An instructional video playbook instructional Video Training Video

Jan 28, 2024

Making online classes requires a lot of hard work. This can be a quite time-consuming process, especially in the case of making many instructional videos. A method to design classes and simplify the design procedure more straightforward? Telling stories
    Elise London, our video expert who is in charge of all our in-house and marketing training courses. She says how to create interactive virtual courses is using stories as a way to present the information.
    Knowing the primary reason behind the problem with the content and then arranging the content using the hero's journey method can change the course. That's what you need to be able to accomplish when designing the structure and develop an online course that is engaging and exciting. That includes all the tools required.

Jump ahead:

An ideal subject for conducting online-based classes

It's not necessary to have an all-new design right out of the box, for an online training.
    Select a topic that is popular. The understanding of your goal and population can aid. Here's how:

Keep track of the current is resonating

Make use of data measurement tools, like Google Analytics to find high-performing writing pieces. A book is out that covers one particular subject that performs particularly well? Consider expanding it into a detailed video course.
    You can also take a poll of your mailing list to see if the people you've compiled would like to take an online class. You can also post the survey on social media (if you're an active participant on these platforms) as well as to other organizations you're affiliated with.
    Be aware that your objective is to determine which course areas students might be most interested in.

Deepen your dive, don't widen it.

    How do you resolve the issue? Consider the challenges that your potential market is confronted with in relation to the topic.
    Do you have questions for you?

  • What are the challenges facing readers in their efforts to find solutions the problem?
  • What can we do to manage anxiety? Can we help them get over it?

In the case of live streaming for instance this could cause anxiety as you create the first stream. An instructional course on this subject could include "How it is easy to start live streaming and make sure you're not stressed."

This is probably the most effective approach you could come up with for your school's name

As you think about names you'd like to utilize for your classes, take into consideration what the students whom you're aiming at consider regarding the topic you're discussing and incorporate that into the name.

The design and structure for the course online

Elise proposes using hero's stories to guide the course on-line. This includes:

  • The challenge that pupils in the class are confronted with. Find these by answering the questions people ask regarding the topic in the class.
  • Help them overcome difficulties in finding solutions. This is where you divide your subject into segments and video lessons that each provide the answer to the problem.
  • After that, they'll get to experience the predicted changes. Provide additional tools such as checklists and templates for students to help them with application of the ideas they've learned.

This is the way to solicit questions from public members and also to establish the desired outcome that you wish to create and plan the course.

Ask your audience members questions about research

Instead of making assumptions, take these steps:

  • Explore Reddit as well as Quora to make a list of questions which are often asked.
  • Survey, and then call learners one-on-one for queries.
  • listen to phone calls from customers who are members of sales and support to get the answers to commonly asked questions.
  • Look through the best-selling books indexes on Amazon to gain a deeper comprehension of the topics they address on what the students are studying.

If you've held webcasts that dealt with the topic, it is also possible to find the answers which attendees made to aid in your investigation.

The subject matter of the course can be broken down into buckets

Woman recording herself with smartphone. Image reads, "Concept > modules > video lessons"

Consider your audience's questions and concerns. your audience for breaking down the subject into smaller pieces which build upon each other for the next stage along the educational path of a student.

"Instead of saying that we're going to train you to use an interactive program' (which is a broad difficult-to-understand thing) Instead, state "We'll teach you beginner, intermediate, and advanced features. That means that the subjects you'll learn in the online classes could be categorised into three categories." Elise London, Senior content production manager

Place "disparate concepts" into buckets in such a way that, when you examine your course from a distance, your course seems much more manageable."

An idea for the structure of a course

It's essential to decide on your course's structure in order to make sure that your students are connected to students at the same position in their development. It is easy to share excessively and cause students to become confused due to the lure of ignorance (a belief in cognitive bias, which presumes that your students are just as educated in the same way as your own). Check your course's design for a course that's easy to follow.

The development of video clips for lessons

  1. Make sure you address your student's issues with regard to the problem that the tutorial video can assist aid in resolving.
  2. Answer the questions by providing solutions to the challenges they're dealing with.
  3. The content of the video should be summarized or provide more information for students to adapt.

Videos with script-on-demand

pro tip

Script generator gif

Shooting your course video content

Tools will be required

If you're searching for the best production tools kit and set-up, it'll be required:

  • Camera for the use of a microphone (two at a at a) as well as a three or four light kit with a point
  • Learn Management System (LMS). This software houses the videos and is accessible to students. Examples are: Teachable, Podia, and Kajabi.
  • . An online platform for videos which is free. You can host videos, altering them and include interactive elements to instructional videos. These are later uploaded onto your LMS.
  • Teleprompter. Device that shows text on the screen. It makes it simple for people who are on screen to take videos.
  • Music pedal. It's an affordable and user-friendly keyboard that lets you switch the direction that slides are displayed on the screen.

The perfect video production environment

Elise is not willing to make any compromises on the following aspects:

1. Beware of fluorescent overhead source of light.

Shadows may cause irritations to the facial region. The bright light could flash frequently, creating a green hue as well as affecting the stability of your video's.

2. Recording in the dark with no lighting source

The natural light patterns vary throughout the day. If you're recording for a few hours at once it's possible that the quality of light that appears in your video won't look uniform, Elise warns. It could be an problem if you decide to transfer portions of your video from one video to another.

3. Set your cameras at different angles

The second camera can't "just assist you in making editing more enjoyable (which is beneficial regardless of if you're using a script or if you are able to finish the entire process in one go) It can also assist by reducing boredom looking at the faces of instructors."
    "More crucially, a different camera can be utilized to conceal cuts," Elise adds. "So if whatever you're delivering won't be captured on one camera and you're looking to conceal the cut, the ideal way to conceal that cut is to use B-roll or cutting into an additional camera."

4. An uncluttered and tidy background

Beware of bright colors such as orange, magenta and yellow since they may result in reflections and distract viewers. Pick neutral hues for your backgrounds, such as dark blue and soft white. They appear amazing on the camera and are comfortable to your eyes.

Recording your online video course

Naturally, recording can make you feel nervous. If you've had the opportunity to write down your strategies, recording won't create any problems.

5. Always utilize a audio-visual teleprompter

Teleprompters are an excellent way to prevent yourself from getting stuck at your monitor as you attempt to determine what part you have to keep in mind.
    It makes recording easier and assists with editing, however "it can also help you to concentrate on the camera, even while looking at the screen via Teleprompter." Teleprompter" according to Elise.

6. Make use of a music pedal switch between slides

"Instead of utilizing the clicker or keyboard on your fingers, make use of an electronic pedal which can alter the slides. It's basically the same as an USB Bluetooth keyboard with a left and right. The person who is presenter doesn't need to look for the keyboard or mouse in order to move forward."

You can edit the videos that you have available

Take the initiative to shorten the duration of your edits and provide a memorable watching experience with these expert suggestions:

7. Do a brutal edit

8. Use B-roll videos to guarantee maximum involvement

A method of avoiding the monotony which is often common with chat-head videos is to switch between camera regularly.
    It is also possible to include animations, slideshows and other multimedia with videos from existing stock or make them custom for the most engaging user experience.

9. Interactivity layer that is layered

  • Enjoy a build-your-own-learning path
  • Take a look at the hotspots for video in the following list for additional tools to learn.
  • Jump between sections, which are connected to other sections (useful to create a video for onboarding in the business)

Interactive video increases the degree of participation among viewers, and increase retention. You can also assess your students' abilities using designing tests using videos using Interactive.

Do you have the skills to develop your own online training course?

Making videos that are loved by the general public can be explained in the following manner:

  • Make sure you are clear about the issue that you're trying to resolve
  • Converting the data into cohesive narrative
  • The information should be organized so that it's simple to read and understand

Don't forget that you're using the appropriate equipment which will allow you to lessen stress by creating high-quality instructional videos. You'll be able to enjoy an enjoyable learning experience.

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