it easier for me to increase my list of email subscribers. The primary reason was"word in word."

The importance of creativeness is not measured by measurements.

For marketing via social media, Fiona believes it's incredibly important to focus less on metrics, and instead focus on educating, motivating and providing useful information to her followers.

"When I had my first venture I tried different direct marketing techniques and concentrated more on the techniques which were difficult to promote. I have heard many coaches instructing clients to start ad hoc sliding into the DMs But, this did not convey any sense of quality or innovation. These methods didn't attract those who were a good fit for the client and failed to convince me at a good situation to build a good working relationship," the coach explains.

"Since this time, I've been aware that the most important aspect of marketing isn't to promote the sake of it, but rather to transmit your message in the most effective method that is possible. I am proud of the quality of my work and creative thinking over the the quantity. It's helped me establish the most effective type of customer relationships as well as gain the momentum. "

If Covid was to arrive in 2020 Fiona started a series of weekly webcasts to help keep a sense of community during the locking process, which opened up a new level of possibility in her fanbase.

"I sure didn't take part for the purpose of making money it was a community-based action. I posted an ad on the public domain. The ad states, "Look, if you can afford to pay PS45 (or greater) I'll pay you or, if you are unable to be able to pay, then visit. The result was that I contributed about P95,000 worth worth of training to secure the area. In terms of marketing, it was quite remarkable," she says.

The process of creating courses creates the foundation for an organization that is focused on solving problems.

Because brand education was at the heart of the Brand Stylist's services and offerings, it was only normal for Fiona to transform her company into an online-based course. In 2016, two years following the formal launch of The Brand Stylist, Fiona launched her first online course which was developed using .

"I am extremely proud of my joy in creating courses that are successful. It is my goal to figure out the best way to impart this knowledge and how to impart it. In my very first Color Psychology course, I was thrilled to see by the fact that my students could completely comprehend what I was teaching, rather than in a classroom setting."

"I am an avid believer in the power of video because I want learners to be in a position to think about, reflecting and creating actionable projects. I have also utilized videos that include narration as it helps me convey ideas effectively. For all my classes I use a mix of downloads along with audio lectures as well as text-based classes as well as videos to keep it exciting. ."

The Brand Stylist Academy's courses are entirely self-paced. Fiona is in a position to answer concerns so that students can get help at any time throughout their time in the program.

"It's an excellent practice for me since it requires me to be certain that my studies follow a logical and consistent course. It is my responsibility to ensure that I keep the promises I made because there's no reason to fill in the gap after that," she says.

Mind mapping is the design of her online course

In order to establish her program, Fiona has an intentional way of thinking which has been proven successful repeatedly. Prior to implementing online courses, Fiona develops a mental diagram on white paper. The past, she's filled various sketchbooks that provide her creative method of maximizing learning experiences for her students.

"When I get up to make a map of my mind, I consider the following 'What type of adventure do I need to take my students along? Is there a place I would prefer the students of my class to reach at when they are finished? What's the problem that my online course is helping address? I'm hearing students are experiencing problems with ?'"

"I have a mentor for the subject I'm teaching my class about. So I'll think 'What does Emily require to know? What can I introduce her to learn use these strategies within her company with confidence. What is the foundation for all my online classes. ."

Her innovative and creative thinking can be well-known by her popular Naming Masterclass. Fiona designed this clear and focused system to help students to select the best name for the brand or the brand.

"I've always been most focused in the class and about what the class is supposed to accomplish. The Naming Masterclass that I offer doesn't have many cases or video clips. It's designed to lead my students in their present position to their final goal. When they do the steps and get the brand name of their company ."

Based on personal experience as a foundation

The curriculum of the Academy is based upon the more than 20 years of experience of Fiona working in the design field. Fiona explains that her own professional life as an entrepreneur is in direct connection with her curriculum.

"My first online course created specifically for designers of brands was inspired by my experience having to deal with thousands of designers in my position as the creative director. I watched the struggle of them over and over again to finish all the aspects of the job. There have been designers who tell me that they would like their branding to appear natural, elegant and responsive but do not have that added element of edge. This is where my course in color psychology ."

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As a specialist in the field of branding, Fiona realized that she wanted an online platform for her classes that would equip students with the equipment to create the designs she needed to assist in making The Brand Academy come to existence. Fiona describes the way she creates her classes into drafts prior to creating the content by using customised programing.

"I frequently write lessons to draft. Then I'll get an idea of how things are going through my mind. Then I'll go through the lesson starting with the top to the lowest point. It's always a matter of adding new items or removing things if they seem irrelevant or if I've already done something similar elsewhere."

"When you think about design, I think striking photos are the most important factor to distinguish yourself. My photography is custom-made, not stock and that's a huge help. My brand is gorgeous and well-known company that is a great way to create an unforgettable impression ."

" lets you display everything at one time. "

If you're in awe of Fiona's story of establishing an online business that's flourishing, then you must sign up to this class now.

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