10 ways to get your act on the right track Jo Kelly Coaches People To be great actors online

May 8, 2024

Jo Kelly isn't your average acting teacher.

She doesn't actually use the phrase "teacher" at all "I do not teach individuals how to behave" she states. "I aid people with not acting."

Through exercises that mimic life in the real world, Jo coaches mainly actors as well as people of all kinds as well as non-artist "seekers" on the best ways for them to attain inner freedom and to become their true self. This way, performers are able to stop performing and become. "I am hoping to become a midwife more than a coach, because I assist people in coming back to their true self and be revived," she explains.

She believes the effectiveness of actors is the ability of their character and how they dedicate themselves completely to their character. "When the character is respected fully, the story gets being told, and audiences are impacted" she says.

With her distinctive style of teaching performers she assists her students tap into their childhood imagination, fascination and joy. What do they get? Live, authentic and authentic performances.

In the year 2016 Jo transitioned from in-person coaching to establishing an online-based business via . Since since then, she's led three consecutive educational journeys, and she's provided over an 8,000 people. Their students have enjoyed phenomenal success as a result of working alongside Jo and have also secured positions at some of the most prestigious studios in the game like Netflix, HBO, Disney, Showtime, ABC Studios and many more.

Here's her story of how she developed an online business in the field she's passionate about:

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She conducted her own research

Jo was a unique method to be an actor.

Born in Belgium She completed her MBA and then specialized on human resources management and the psychology behind systems. Later on she became involved in coaching for corporate clients. "The work environment was never my thing," she shares. "I chose to quit everything, move to Paris and begin afresh ."

One of the reasons that she chose to change her life was to try her hand in acting. It was something she was passionate of. She was devoted, committed, and put all of her energy and resources in getting the necessary skills to become the very best actress she could become.

However, despite her commitment to the art, she says that she was a decent actor, but she was not the best actor. Much like the majority of actors she suffered from stage phobia. "Most performers were suffering from similar fears," she says. "We were all extremely enthusiastic about acting, but when we were given the opportunity to be actors, we became afraid ."

The actress was interested to know what was blocking her, as well as other actors from being the very best actors. "My fascination turned into the focus of my life" she declares. "I would like to understand why actors who are determined and dedicated reduce the quality of their performances. ."

The following times, she delved into the reasons why actors feel restricted. The study came to the conclusion that whenever children are playing, they're free. When adults play similarly and aren't allowed their independence because of societal pressures. "When I discovered that I took the remainder of my day aiding actors to overcome perceptions of themselves to allow them to perform and let their authentic selves shine through by bringing out the childlike spirit they had previously," explains Jo.

She started her coaching

Jo's research-based experience prompted her to research various somatic techniques and methods that she later tried together with clients in private and group coaching in the first decade of 2000. After some time after that, her company was renamed to be Or Not To Act.

The people she coached were lacking responsibility. "No whatever dedication the people I worked with were, they shouldn't be asked to attend every single day. Although we met at least three times per week however, accountability was not there during breaks. It was common for people to drop the ball quickly if they weren't around me." explains Jo.

The idea was that online classes could help individuals remain consistent within their lives. She describes her online courses in terms of "journeys," and the first journey she takes participants on will be The Reset: From Resistance to Freedom The course was created in the year 2014. "I began to design The Reset so that I could hold hands of others during The 33 days that comprise The Reset," she explains.
    "Since the site is online the users can create their own way and create their own timetables."

Jo believes that we were naturally born with a unique nature. However, societal conditioning asks us to behave in a certain way, to think and act in in a certain manner. According to her, the goal is the goal of The Reset is for people to go through daily exercises that help them get rid of the conditioned and return to their natural instincts. Every day, in The Reset, Jo offers recorded exercises. In addition, she provides two Q&A sessions, and two pod-based group exercises, as well as a semi-Q&A session where she answers questions that are frequently asked within a Facebook private group.

The ability to alter the timing of an online experience lets Jo's participants take the sessions at any point in time, whether they are getting up, before they fall to sleep, or any time they have spare time throughout the day. "The greatest benefit is the fact that it is possible to tailor the sessions fit in with their daily routines," she explains.

The company was online that allowed her to enjoy in a way that was more convenient for her.

When Jo first started her online Reset journey Jo was running each day a class that she posted on her website. A couple of years later she switched to Reset after being urged to join the platform from her trainer. "You have people who know the way you're going, but I'm not" she says smiling.

The last couple of years since her entry into coaching via the internet Jo's lifestyle has changed. When she conducted her interview with us, she was calling from the hospital, where she was accompanied by her daughter. "Eight years ago my daughter was diagnosed with a genetic disease and needs hospital care each month" she explains.

" permits me to become a mom and take care of my entire family while also keeping an online business running during hospitalization, when my daughter receives her monthly transfusions" she says. "Working online allows me to charge of my daughter as I'd like, and also be at always at home with my daughter. I'm able to travel for hospital requirements, and be capable of having a job I love and enjoy without stressing me out ."

Her subsequent travels were her own creations.

When people are done with The Reset After completing The Reset, they are given an option to enroll in the three-month program named The Accurate Actor. The course is offered as a daily 3-hour class for twelve weeks. "The students in this class are a little more self-sufficient in regards to accountability and being accountable to themselves. They still have some rules that they need to adhere to each day, but they shouldn't rely on me to accomplish it; they have to think up their own plans which is the reason they are here." Jo writes.

Jo is also hosting Q&As during her Purposeful Actor Journey, which are scheduled every three weeks. When people are done with the Purpose journey and are prepared, they are able to enroll in a membership that is called BAMF Actors In Action, that is a an allusion to the Bad-Ass Mother F***ing Actors In Action. "I created this membership because people who had completed both the paths would want to work on their path," she says.

The membership program has been operating for four years. It offers a monthly content session, group activities through weekly pods, every month Q&A sessions with Jo the host along with a 6 hour summit every three months. "The membership program lets members choose what is the most efficient way for them to step out into the world, accomplish what they're supposed to accomplish, be connected with the workplace and create their own content and elevate the standard of their craft," she explains.

She was a musician's assistant for different kinds.

According to Jo, most of her clients during her sessions consist of actors. There are diverse kinds of artists like performers, writers, and musicians, and even regular folks who "want to overcome their physical capabilities," such as mothers and professionals like professional athletes, TV hosts, and therapy specialists. "Freedom is a concern to all who want to fully express their feelings," she says.

The journeys are conducted in English and also in English, they draw people all over the world. "We have people from different continents, however the majority of people come mostly from America, Europe, and Australia," she shares.

Most of her clients are within the age group 20-50. They also include people who are who are in the third phase of life, as well since it's not uncommon to have people aged 70 or 80s along with her travels.

Her clients did all the talking

In terms of marketing her experiences, Jo says the word gets spread via phrases of words.

The homepage of her site, she's included an on-line testimonial reel. It adds social proof to her website and increases the credibility of her efforts. Additionally, visitors to her website can subscribe to her newsletter via the website. In order to collect email addresses the author offers two trainings for free as lead magnets: Stop Trying To Be an Excellent Actor to Increase Your Chance to Be Excellent, and The Instinctive Actor. These workshops not only assist her in capturing her readers' details, they also offer participants a glimpse of the coach manner.

She also posts on her Instagram page, which has more than 10,000 followers. Her work also receives press via external sources, by interviewing individuals on podcasts, blogs, and magazines.

The client chose a cost which is reasonable.

Jo will do everything to provide her experiences to all, mainly because actors have a varying salary. "If you went to an acting class once per week, it would cost you anywhere from $300-$400. In the majority of cases it's just sitting there and watch other actors do scenes or give you an opportunity to take the stage" she continues.

"These trips online are cheaper," continues Jo. "The worth of our trips are 10 times more than the services we provide to our clients. ."

The Reset is priced under 1,000 USD. The Purposeful Actor costs $1,250 USD while membership costs $270 USD per month.

She was at the zenith of the greatest genius

Although she's the chief at To Be Or Not To Act, Jo is firm in her commitment to spend on all time in her area of excellence, which is coaching and making content. Jo does not believe she's tech-savvy and prefers to stay "in on the move" working at her absolute best. "The remaining tasks that run a business, aren't my forte since that's not my area of competence" she says.

Jo says her success is due by hiring a coach from early on. In the end, when she was ready to create permanent experiences, she decided to take a chance and purchase a course worth $20K in order to master the art of doing so. "It was an enormous amount of money, which meant I needed an installment loan to cover half of the amount. I'm glad I was able to do this," she explains.

She believes that it's possible for anyone to create a successful online course business. But, she also warns that this won't be something that is easy to accomplish.

"It takes dedication and persistence You must be really passionate about what you do. It's what I've ever done since changing jobs in my 20s, and it's my goal to do it every day. The passion for what I do makes me feel that, even in times of hard, I'm never going to give up. ."

The inspiration for her heart to create.

The author encourages entrepreneurs of online businesses to remain realistic about the hard work that's required in building a successful online company. The author suggests they take on the task if the subject they're teaching on is one that's near to their heart.

"The risk today is that once you start using social media, everybody is an expert, and everyone is selling you how possible it is to earn millions in just a couple of minutes but that's not the case," says Jo. "It is real that if there is something your passion, it is possible to reach people who are bigger than your own neighbors. But, this requires work as well as falling, before getting up. It takes getting coached as well as a lot of work and effort until your structure is constructed. ."

Like Jo If you establish a company from the inside of your mind This will help you develop the determination to stick with it--even through difficult times.

"An online business isn't merely a way to provide a job opportunity to earn money. It must be constructed by your spirit and the job you're supposed to perform. In the event that it isn't done, you'll fall off because it'll appear too heavy." The coach describes.

"If you're serious about it, then you'll have the ability to overcome any obstacles. If you're in the market to make quick cash, it won't be possible to handle the challenges. The best advice I can give you is to stick with what is very dear to you. It is essential to be the top for the work you're performing due to the huge number of competition. It is essential to be confident in your work ."

She remained in integrity with her craft

To answer questions regarding the current trends in online courses can be seen by 2024, Jo believes there's going to be an excess of online courses. She thinks that the primary distinction between "McDonald's" courses as well as those that are "gourmet" classes is that they are classes that were created by an expert with integrity.

"When you have an overabundance of something, it will result in two types of work online. There will be McDonald's type courses, and then there will be more reliable and gourmet classes. There will be plans for everyone to accomplish this or that with your life, however it won't be out of an authentic source. And there'll be those who've been doing it for a long time," she says.

To create the perfect gourmet dining experience, the chef's suggestion is to return to your center of your being.

"There is a huge potential to those who are driven by their hearts and desires to help others," she says. "The people who need your services are going to find them. ."

"I'm grateful for this opportunity, which gives us the ability to be a humans and focus on the things that matter to us. It's incredible."

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