3.0 - The Top WordPress LMS Plugin

Sep 29, 2022

3.0 is not just an upgrade 3.0 is a brand new online course format.

Within the software world, there are updates, and then there are game-changers.

It's the second.

Many months of investigation in design, development and research Now you can access the latest online learning platform currently on the market. Not just in WordPress however, but throughout the entire e-learning industry.

3.0 (or LD3) is a major transformation in the manner in which online classes are delivered and designed. Long overdue for this industry according to me.

It's almost impossible for me to discuss the new features in LD3 (and we all know that you'd rather be there and experience it for by yourself). But join me as I show you some of its highlights!

Visually impressive courses that learners will love and that give your brand a professional, well-lit image.

It's true that you could have incredible educational content, but if its presentation is not up to scratch, the presentation doesn't matter. The online course plugins as well as hosting courses are ineffective (and sometimes negligent) when it comes to this kind of thing.

Or, the experience of visuals is not enough with text, or it is it is not a contributing factor to an enjoyable learning experience.

Or, the templates are over-designed. The templates are competing with the rest of the website , it becomes uninteresting.

Both scenarios are lose-lose. Your students experience a bad educational experience while your business is ruined due to inexperience. If you're selling courses then this could even cause higher refund rates.

      is LD3's solution to this delicate balance for you.      

We collaborated with the instructional design experts 3.7Designs to bring you a course experience that is unlike anything else.

Each template has been made to let your content shine and it also helps retain your students engaged throughout the class.

A polished and professional presentation will give the impression of credibility and builds your reputation. What will separate your courses from other courses is the culmination of "little things", like:

  • Optimal course content display
  • Concise and useful profile
  • Clear navigation tracking
  • Multiple progress status points
  • Information, clear success and warning alerts
  • Simple materials presentation

We've taken care of these (and lots more) for our customers!

Literally every visual aspect that is in LD3 features an intelligent well-thought out design that will ensure both you and your students gain.

     If you are currently using  an older version of the software, you can activate the new designs by going to the LMS > SETTINGS and selecting 3.0 as the 3.0 template.

The time has come for our expectations of online courses to change. Focus Mode is the latest version. Focus Mode sets the bar higher.

My entire professional life has been in the e-learning industry. It has been thrilling to witness the growth in this space over the years, and I believe that the coming option will mark the beginning of a new trend in online learning.

Our research took us through each of the popular platforms for courses out there, from hosted solutions like Coursera and Teachable and other LMS WordPress plugins. We documented what they were doing right, and compared this against today's e-learning trends. Through this research we found a tremendous opportunity area that everyone has been missing.

What did you get?

A dedicated virtual learning environment that's unrivalled in the entire e-learning market. Students will be delighted (and it'll make your appearance very attractive).

      The introduction of Focus Mode!      

Simply by activating one setting you enable this distraction-free experience that is stunning and is easy to use. The Focus Mode feature has been designed to help increase both learner retention and course rate of completion.

And given the ever increasing role that mobile learning has been playing in education online, we took the time to ensure that your courses look just the same on mobile devices. This will give students a seamless experience regardless of how they access the content.

Learners can begin your course using their laptops and continue the place they left off using their mobile. Your course is guaranteed to be a hit because that of Focus Mode delivery method.

It's much more than an optimal delivery of content, the user-experience of Focus Mode is on another dimension. Learners can move in and out of Focus Mode for an enjoyable and seamless course experience.

      The best part is that you can personalize everything to match your brand!      

Your course is an extension of your business and your company, and We understand this. We are sure you will be pleased to know that you can customize Focus Mode so that it will work with your brand!

This includes the content table as well as progress bars, course navigation, Profiles certificates, downloads of the course, and more!

Pick your preferred colors, upload your logo, and in moments you will have your own customized learning experience. No developer needed.

Our focus wasn't only on the learning experience we also considered the journey that goes into getting on the course.

The WordPress plugin and theme environment make it extremely well-suited for online learning. Though despite all of the advantages to WordPress, there are still some pain-points.

The biggest obstacle could be user registration and log-in. We have taken care of the issue with LD3 using a more efficient user registration and login process. If you prefer to use the registration and login features and users are able to use the following experiences:

A simple, straight-forward procedure for signing into your site (or registration) to take a course. It is possible to customize the color and the logo in order to provide a consistent experience for your users.

The learner experience with LD3 is at an entirely different level, and so too is the course creation process!

When we started our LD3 project, we asked you, our customers, to find out exactly which aspects you think could be improved with . A huge thank-you to all who answered the phone to speak with us!

We didn't want the design to simply be excellent. We would like it to be top-quality, which is why we brought in the best UX/UI designers out there: 10up.

They took your feedback and put it into the overall experience for admins .

Though most settings have been reorganized and updated to include more relevant information, the largest adjustments are made in the form of the course and quiz creating process. We have rewritten our course and quiz builder so that they are not only the top of the line available, but also very user-friendly.

      Drag, Drop, and Move-on      

The sleek interface of LD3 course builder will create courses within minutes. If you have never created an online course before, then our course building experience can make you feel like a pro within a matter of minutes!

      You Can Reuse Content      

The only tool for creating courses that allows you to re-use the content from your course. There is no need to copy lessons or quizzes just to incorporate them into other courses. Select what you want and drag it over.

      Learners can add topics, lessons and Quizzes in a matter of minutes      

The course builder is comprised of numerous layers. This allows you to enhance the depth of your course content in ways that other platforms don't.

      Divide Course Content into Sections      

A course has always had classes, topics, and quizzes. The LD3 course has the possibility of further organizing your course by dividing your lessons up into sections.

The most modern quiz engine has just gotten better!

Assessments play a core part in online course. If your ability to take quizzes is limited then so too is your course. What good are the advanced quiz settings if you don't know how to use these settings?

The capabilities for quizzes are in a class by themselves, however your feedback rightfully pointed out that using these features required a simpler approach. The new quiz builder is the result of this feedback!

      Drag & Drop Quiz Builder      

When you've used this course maker, you'll understand immediately how to utilize the quiz builder in because the user interface is the same - significantly decreasing the learning time!

      Reuse questions in the Question Bank      

Like the course builder, which permits you to reuse lessons, the quiz builder permits you to reuse questions. But if you need to develop new questions, don't worry, we have the answers!

      Ask Questions Directly into the Builder      

It is now possible to quickly add new questions and configure their settings directly inside the builder! First you select your desired question type:

Once your question type is chosen, the settings will change so that you are able to start configuring the questions!

When your question is complete You can then make sure to add some results-related messages before moving onto your next question!

      Edit Questions Already Answered with ease      

Are you looking to modify something on the answers to your questions? No problem, the Quiz Builder makes this an easy task!

      And that's just scratching the top...      

There's so much that you can do with the quiz builder that I could write an entire article on it alone. The bottom-line is that you have an extremely efficient, yet nimble test engine right at your fingertips!

We want you to start exploring everything LD3 offers as quick as possible. Our Bootcamp and new documentation are able to help you with what you want!

Under LMS > OVERVIEW under OVERVIEW, you can find the Bootcamp fast and easy access to the tutorials as well as key assistance articles to ensure you are on the right track!

That's right, help is directly available in the program!

Below the Bootcamp (which could be hidden should you wish) you'll find useful articles, news, and access to documentation.

      In the context of the documentation...      

One thing that's often forgotten during an upgrade that is as large as LD3 is the fact that instantly all the documentation becomes outdated. The process of updating everything is an massive task.

Personally, I find most software documentation to have an unsatisfactory user experience. Many of them are all sorts of content piled onto the page, with little to no design or. Although LD3 is fantastic however, I did not expect it to fail because our help docs weren't up to that same standard of quality.

cannot be achieved without your help!

We would not be here today if you all didn't trust the WordPress LMS provider. I'm always amazed by the courses you create and concepts you offer. Thank you so much for selecting us, and for helping to make what we are the way it is today!

In addition, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the gifted people who contributed to LD3 over this time:

  • 10up for their UI/UX expertise
  • 3.7Designs is known for its innovative (and truly amazing) designs
  • Dave Warfel for his amazing documentary
  • Joe Casabona to create the Bootcamp
  • Muhammad Muhsin for helping to further customize the builders of tomorrow.
  • LD3 beta testers to help us to get LD3 up and running
  • We would like to thank our core devs for their ongoing work and commitment

Are you ready to upgrade your online course offerings?

Have you never registered? What are you waiting for? Join Us!