B2B Selling Trends and Best Practices For Those Looking to start or expand their Businesses

Apr 4, 2023

The business-to-business (B2B) selling is changing. The long, complex sales process between sales representatives and buyers which often involved dinners and drinks, golf as well as a lot of back and forth communication are becoming less popular every day.

In fact, many consumers are choosing to do business independently in their buying decisions, and the 44% of millennials prefer having zero contact in any way with an agent in any way.

Digital, self-serve, and other data-driven sales solutions have become more effective which means that sales managers will have to drastically alter their methods in the coming years in order to be in the race.

Below, we'll examine:

Are you ready to know everything there is to know about B2B selling in 2023? Let's get started.

What is B2B selling?

B2B selling is the act of purchasing and selling products or services to other companies. It's a huge market, accounting for nearly fifty cents for every dollar that is spent in the U.S. economy.

This can cover anything from raw materials to finished products. B2B sales can be classified into three major categories: direct sales, indirect sales and sales online/digital.

  • Direct sales: Describes the sales representative who contacts potential customers for a discussion about their service or product and participate in negotiation.
  • Direct sales: refers to the sale of a business's products to other businesses through an intermediary such as distributors, resellers, agents, etc.
  • Digital or online sales refer to B2B sales which are made through e-commerce platforms or online marketplaces.
  • A bulk sale is the sale of an entire items or stock to a single buyer, often for a discounted price.

Consider for instance: Let's suppose that your company typically offers courses online directly to customers to earn revenue. It is possible to sell your course in bulk to bigger companies so they can offer them to their clients, employees, or customers as well as to their customers, partners or employees. This will enable you to substantially increase your revenue generate from a single transaction since you'd charge for the entire sale and not just one client.

Many companies are embracing digital solutions to help streamline the sales process. Based on Gartner studies, there has been a steady shift of customer preferences from in-person sales interactions towards digital channels.

What is the difference between B2B from B2C sales?

B2B as well as business-to-customer (B2C) selling are alike in many ways. However, there are some key distinctions.

  Experience vs Relationship  

In B2C sales, the focus is usually on providing a pleasant and easy shopping experience for customers. It is the primary objective to simplify the process of selling and make it as easy for customers to reach as you can.

In B2B sales, on the other side, the primary focus is on creating long-term relations with clients that will prove beneficial to both sides.


When preparing for mass-market customer selling, personalization of the products or services isn't typically required since B2C consumers don't generally need or want personalized solutions or customized offers.

In B2B sales however it is commonplace to customize and personalize products or services is often demanded, particularly when the product is digital products.

  Buyer focus  

Contrary to companies, individuals tend to make their decisions based on their individual needs and emotions. A key difference B2B selling has to do with the choice of buying a product requires many decision makers who are typically focussed on aspects such as cost, quality, or value for money when making purchases.

Yet, certain aspects of the same concepts of B2C selling, such as providing the best customer experience still apply to B2B sales processes.

What is the reason B2B sales are changing?

The selling landscape for B2B is changing due to several aspects.

  • Digital solutions are gaining popularity: Digital solutions are becoming increasingly sophisticated and allowing customers to find information on their own. This cuts down on the need for direct sales reps and also makes buying significantly faster and more simple.
  • Technology is advancing at an ever-increasing rate the consumer has access to a wider range of choices when it comes to buying products or services.
  • Increased data availability: The same technological advances also offer greater amounts of data than before. Companies can use this information to understand the needs of their clients, tailor their offers to them and establish lasting relationships with them.

Customers have become much more sophisticated about how they go about solving problems. They aren't as willing to listen to sales pitches and rather, they want a simple customer route that's free of barriers.

B2B best selling practices in 2023

What does the evolving B2B sales landscape affect you? Looking for methods to offer your customers with a smooth and effortless shopping experience. Here are some best practices for your business or other organization to think about in 2023.

  Conduct customer research  

It is crucial to research for success in any business This is especially the case for B2B selling. It is essential to understand the demographics of your clients who they are, what their requirements are and the best way to best meet them.

Don't just assume you're aware of the needs of your clients. Launch customer surveys with thoughtful questions, and monitor answers closely. Researching your customers will aid you in understanding your customers requirements better and also build trust with your customers. Find feedback from customers whenever feasible via surveys, social media or customer surveys, and much more.

  Nurture your leads  

Lead nurturing is the process that involves engaging potential clients regularly. This means offering them relevant material that meets their preferences and requirements, and establishing relationships and trust over time.

  Increase time spent with B2B buyers  

When you do get an opportunity to talk with a customer in person (or on the phone) ensure that you're making the most of your time. Be prepared and bring relevant facts and figures that will help solve the customer's problem.

Make sure you build trust with your customers and knowing what they want in order to provide solutions accurately.

Don't forget to following up! After every meeting, following up is essential for staying on top of mind for buyers and helping build lasting relationships.

  Provide self-service as well as digital purchase options  

Whatever you're prepared, some customers do not want to speak with a sales representative or undergo a long painful purchase. This is why it's crucial to offer self-service and online purchase options for those who want more control over the buying process.

Offering solutions like these can make it simpler (and more efficient) for clients to buy your products and services without having to wait on an agent each time they need something.

  Don't waste time with logistics  

The self-service and digital solutions can help sales teams by reducing the time spent on logistical tasks. Instead of focusing on tracker of shipment and fulfillment Automated and digital options will allow sales reps to gain time back to focus on important tasks such as nurturing leads.

This frees up more time for teams to focus on sales enablement and engagement, rather than dealing with paperwork or the back-end work. If you can reduce the time spent on the process, the clients will be able to appreciate it more.

  Be a strategic growth partner  

It's no longer sufficient to simply provide a product or service. Today's customers want more than that - they require partners to help their business succeed over the long run.

Business owners must be strategic partners with their clients as well as look at the big picture. This means providing exceptional customer service and support and solutions that go beyond basic products or services including advice, training or insight into market developments.

Make yourself the go-to expert in your area and add value beyond the sale.

  Customer service reigns supreme  

When it comes to the end of each day, clients need to feel as if they're taking care of.

In the case of your company that means going beyond the normal service to your customers. This includes quick and efficient responses to queries from customers, dealing with any problems or concerns in the shortest time possible and contacting customers after their purchase.

Standardizing your B2B selling process

In order to make it even better You'll have to improve the process of selling. This means creating a step-by-step sequence for the customer interaction beginning with initial communication until the closing of sales - regardless of whether or not the contact is with a representative or an automated electronic process.

  Mapping the entire journey  

If, for instance, you're selling software, you'll have take into consideration things such as onboarding processes and technical solutions for support.

  • Will they need to handle the product by themselves?
  • Do you plan to offer continuous support?
  • Where can they get the documentation they need?
  • What is the procedure for them to be able contact customer service if they need assistance?

These questions must be considered in determining the customer's journey.

  Customer segmentation  

This same method isn't going to work for everyone.

You'll need to segment your customers into different groups, so you can personalize the experience to each one. A particular customer might be more price sensitive, while other customers are more concerned with quality. Some other things to consider are:

  • The size of the company
  • Budget
  • Buying motivation
  • Trends in the industry

  Lead qualification  

Wasting time on leads that don't turn into leads is a major cost. That's why it's so crucial to ensure lead qualification.

You'll need to develop the criteria to determine which leads are worthwhile to pursue and which leads should be discarded or nurtured further over time. The biggest thing to remember to consider is the authority. Do your point of contact hold the power to take a final purchasing choice? If not, could they connect you with someone that has the authority?

  Sales pitch creation  

It's not always the case that it's unique. Standard templates and frameworks that can be used for creating a successful selling pitch.

For example it is the AIDA (Attention and Interest Desire & Action) framework is an excellent tool for creating persuasive pitches that get outcomes. Another is the PAS (Problem-Agitate-Solve) framework, which is used to identify customer pain points and create a solution.

These can be matched to specific segments, or mixed in a way that creates what appears to be an individual (yet uniform) sound.

Tips for better B2B connections

Maintaining relationships with your clients is vital to ensure successful B2B selling. Here are some helpful tips to assist you in doing just that.

  • It's important to be transparent. the customer knows exactly the benefits they'll receive when they sign up for the product or service.
  • Offer value that goes beyond purchase Let customers know that their purchase can benefit their future, not just immediately after signing up.
  • Learn to listen and comprehend their requirements Be attentive to the customer's needs and wants so you can provide them with the best possible solution.
  • Find ways to give customers assistance assist with troubleshooting issues, or offer additional information which can assist them in their success.

If you take the time to spend some focus on what they need instead of selling them something, customers will respond positively and will be more engaged.

Things to avoid in B2B sales

There are several typical traps B2B sellers are susceptible to, particularly now digital technologies are increasing in popularity.

  • Trying to sell too quickly, or too many The key is to comprehend the needs of your client before offering the solution.
  • Be too aggressive in selling tactics: If clients feel like they're being forced to sign up for something, they'll cause a bitter taste to their mouths and may lead customers to search for another company.
  • Failure to follow up following buying: Clients are pleased following up with companies after the sale is made - this shows that you truly care about giving good customer service and not only making sales.
  • Ignoring customer feedback: If your customers provide you with feedback, you should take into consideration their ideas. It will allow you to improve your product or service and ensure your customers stay satisfied.

Most importantly, offer the option to purchase without friction No one likes to go through a long and complicated procedure.

Example of B2B tools

To help you succeed within the ever-changing B2B selling landscape, there are several instruments available.

  • Software for CRM: The customer relationship management (CRM) software allows companies to store and analyze information about customers, such as contacts, preferences, as well as purchase history. This provides valuable insight into the best way to reach customers for sales campaigns.
  • Data analytics platforms These platforms enable businesses to dive deep into the behavior of customers by monitoring website interaction and analyzing feedback from customers and much more. They can identify patterns which can be used to inform future sales strategies.
  • Learning Management Systems The Learning Management Systems (LMS) let businesses create online learning environments for employees, customers as well as partners. This can help improve the customer experience as well as generate income.

These tools can help in making the selling process more effective and also provide customers with an improved overall experience.

  Final thought  

B2B selling is completely different from what it was just a few years ago. It will change completely also in the near future.

Businesses that will succeed will be those that are open to innovation and adopt new technologies to stay one step ahead of the competition.

  Learn how to effectively increase your company's reach through the power of B2B sales in this free course: