3 steps to building an email list with YouTube and

Jul 11, 2023

If you're trying to increase your YouTube following, check out this step-by-step tutorial on how to build an email database alongside the number of viewers you have. It's essential for growing your company.

You've been rocking your YouTube channel these days.

This is evident in the growing subscriber list.

Publishing video content regularly for your YouTube channel is some effort So, please, pat yourself on the back. You deserve it.

If you've got a good production tempo, it's time to make your efforts worthwhile to your business's bottom line.

Don't worry, though. This isn't as difficult as you imagine.

One of the most important things is required from your customers to grow your online business that's not a big ask for them to provide their email address.

Let's begin by looking at the details.

How do you increase the number of your YouTube and email subscribers list?

While it's important to nurture your YouTube followers and increase your viewership, it's equally (if not more) important to grow your email lists from YouTube also. That's if you want to expand your business regardless.

Email is an much better means of engaging your audience regularly.

Your YouTube subscribers might not check through YouTube enough to notice every video you release from your channel. However, they will go through their email... several times every day.

And not just frequently every day, but you'll probably spend more than five hours daily checking email.

Based on a recently conducted Adobe survey of email use  The study found that people are checking their work email over three hours a day and personal emails over a period of two hours a day. The bulk of Americans are checking their email once every few hours and 10-11 per cent do it continuously.

It is obvious that if you're looking to remain connected to your customers on a consistent basis, collecting their email contact info is a surefire solution.

In addition, it gives the opportunity to develop a connection with your readers that will convert them into potential customers.

That's why 81 percent of mid and small enterprises use email as their main channel for acquiring customers.

On top of that, an impressive 59% of marketers believe that email is the most effective source of return on investment This is certainly an important factor to consider when growing your business.

It is important to think about this from a different perspective:

With YouTube as the second-largest internet search engine  users are searching for solutions to their problems. The traffic is there. The thing you're lacking is a contact.

To do this, you need to capture your visitors emails, so you'll be able to keep in contact and keep them informed about the offers you have for them . . . which solves their problems.

After you're (hopefully) certain that building an email database from the YouTube community is a must, let's head into our three simple steps for doing it.

Three steps to create an emailing list using YouTube

Step 1. Create a compelling digital download

The first step is to develop a digital download, and present it as a lead source to your YouTube viewership.

The key here is to create a piece of engaging content that the audience wants and needs.

What's the most effective way to accomplish this? Research on the consumer.

Unfortunately, only 40% of marketers utilize consumer research in making their choices, so if you tackle this process, you're in the lead.

There's a better way of knowing what subjects the people you serve are keen on than the audience itself.

You can start by identifying your most popular content for your YouTube channel. Look over your channel's statistics and analytics to identify those videos with the most views, likes and comments. This gives you a good idea for what resonates the most with your audience.

Another place to dig for the most popular topics is in the comments themselves. While you're looking through your video remarks, you should ask yourself:

What are people noticing about your videos?

What details do they want to know more about?

What are the relevant questions they're asking?

What are they finding most helpful?

It is possible to (and ought to) go as far as asking your viewers to tell you what they want to learn more about from your footage. You can also ask them to post their suggestions in comments that appear below the videos.

After you've clarified your lead magnet's content for your lead magnet, all else is in its proper.

In terms of formats there is an array of digital downloads. These include the following: a checklist, guidebook, cheat sheet, template ebook, case studies, playbook, report, whitepaper etc.

An excellent example is BeltCreative's Seven Proposal Errors That Are that can cost you sales digital download.

Your lead magnet doesn't even have to be downloadable also. You can offer access to exclusive content, similar to the successful entrepreneur and musician master Seth Mosley, does.

Seth is a creative person and provides free access his Made It In Music Deep Dives podcast video series to attract leads.

You can see that there are a myriad of options available for formatting your lead magnet.

It's not so much about what kind of lead magnet you pick, however it's about offering your viewers with value. Above all, your material should be informative and include a way to help your audience reach the desired outcome.

If the idea of creating a digital download seems overwhelming, fret no more.

You can choose from these types of formats: checklist, numbered list, text and pictures.

After answering some questions and inputting some details regarding your resource's value the generator will create the polished PDF download which is ready for distribution to the people you want to share it with.

With your lead magnet in hand It's now time to drive people to the newly made digital download.

Step #2. Add CTAs in your YouTube videos. CTA in YouTube videos

The next step is to work into your video script the call-to-action (CTA) of getting your lead magnet.

As you would with the "subscribe for my YouTube channel" CTA, include the similar request on your video, and also verbally offer your lead magnet.

Business leader, Marie Forleo , takes it to the next level and directs viewers to join her MF Insider mailing list on her website. Along with the verbal request, Marie also includes captured video of her computer scrolling through her website in order for them to join her.

Although this process is brief and short, it's an effective method to increase the conversion rate of people who opt in for your free lead magnet.

By including in your videos a video and audio CTA that directly informs viewers where they can visit to obtain your download in digital format in order to reach those who are taught by listening and seeing.

After all, our methods of learning, as well as how we learn from content differ. 45% of learners prefer learning with a visual method, 36% are more inclined to auditory while 19% are kinesthetic learners.

In addition, while 73% of students favor only one method of learning, there's an additional 22% that prefer learning using two different learning styles at the same time.

Therefore, by incorporating an explicit and verbal CTA within your videos' scripts and video videos, you'll increase your odds of attracting more downloads and emails.

Now, for those that prefer to read or see visual content without audio, our next tip spells out where to include these CTAs.

Step #3. Include an CTA throughout your YouTube channel

And lastly you should include your digital download CTA at a variety of spots on the YouTube page. Beginning with your YouTube's description.

Online business all-star, Amy Porterfield , includes a link to her no-cost Work from Home PDF in her video description.

Then, not only does Amy include the CTA and a hyperlink for her lead magnet, but she also adds an intriguing description of the audience the magnet is designed for.

Another important spot Amy includes her CTA and link is on her YouTube final screen.

What's amazing about the end screen is that you are able to include multiple CTAs that means you could ask your users to join your channel as well as your email list.

You can also use YouTube's end card options, which let you choose between circle and square connections.

Check out how renowned business expert, Brian Tracy , includes YouTube end card CTAs informing his followers to sign up to his channel and download his freebie.

Alternatively, you can include a link to the digital download you have purchased in your YouTube banner on your channel in the upper right.

That's what successful business coach Stephanie Wrona , uses in her YouTube channel's banner which links to her no-cost Online Business Planner lead magnet.

To add your CTA link to your banner  go into the "about" section, then hover on"links" in the "links" section after which click on the "edit" button. From there, click"+add" and click the "+add" button, and then type in your CTA and the link to the landing page you want to opt-in on.

Finally, you can connect your video to YouTube annotations or cards, they are pictures and text that are placed over your video.

A successful YouTuber and entrepreneur, Vanessa Lau, includes both a card and annotation asking her followers to take a look at her four ways to turn the Traffic on Your YouTube Channel into a Business lead magnet.

It's important to note that she included on the CTA into her script, to go along with the card and annotation.

Another tip to learn From Vanessa could be put a pinned message to your video, which will highlight your CTA such as:

That way, anyone perusing your blog comments will view your digital download.

If you want to see an additional annotation or card example, let's look again to Marie Forleo. When you click the annotation symbol at the top right corner of her YouTube video . . .

A card featuring Marie's free lead magnet will expand, so . . .

Which leads us to the How to Download Anything You Wish online download sign-up page.

It's pretty nice, isn't it?

It's possible to do it the same way.

To include the YouTube card as well as a link  to your YouTube video, simply click on in the "cards" box when making edits to the video. YouTube video. Once you have selected the kind of card you want to insert, click on your link and change your start time to the card that is below your video. Then add an CTA then select "save".

A note: If you're looking for a streamlined way to set up your entire email marketing funnel, sign up for 's 14-day trial, which is free of charge . The user-friendly dashboard makes everything from building your opt-in landing page to managing your emails an easy task.

But I digress.

In the end:

Include your digital download CTA by including a hyperlink in your YouTube description, end display, the channel's banner cards and annotations.

Grow your email list alongside your YouTube audience

After you've developed your lead magnet and leveraged all the hot spots to display the CTA on YouTube It's now time to see your list of email subscribers grow.

To recap:

It's crucial to expand both your email and YouTube subscriber lists so that you stay connected with your audience and connect them to your business and offers. In order to build an email subscriber list using YouTube take our three straightforward steps.

#1. Create a captivating digital download that can be used as a lead-generating tool to get email addresses. Make sure you create an appropriate piece of material based on your research into the needs of consumers.

#2. Include the CTA to download your complimentary lead magnet into your YouTube script and the video.

#3. Include the CTA and hyperlinks on your YouTube channel, including the description, end screen, channel banner card, annotations, as well as pinned comments.

We're looking forward to expanding your email lists and YouTube followers, as well as your the business.


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