Are you looking to strengthen your ABM strategy to be more effective? Make use of videos

Dec 9, 2022

ABM is a type of account-based marketing (ABM) can be described as a highly targeted approach to B2B marketing, which focuses on the top accounts and not on segmentation of markets.

ABM of the past involved companies creating a small group of prospective customers and catering most of their marketing and customer resource to close sales. The tactics were usually based on data scraping, high-cost experiences for smaller groups, as well as direct sales calls. However, these weren't always efficient.

Nowadays, ABM is a more than just a Sales-plus-Marketing strategy to draw in customers. This is an important change as businesses are shifting away from the perception which claimed that B2B Sales and Marketing usually had a more antagonistic relationship.

If executed properly, ABM helps both Marketing and Sales teams align with their key customers in order to secure new business.

This guide explains the basics of what ABM is, and the ways you can make use of videos for marketing plans based upon accounts, such as customized communication, ABM videos, and other.

What can you expect to learn

  1.     What is an account-based advertisement?
  2.     ABM's ABCs ABM is one of the key elements of an effective ABM strategy
  3.     What are you supposed to avoid doing with your account-based marketing strategies?
  4.     How do you customize ABM campaigns to your most prestigious clients
  5.     Ideas for closing

What is the concept behind account-based marketing?

In short, account-based advertising (ABM) is a strategy in which an organization tailors its marketing efforts to target certain accounts, rather than following the general method.

With regards to ABM It's essential to get a complete knowledge of the ideal client. So, you're able to develop targeted advertising campaigns that are are more likely to appeal to those who make the decisions at your accounts that you are targeting.

"How does account-based marketing differ from conventional marketing?" You might ask?

With traditional marketing methods the focus is typically on generating the most leads feasible. When using ABM, the focus is on quality leads over quantity. It means rather than trying to connect with every person that you could, you're focused on those who are the key decision-makers with particular profiles who are more likely to be willing to alter their behaviour.

It is equally important to remember it is important to be aware it is important to remember that ABM is a collaborative process. To be successful with ABM, Sales and Marketing need to be aligned in their actions and goals.

It is crucial for ensuring that every employee is working towards the same goal: making leads top-quality and can be converted into clients.

Every day life of marketers who use accounts

As a basis for day-to-day operations, these are what account-based marketers achieve:

  • They design and create particular client profiles.
  • They then create specific advertisements and specially designed content specifically for their target market and companies.
  • Together together with Sales, ABM teams produce and disperse these materials on various channels (depending on the accounts specifically targeted).
  • Finally, they monitor to measure and then optimize the results of their campaigns to improve and refine ABM strategies as time goes by.

So...why prioritize accounts-based marketing?

There are a few important reasons that ABM should be an important consideration for your business.

First when you tailor your marketing strategy specifically to every account, you will be able to make custom content and experiences that are considerably higher likelihood to resonate with your audience. In the end, you'll have the ability to build stronger relationships with your accounts that you are targeting and make more sales and increase your chances of retaining customers.

With ABM it's possible to target your efforts to accounts with a greater likelihood of conversion, meaning an increased ROI for your company.

The third reason is ABM is an opportunity to align Sales and Marketing. The traditional method of marketing, there is an inconsistency between what Sales desires and what Marketing wants to achieve. With ABM and ABM Both departments are geared towards closing deals with specific customers.

The third reason is that today's customers, B2B as well as B2C are smarter and more knowledgeable than ever before. They aren't going to react well to conventional message or the same-size campaigns. ABM can be a method to make sure that you are able to tailor your approach and message. ABM, you can tailor your approach and message to specific businesses and people. A personalized approach is more likely to resonate with the current buyers and lead to closing contracts.

In the end, ABM is trackable, perhaps more than conventional advertisement and marketing. Because ABM has a focus on high quality rather than quantities, you are able to evaluate the results of your work and determine whether it's paying off. Transparency is the key to gaining approval from top management, improving the way your business is conducted, and ultimately gaining more customers in the course of time.

What are the ABCs of ABM Essential aspects of an efficient ABM strategy

Through ABM it is possible to treat each account as an individual market.

For a sustainable growth for your business it's essential to have an airtight accounting-based-marketing (ABM) strategy. The following are key aspects you should be aware of when you're considering developing an ABM strategy for your organization.

1. Segmentation

The first step of developing the ABM plan is to define those accounts that you wish to separate. For this be sure you know your perfect customer's persona (ICP).

Your ICP should include details on the demographics (e.g. the job title or business name, the dimensions of the company and its location) and information on psychographics (e.g. Motivators, points of pain purchasing influences).

To gather the facts to get this information Conduct primary research by conducting surveys or interviews with your former clients as well as current ones. Your persona can be augmented with further research from reliable sources like industry trade magazines.

If you have a solid understanding of your ideal customer/company profile, you'll be able to start by creating an inventory of accounts that you could be interested in. Additionally, you can make use of market intelligence tools to create a listing of companies that match your requirements.

After you've completed your homework The next step is to break up your accounts into different personas. This can help you improve your communication and ensure you're targeting the right individuals within the account. For example, you might be able to create a persona specifically for decision makers and influencers as well as one that is targeted at the users.

Tips: An analysis from the past discovered that the more specific your accounts are and the greater amount of money your company will allocate for your team. Think about this when you are planning for next year and seeking the support of your management team.

Bombora State of ABM 2022 Annual Report

2. Individualized message and outreach

Once you've identified your target persons and accounts The next step is to develop personalized messages and content to each. Be aware that when using ABM it's a matter of treating every account as the market it is, hence it's crucial to create content that is tailored for each account.

If you attempt to utilize the same content and messages for each of your accounts, you won't get the result you're seeking. It is essential to design custom messages relevant to each account you have in your database. It's a challenging task that involves a lot collaboration between teams, but it's worth it because personal messages produce significantly higher responses than generic ones.

It's also important to make sure that you align your go to market (GTM) strategy to the one of your ABM strategy. This means personalised messages and employing the correct mix of channels to reach your customers where they're spending their web-based time. In this case, LinkedIn would be a great channel to target for senior executives at large enterprises.

Personalized messages can help you create relationships with your desired accounts. Nowadays, people do business only with people they feel they can trust, admire and trust. By sending personalized messages on appropriate channels, you'll be able to establish connections with people you wish to reach which will make them more likely to work with them once they're ready buy.

3. The sales and marketing departments are aligned

The third crucial element in a successful ABM approach is development of teams that are cross-functional. That means forming teams made comprising members from multiple areas within your company such as Marketing, Sales and Customer Success. An investigation recently done by Bombora discovered that businesses, on average, have five teams who are dedicated to ABM.

Teams are created to unite every employee within your company around one goal that is to impress the clients that you want to win.

4. Customer lifecycle marketing

An essential, but frequently overlooked aspect of an effective ABM strategy is the customer's lifecycle marketing. This is about fostering connections with key individuals in your targeted accounts. This can be done through a variety of methods like creating personalized email messages, offering an individual a contact on their birthdays or sending them an email with useful info. Whatever you choose to do, ensure that you're adding value, and staying in the forefront of mind.

Most likely, you'll require at least one individual in a target account to sell your product or service only one individual in the account that you want to market the product or service to. You'll most likely have engage multiple stakeholders in your business to move the deal into the next step. This is why it's important to creating specific information that is utilized at various points in the buying process and throughout the customer's life-time.

Utilizing a mix of top-of-the-funnel (TOFU) as well as middle-of-the-funnel (MOFU) as well as bottom-of-the-funnel (BOFU) information accessible it is possible to contact potential customers in every stage of sales and after purchase.

5. ABM software

The most crucial factors of the ABM plan is the suitable program. ABM software aids B2B marketers manage and automate accounts-based marketing processes. Some of the most well-known platforms include HubSpot Sales, Terminus, Pardot and Marketo.

ABM software allows you to monitor and evaluate the engagement of your customers, which is a vital metric of all ABM program (as we'll cover in the coming sections). You can adjust the parameters of your ABM strategy based on the way your customers react to your company's brand and how. This will result in increased customer engagement over time, which will result in higher-quality deals and more revenues.

ABM software can also be used assist you in automating repetitive tasks in order to enable you to focus on strategically ABM strategies. Automation also helps in executing targeted campaigns better by making sure that the right recipients receive the right messages at the right moment. This will make the ABM program more efficient and economical over time.

Finally, ABM software can help to improve the overall ROI (ROI). The goal is to increase revenues for your business through improving account engagement and the efficacy of your campaigns. This means that your ABM program will be better able to yield more return on investment. This is beneficial for your overall bottom line.

6. Evaluation of performance

Last but not least, it is essential to measure the results. As with any type of marketing plan It is crucial to keep track of the progress for you ABM campaigns. To do this efficiently, you must be in a position to monitor and analyze the data you collect to see how every touchpoint in the ABM campaign was seen by the individual decision makers inside the target account.

You can get a good idea of whether your ABM strategy is working for your business through monitoring key measures like:

  • Website traffic that comes directly from the accounts targeted
  • The speed of conversion between MQL to SQL
  • The number of meetings set by Sales
  • There are many new opportunities created
  • Deal size
  • Customer lifetime value (CLV)

What is it that you do not want to incorporate into your account-based marketing strategy

This article has provided a brief overview of certain of the most important elements of an effective ABM strategy. We'll now go over some of the most frequently made ABM errors to avoid when you begin.

Do not utilize the spooky or spammy ABM strategies

It's spammy ABM strategies like buying details for cold phone calls and cold emails that are guaranteed to fall short of account-based marketing. If your cold email doesn't have a specific message or lacks worth (e.g. offering useful information or invitations to events) is it unlikely that customers will be able to reply or make an appointment.

The study shows that cold outreach may work...if done properly. If you choose to use cold outreach as a part of your ABM strategy, ensure that you are encouraging your employees to use the best practices:

  • They must identify themselves. 79 of the 79 percent of unidentified phone calls have not been answered
  • Use "we" statements--Successful cold calls include 65% more "we" statements
  • Customize your content to each recipient. 57 percent of buyers at the C-level want to be contacted by phone

Don'trely too much on scraped information

Account-based marketers must have data in order to create their ideal client or corporate profiles. But, using purchased or scraped information could result in an inability to understand ICPs. Moreover, it can result in your staff contacting prospective customers without consent this could be detrimental to your brand and could cause customers to stop receiving the emails as spam.

It is advised to build your ICPs through conducting research on your own like surveys or interviews with clients. If needed, enhance your personas by conducting additional research from trustworthy sources like industry trade publications or other tools such as Sparktoro.

Do not forget about the ROI

Calculating the value of your ABM investment shouldn't be difficult. especially if you concentrate on the metrics listed above and make use of an ABM software program to aid you.

While certain ABM methods (like events) aren't as obvious on ROI calculation It's not a reason for selecting these methods in the absence of evidence to show that they'll have an impact or even close deal.

Don't make the mistake of organizing large, costly experiences or investing the money to purchase swag to create "brand recognition" without knowing what the implications of these investment decisions are for your KPIs, key metrics and business goals.

Do not keep accounts with bad fit

The fact that an account might not be an appropriate match for your product or service does not mean that you have to ignore it entirely. Even if an account doesn't bring in sales, there may provide additional benefits for instance, exposure or understanding from interacting through the account.

The key is not to be focused on results in the near-term, but rather focus on the longer-term game of ABM.

How can you customize ABM strategies to ensure top-quality clients

Although ABM can be very effective, but you should be aware that there aren't all accounts created in the same way. The top clients -- those who offer the greatest revenue to your company -- require special consideration.

If you're looking to pick the right account it is important to focus your efforts to select account that are high-value and have the highest possibility of growing.

The most prestigious clients in your business are used to receiving the very best of the best, so your content and experiences have to reflect this standard. It doesn't mean you should blow up your budget. It's about investing the time and effort needed to create quality, high-quality content that attracts interest and produces results.

There are a few options available to personalize your ABM campaigns to attract top clients. (Hint That they contain video!)

Account-based marketing videos

Marketing videos built on account-based content tell the story of your business in a personable and interactive way--more so than a written marketing campaign. Videos can be a great way to showcase the product or service you offer in action and provide potential customers with insight into its strengths and advantages.

How do they look on what they do? When you're getting started in a new company is a great idea to introduce your staff by presenting a brief video. The decision-makers in the organization a chance establish themselves and start building a relationship with their staff.

The information in your video does not have to be elaborate. An overview of your workplace and introductions of every member of your team will suffice. Just make sure it's clear as well as professional. Additionally, it must define what makes your firm best suited for the account.

Screen recordings that are personalized

Enhance engagement as well as sales by designing custom screen recordings. Instead of making a standard customer-centric recording, make the effort of creating a custom demo with your ICP's pain points and your business's details keeping in the mind.

Watching a custom recording is an effective way of delighting your prospect. In addition, by increasing your customer's happiness, you build confidence, and increase the likelihood that they will move to the next step in the funnel.

Video campaigns via email

Make use of video marketing that is based on your account for your emails to nurture. Instead of sending a generic "Look at how we could help us!" message, you can make your message more personalized by using a short video appropriate to the person receiving it.

Videos that focus on the problems of your target company and explain exactly what your product or service can do to solve the issues of potential customers will make an impact.

It can make yourself stand out and prove that you're ready to go beyond to deliver the best quality for the money. Videos of the highest quality sent via email will help prospects move further down the sales funnel and encourage prospects to make appointments with your sales team.

Virtual Events

Nowadays, customers are dealing with people they know, like and believe in. One method to develop relationships and build trust with accounts you want to target is by hosting carefully planned events. One example is the virtual VIP workshop or an executive event.

Don't create cookie-cutter experiences for your most valuable clients. Take the time to understand their requirements and issues to create unique virtual events that give appropriate solutions, as well as links to other networks.

If you put in an extra effort and effort prior to giving it your all, you'll be able to establish yourself as a trustworthy company who is committed to helping companies succeed in the long term.

Programms for reducing the number of times you'll need to eat

ABM doesn't stop after the purchase has been made. Considering that you ICPs represent your "perfect" clients and you want to keep them entertained, it's best to engage them after buying.

Encourage Customer Success in order to stay in touch base with the accounts you want to contact quarterly or bi-annually to confirm your customers' satisfaction. Use feedback loops for feedback to gather valuable feedback and discover how customers are using the program. You can even request they participate in Beta testing groups for the purpose of testing the new features, or to play a role of consulting for the Product team.

Your customers to be valuable can decrease churn and increase retention as well as your LTV of your customers.

Closing concepts

A successful account-based marketing approach is a careful plan and execution in a range of sizes and teams.

If you take the time to get acquainted with your ideal customer by creating targeted campaign and custom videos, you'll have the chance to establish deeper connections and close more sales.

Because ABM can be tracked and tracked, you are able to measure the outcomes of your work as well as connect potential customers with unique, custom-designed advertising campaigns.

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