Bioism: the new art of living forms - The CreativeMindClass Blog

Aug 6, 2022

"I came from the Soviet Union in what is currently Ukraine. I enjoyed drawing when I was when I was a kid; I received several awards. After high-school I went on to study economics. However, I wasn't satisfied with the possibility of having a career that was full-time an uninteresting desk in a and dusty workplace. Then I decided to pursue at art with a serious approach, which eventually led me into the class of Konrad Klapheck at the Art Academy of Dusseldorf. Then, I was able to be a student of Shirin Neshat from Salzburg."

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   A blog post that was shared by Creative Mind Class (@creativemindclass)

"Making art for me is an important process of creating impossible, imagined realms.

Alien-like aesthetics, unearthly forms and feelings - that is exactly what I enjoy to visualize and think about. In my early years, like all of us, I began with the things which surrounded me, but very soon felt dissatisfied with interpreting the most well-known facts about visuals.

In the quest to produce all deviations imaginable and artefacts that are not known to me inspired me to design completely unique universes."

Bioism. Installation in a church, Cologne
"Alterocentric Eudaimonia" Kunststation St. Peter (02.04.-26.05.2019) Cologne, Germany

How would you describe the style you use in your work?

"Bioism. Biofuturism. Paradise Engineering. Bioethical Abolitionism. My everyday thought and declaration is:

Bioism , also known as biofuturism, is my effort to design life-like living things and new aesthetics of future organic life. Bioism is a way to design art-related objects that convey the aesthetic possibilities of synthetic biology. Bioism is a method to create art that is based on vitality, multiplicity and complexity. I view each of my works as an actual living thing. Bioism gives life to dead objects.
Personally, I think that in the future, in the wake of a biological revolution, we'll use living furniture, reside in live-in homes, as well as travel through space with live stations. But the most exciting thing will be the ability of artists to work with living substances, thereby constructing new forms of life. The artistic act will acquire an actual sensation of birth. The fantastical could be the reactions of an art object to its creator and its surroundings. Art museums of the future could turn into zoological gardens galleries that could become new biodiversity funds, and art galleries into biology labs.
Bioism seeks to promote new and endless kinds of life in the universe. Paradise engineering represents the epitomization of bioethics in new ways...

The manifesto I believe, will never be finished, as I am myself a biological process, which is currently working on the issue."

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   A shared post by Creative Mind Class (@creativemindclass)

Bioism. Three Maasai men in Kenia
Bioism meets Maasai and their kids in the tower of networks (25.02.-01.03.2019) Risa, Kenia

What is the key to making your installations?

"I attempt to steer clear of the use of primitive geometrics, which means No straight lines, or the absence of lines, in the event that it is feasible. I'm trying to find the intersection between both macro and micro a regular routine.

Any thing that is not understood or extremely complex will be immediately perceived by the human eye as organic or somehow alive. Biology is the deepest and most complex information architecture in the universe."

Pink oil painting
P-landscape #41; Oil on pressed wood, measuring 103x140 cm (2021)

A church can be a formal setting. Do you find it difficult to work the place?

"It depends on your inner beliefs, fears, or how uncertain you are in your understanding of your place in the world of humankind. For me, I'm almost zero knowledge of space, time and their marvels. An so when in a church, I feel as if I'm a child who's exploring the vast and mysterious play area that has some kind of communication purpose.

I strive to be kind toward the art of it however, I don't overlook its fun side, the part about talking to a Deity. It's a little like an XXL-style phone booth. While talking or trying to understand you could be funny too."

Bioism. Phone booth
Bioism is calling from Basel phone booths (20-21.05.2017) Basel

How much do you have control of the process of creation and how much of the process is all biomimetic?

"Controlling chaos is a challenging venture. My inner ear and eye is always listening for an unknown melody and to discover a new shapes, that speak to me and touches my imagination nerve. It's not just a only one-way process in which you act just like an mining machine, finding the most interesting gems and throwing hell of waste of uninteresting possibilities in your face. Not for me.

I often combine my fascinations with other minor possibilities for a not-so-pleasant melody, but also a unexpected revelations too. The most precious part of this work is to compose new world as you are already imagining what it ought to look. There are times when you dream and other times it happens at night, while you sleep. The fact remains that the more I design and create, the greater pleasures I get, where chaos becomes my friend in growing bioism."

Bioism. Streets of India
The traveling bioism creature is a HAPPY JOURNEY through Konkan Railway, tuk-tuk, ferry, sugarcane juice maker as well as a fishing boat... (01-25.01.2012) India

Do you enjoy creating or get something else out of it? Like the practice of meditation, or communicating with your vulnerable side?

"Drawing time is contemplation time. In addition, I draw while discovering myself - what I can do to surprise my own self and also how much the universe might surprise me - which involves every possible activity along this unusual path. Sometimes, the humor is funny indeed, and sometimes if I'm feeling more exhilarated, I go out into the world and create an appearance."

Bioism. Installation in a church, Rome
"A The Concept of Teleology in Cosmic Space" Sala Santa Rita (4. - 16. March 2016) Rome

What was your path to bioism? How did you get started? you made the switch?

"The first steps were rather normal: I remember how happy I was about my half-drawing-half-painting of the tractor in the field for which I was praised in kindergarten.

Later I fell in love with landscape drawing, where I could sit in the grass for hours at a time, trying to draw motions of nature on the board. After that I even made portraits. But I was dissatisfied and frustrated by the flatness of human faces that were reproduced (including photos and video), that I stopped. At that point, the egg's shell was broken and I emerged like the phoenix (or Godzilla). Which means that I was brought nearer to the truth of existence. What exactly is it? The idea isn't to define the current one and to create an entirely new version. That was the birth day of my bioethics and bioism."

Bioism. Installation in a camper
Bioism reveals sex-related acts of hire and exploitative caravan prostitution that involves Bulgarian and Romanian adult females. (06.06.2016) Eifeltor, Cologne

As I perused your IG I had a thought that bioism might be interested in homelessness and homelessness in LA...

"But it was not a good narrative that it was freezing on the streets , and the people were happy to get every human touch, hear the Christmas art-story of the newborn bioism and play with the little blue baby of it.

The naked poverty on the shores of Hollywood may trigger a totally different approach in my mind. I need to consider the philosophical aspects of bioism meeting with hypothetical Diogenes in Venice."

Bioism. Streets of Rome.
Bioism meets homeless on Christmas morning: Merry Christmas! (25.12.2016) Rome

For more information about Aljoscha's portfolio of work as well as explore bioism in greater depth, check out the artist's Instagram and the current installation at the Cathedral St. John the Divine in New York.

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