Asana reviews creative risk for its video campaigns

Nov 26, 2023

Asana's Head of Marketing and Brand Marketing, Matt Maynard, states that the relatable experience is an entry point into a particular category for their brand. The management platform can be able to take over the responsibility. "There are certain situations or moments you want your brand to be able to make an affinity with."

The most important thing in the video campaign was to help the future clients see Asana as the solution and not the source of their problems at work. That meant taking a few creative chances in their way to present the Asana brand.

"We use Asana as an online platform for workplace management. It's not a threat for our business... therefore it was vital to begin early and ensure to consider how the little problems at work could be resolved," clarifies Morgan Keys as Asana's Art Director. the brand creative team.

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Project name "Tame Your Work Worries" | Asana
HTML1 Participants Matt Maynard, Head of Brand MarketingMorgan Keys Brand Creative Director Brand Creative
Objectives of the campaign The Asana team was looking for a campaign which leveraged the category's entry point, as well as increased the visibility of the brand's message.
"Tame Your Work Worries" is a brief video created to help future buyers identify Asana and control your activities. The idea behind this campaign is to describe the concept as the conquering the fears of Sunday Scaries with representations of stress as small CG beings that cause chaos in the workplace, at home or public spaces.
Goals * Increase awareness of the brand and enhance mental accessibility
* Assist Asana with a key category entry point
* Make a complex video ad campaign that was relatable and likable
Resources Asana retained their in-house design team and lean toward collaborating with Omelet, a Los Angeles marketing agency, Omelet, to develop and implementation of the idea.

The creative team worked closely with a production company based in Toronto named Skin and Bones in order to develop realistic visual effects, as in conjunction with the French video effects firm, Mathematic, for rendering 3D models. aid in bringing CG creatures to life.

Asana utilized their own software for managing projects and integrations to keep the project transparent well-organized, efficient, and efficient.
Key lessons Communicating effectively is crucial.
• Be ready to make calculated risk-taking decisions through your creative thinking.
* Create clarity for efficient collaboration

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