Blended Learning: Everything You Must Know

Jan 7, 2024

Blended learning is an fantastic educational tool for students and teachers alike. It can help expand your learning efforts and improve results in learning.

In this post, we'll present to you the notion of blended learning, some examples, as well as some blended learning strategies to integrate in your daily routine.


What is blended learning?

Blended learning is a method of teaching that mixes classes in person, and supplementary e-learning whether it's through online discussions in addition to additional synchronous or asynchronous classes, or any other work that is project-based. Blended learning offers the greatest of traditional education- the vigor and speed of live instruction as well as the flexibility and flexibility of e-learning.

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Throughout its time, the phrase "Blended learning" is used to describe 1. Combining delivery media, 2. Combining instructional techniques 3. Combining instructional strategies. Mixing online and in-person instruction. However, nowadays most of us will use this phrase to mean an amalgamation of online and in-person instruction.1

In the classroom, too Blended learning has become increasingly commonplace rather instead of a one-time event. A survey done by UK institutions found that 69% had plans to incorporate blended learning. In addition, 82% said they are experiencing a surge in the interest for blended learning. In 2021 (during the outbreak) 60% of US college students took at least one online class. The expectation is that the value of online education will reach $257.7 billion dollars in 2027.

Though we may connect the increase in online learning as a result of the current pandemic, colleges and schools have promoted online learning for a long time, particularly supplementary learning via online forums or project. This process is eased by the use of edtech tools and programs to facilitate online learning, such as Blackboard and Canvas.

Canvas by Instructure

The availability of online education has become so widespread that in 2023, the University of California decided to make a change to their course offerings. They had an array of programs offered through online institutions that students could get an online education at cheaper costs (they brought in an obligation to be a resident).

However, blended learning can be used for high school or for the K-12 levels. It is a great tool for any type of learning which is available, be it corporate training or the launch of an online business blended learning could be utilized to mix the benefits of live-learning (the engagement, the topic versatility, and discussion) together with the benefits for online learning (the accessibility ).

 Blended learning may be used to mean:


  • Blending on the level of activity is when the activity of learning occurs in person and via the internet.
  • Blending in the course: when the course is both in person and online materials.
  • Blending at the program level: It occurs across a program of study, but possibly not with specific courses or other activities.

1. Read Chapter 1 for discussion Curtis J. Bonk and Charles R. Graham, The Handbook of Blended Learning Global Perspectives and local Designs (John Wiley and Sons, 2005).

Here are a few blended learning statistics


  • 83 percent of college students have found online learning easier ( Erudera ).
  • 82% of university and students at colleges want at the very least a tiny of their education be online (and 41% would like to be all online) ( UNESCO ).
  • A survey of new college students in 2022 found that 27% of them were favor of blended learning while 29% preferred completely online. An improvement from the prior numbers, but still significant ( New America ).
  • It is estimated that there are 2.79 millions U.S. post-secondary students doing their degree on the internet ( NCES ).
  • Between the years of between 2019 and 2020, the pandemic caused online postsecondary learning to increase from 37 to 74%. .

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Systems of blended learning

The development of blended learning was created by the development of blended learning platforms and the demands of technology for teaching at-scale online. The blended learning system is constantly developing and expanding and introducing new features every day.

For example, Mighty Co-Host(tm) is capable of creating outline for courses by using AI. The technology is expected to improve and adjust blended learning according to technological advancements.

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Blended learning vs. hybrid education: what's the distinction?

The phrases "blended learning" along with "hybrid learning" can be used in reference to the exact issue. Sometimes, however "hybrid" means a mixture of students who are in person and online in a single classroom (sort like the way you describe an event that is hybrid event)--while blended learning usually refers to the combination of in-person and online learning, which is adapted to every individual student.

The benefits from blended learning

There are many advantages to learning online, and the best way to define the benefits is to give you two of the best aspects! Both in-person as well as online learning has advantages and advantages, blended learning can allow students to benefit of both method and reduce the negatives.

It's that balance that is the ideal balance in blended education. For example, asynchronous online education may seem to be an isolating. But blended learning lets you meet with other students occasionally to make friends!

A New America study that examined blended-learning at community colleges revealed that the top reasons why students favored blended learning was the possibility to develop a personalised plan, the opportunity to participate in a group and a sense of higher-quality education, the reduction of travel time, and an additional reason to get out of the residence.

The benefits of blended learning which are correlated with an interaction with learners in person


  • Flexible learning: Online learning allows learners to learn in the comfort of their home and online education can be completed at the learner's convenience. The possibility of learning is there even for those who have additional obligations to take care of (e.g. the parent with work ).
  • Accessibility Learning through blended learning can be more accessible to various types of learning allowing learners take their time and progress in their own way.
  • Environmentally friendly: You don't need to have classrooms (or cooling or heating systems, or electricity). Online learning is eco-friendly and cost-effective.
  • Blended learning is flexible and offers the potential for scaling. For instance, if you needed to conduct three introduction classes, you could group them in a single chat group online.
  • It's easier than ever before: Technology for learning via e-learning continues to improve and more accessible.

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Benefits of blended learning linked to the person-to-person interaction


  • Energetic Students who have difficulty staying focused on web-based content, online learning can aid in improving their focus.
  • Connecting: Students attending classes together are able to form strong bonds and build a network.
  • Flexibility: In-class learning is customizable in a totally different type, and the instructor is able to modify how they discuss and what that they teach the class.

Blended learning models


  • A college instructor adds an obligatory virtual element to their program by, for instance, participating in an online discussion forum and writing blog posts on subjects or working on an online group project in conjunction students.
  • Walmart provides the The One Global Walmart Academy that provides both live and virtual learning opportunities in the company's 2.3 million employees.
  • Amazon has set up classrooms within their fulfillment centers to teach employees skills-both those relevant to their jobs at Amazon and those not. They also offer training for highly sought-after careers.
  • A lot of executives MBA programs combine live and online courses to aid the busy schedules of students. A lot work full-time as they pursue their MBA.
  • The U.S. Government's Federal Cyber Defense Skilling Academy aids in training federal workers by combining on-line and in-person instruction.
  • HTML0 - The University of Phoenix is famous for its online-based education but students also have the option of taking in-person classes. This is known as a blended educational degree.

Blended learning

A different option for blended learning. This is blended learning via e-learning. Instead of combining in-person and virtual learning, blended education blends aspects of both synchronous and asynchronous learning on an online platform.

It is possible to create an online course which is enabled by virtual events, live chats or discussion groups which are live. It is also possible to have courses that are delivered in real time using the livestreaming option, however you can access the recorded lecture afterward, along with online discussions boards.

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Similar to mixed learning and education can bring advantages of an in-person classroom into online education. Students can take advantage of the energy of live streamed classes, from the discussions and discussions that take place in real-time, or the adaptability you can bring learners' issues.

What's different is the fact that everything is done on an online platform. You get all the accessibility and flexibility all in one.

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Methods of learning that are blended

1. Try a flipped classroom

An approach to blended learning is known as the flipped classroom. Students are able to engage in readings and lectures in their homes. Additionally, the classroom could be set aside for discussion or participation.

It's difficult to be successful in the K-12 classroom but it's possible (younger learners typically require parents' support). However, the method is utilized typically in higher education it is similar to the "tutorial" educational model that has been around for hundreds of years (it's the foundation of the Oxbridge course). ).

2. Learner's objectives are the basis.

Learning with blended learning should be guided by the factors that help in achieving your goals of getting the most out of your learning. Although it may sound obvious However, it is feasible to make use of every benefit of online and live learning in order to achieve different learning objectives. Flippable classrooms is among the most effective examples.

Big Purpose- New Image

3. Be sure to select the appropriate technology

The technology you choose to use for facilitating blended learning is going to determine the effectiveness of blended learning. Of course, the features that you're seeking when you're looking for a blended learning system are robust and efficient. They should play well together and make it easy for the students to utilize and navigate.

Here are some suggestions:


  • Be wary of complex stacks of tech. Look for solutions that let you add the capabilities of blended learning that you're looking for without mixing or matching programs and causing more problems.
  • Check with IT. If your institution has an IT department in the internal system, see for current alternatives.
  • Consider interoperability if you need to be made sure that your blended learning program is compatible with current administration and learning systems.

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4. Make sure you ensure that the web is used to your advantage.

The most frequent reasons for failing with blended learning is to place all the weight on the live sessions, and making the participation online an option. The online component of blended learning is not something extra or a side effect. It should be considered a part of the learning process and assigned the real objectives of online learning.

As an example, providing an opportunity for discussion section is the ideal method to get low-level participation. Try building 10 discussion reflections as well as 10 replies to other' reflections into the curriculum (e.g. using 1% of each equal to 20% of the overall grades). By incorporating skin into the game of blended learning, you increase the chance that you'll be able to get the most effective performance.

5. Do not duplicate the classroom experience on the internet.

Blended learning provides an endless number of learning possibilities. Making the exact same learning exercises that you can find in your traditional class online may be a bit depressing.

For example, an educational talk is a good idea.


  • But, what if you allowed students to view an entire film with each other in a video chat?
  • Or applying a theory on a film that is popular?
  • You can play a game on the internet that matches the subject matter of your class?
  • or making their own website or blog?
  • Also, sharing via social media about the course's themes?

The sky is the limit. Therefore, be creative when it comes to making an use of technology to develop formats.

6. Avoid creating synchronous and Asynchronous the division

There is a common belief that classes should be synchronous and activities online should be asynchronous. But that's not the case. Activities online can be timed through the use of live video, chat messages, and chat. And in-person activities don't necessarily need to be simultaneous.

If you're trying decide between synchronous and asynchronous studying, this graph could assist you in determining the different types of learners that will be best suited to:


If so...

If you don't...

Are your students self-directed and self-directed?

Try Asynchronous

Try Synchronizing

Does your material ever change?

Try Synchronous

Try Asynchronous

Do students require live assistance and do they require feedback?

Try Synchronizing

Try Asynchronous

Are your students unable to participate when it comes to participating in an online session because of the way they are taught or their life style?

Try Asynchronous

Try Synchronizing

Students will need to workshop ideas, have discussions and even do some work?

Try Asynchronous

Try Synchronizing

7. Orient students

Instead of having students slapped for taking blended classes, hold a class within the classroom (even at the computer lab if you are able to access it) to help them get started in the online aspect of your class. Use this opportunity to teach students how to log to the online learning system, how to utilize different devices, and maybe even work on an assignment in a group.

The platform is a familiar one, which increases the likelihood of students gaining best value from the system. Tech issues are one of the biggest obstacles to blended learning.

8. Read your data

Because blended learning is a component of software platforms, you have the chance to work with data. Data points could give valuable information on what's working as and what's not working when it comes to the implementation in blended learning.

Be sure to review the information frequently.

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9. Participate in a practice community

It is a process to integrate blended learning across all forms of education can be challenging to those who are new. Search for community of practice in which you can connect and gain knowledge from learners who have mastered blended learning successfully.

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Blended platforms that support learning


is a social as well as a courses platform that comes with a robust set of tools for hosting discussions, livestreaming, running live events in addition to online and synchronous classes.

Deliver Online Courses - Livewell

In terms of a blended learning platform, it's a great choice for brand-related or corporate education, as it allows brand-name apps with the help of Mighty Pro. And for those running an online course or training business, it gives you everything you need for monetization-building packages, managing checkouts, and charging in 135 different currencies.

2. Moodle


Moodle can be described as an institution-wide learning management system that offers a wide range diverse types of material and a wide range of engaging options for collaboration in learning, such as discussion forums, collaborations or messaging.

3. Canvas with Structure

Canvas can be used to create an institutional learning center, which features a strong LMS, excellent engagement tools, good mobile apps (better that Moodle) as well as an Learning Tool Interoperability (LTI) capability to connect with the institution's IT system.

4. Blackboard Learn

The most popular institutional LMS option that comes with a variety of assignment and grading options along with a range of excellent collaboration tools (like the discussion board and live meeting meetings). It's simple for students to use as well as administrators.


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Blended learning can be difficult learn, especially if you're not experienced with the concept. However, if it's done correctly, it can provide incredible possibilities for learning as well as scaling your teaching. We hope this article has you intrigued by the idea for blended learning. Now, you are eager to begin teaching on the internet!

If you'd like to try the blend learning platform of Mighty It is possible to try it for free for 14-days without credit card required.

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